History 02 Daily Class Notes
History 02 Daily Class Notes
History 02 Daily Class Notes
Ancient History
Lecture - 02
Paleolithic Age (Part-2)
Palaeolithic Age:
Palaeolithic = Palaeo (Old) + Lithic (Stone) i.e., Old Stone
Sites discovered throughout the country, except alluvial plains of Indus, Ganga and Yamuna (reasons might
be lack of excavations and dense forest region)
Purpose of Stone:
Making weapons for hunting.
For making hammers, cutting and boring activities.
Phase timeline: 2 mya – 10,000 BC (approx.)
Chotanagpur Plateau - The Palaeolithic tools, which could be as old as 1,00,000 B.C.
Kurnool district in Andhra-Pradesh - Tools belonging to 20,000 B.C. 10,000 B.C.
It was spread in practically all parts of India except:
Alluvial plains of the Indus and Ganga,
Southern Tamil Nadu
Hilly areas of the Western Ghats.
Lithic Ages:
Biological Changes:
Homoerectus became more bipedal.
Forelimbs are free now.
They became more convenient.
Cognitive Revolution:
It occurred between 70,000 to 30,000 years ago.
It allowed Homo sapiens to communicate.
Linguistic Background:
Linguistic survey was first proposed by George Abraham Greison.
Linguistic Survey of India (LSI) is a comprehensive survey of the languages of British India, describing
364 languages and dialects.
As per the LSI, there are approximately 180 languages and 550 dialects spoken by Indians.
Four waves of language:
Language Waves
Austro-Asiatic Tibeto-Burman Dravidian Indo-Aryan
2 types: Indian sub- Branch of Sino- Covers: Entire South Belong to the Indo-
continent + Tibetan language. India + North-East Sri Aryan family.
Austronesian. Family has 300 Lanka Genes found in Central
Indian Sub- languages. Earliest form of this Asia (Steppes).
continent: Spoken in the speech: Brahui (found in Probably Arya branch
Munda: Speak Himalayan belt, Pakistan) which split into 3 parts:
Santhali, found especially in Migration of Dravidian: Indo-Iranian: Spoken
in Jharkhand, North East states. Genetic view: came in Iran and earliest
Odisha. from the Middle east specimen found in Zend
Mon Khmer: around 30,000 years Avesta.
Khasi, Jaintia ago. Dardic: Kashmir,
and Nicobar Linguistic view: Eastern Afghanistan,
Island Came from Elam and N. Pakistan.
(SW Iran) around Indo-Aryan: spoken in
6,000 years ago. India, Pakistan,
Still spoken in Iran, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, etc.
and Turkmenistan.
Languages: Tamil,
Telugu, Malayalam.
Sub-branch: Oraon and
Kurukh spoken in
Note: Both Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman are older than Indo-Aryan and Dravidian languages but writing
was not developed in them.
Mesolithic Age:
End of the Ice Age and the Upper Paleolithic Age around 10000 BCE, the climate became warm and dry.
It was the intermediate stage.
There were changes in flora and fauna.
Made it possible for human beings to move to new areas.
The Mesolithic People lived on hunting, fishing, and food gathering.
At a later stage, they also domesticated animals
They practiced primitive agriculture.
They used fire and perhaps roasted food.
Lived in semi-permanent/temporary settlements along with occupying caves and open grounds.
Characteristic Tools: Microliths
They buried the dead and sometimes with grave goods (belief in life after death).
Size: 1 cm – 5 cm (Approx)
Miniature stone tools
Shapes: Both geometrical and non-geometrical shapes (E.g., Blade, core, point, triangle, trapeze, rhomboid,
lunate, etc.)
Materials: Crypto-crystalline silica stone. E.g., Chalcedony (for its higher water content + fibrous grain)
They were not only used as tools in themselves but were also used to make composite tools
Mesolithic Paintings:
The Mesolithic period witnessed behavioral and social and cultural modernity in Homo Sapiens which
was manifested in the creativity of visual representations, various kinds of artistic skills, and Mesolithic
rock art.
Artistic skill and the Mesolithic era initiated rock art in prehistory.
The people of the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic ages practiced arts.
Painting was the most remarkable among them.
Animals dominate the scenes.
Many birds, animals and human beings are painted.
No snakes are depicted in Mesolithic paintings.
Also, certain rock paintings give ideas about the development of religious practice along with reflecting the
division of labor on the basis of gender.
During the Mesolithic period, the themes were multiple, but the paintings are smaller in size.
Hunting scenes predominated.
The hunting scenes depict people hunting in groups, armed with barbed spears, pointed sticks, arrows and
In some paintings, these primitive men are shown with traps and snares, probably to catch animals.
The hunters are shown wearing simple clothes and ornaments.
In 1867, the first rock paintings in India were discovered at Sohagi Ghat (Kaimur Hills, MP) by an
Archaeologist Archibald Carlleyle 12 years before the discovery of Altamira in Spain (Site of oldest
rock painting in the world).
Now, over 150 Mesolithic rock art sites have been discovered across India with a rich concentration in Central
India such as:
Bhimbetka Caves (MP) [In 1957 VS Wakankar, Vikram University, Ujjain]
Jogimara (MP)
Kharwar (MP)
Jaora (MP)
Kathotia (MP)
Lakha Juar (MP)
Sundargarh and Sambalpur (Odisha)
Ezhuthu Guha (Kerala)
Lakhudiyar in Uttarakhand
Kupgallu in Telangana
Piklihal and Tekkalkotta in Karnataka
Singanpur near Raigarh (MP) in Kaimur ranges
Mirzapur district.
Mesolithic Sites:
The cultivation of plants around 7000-6000 B.C. is suggested in Rajasthan from a study of the deposits of the
former salt lake, Sambhar and Lunkaransar.
The Mesolithic culture continued to be important roughly from 9000 B.C. to 6000 B.C.
Additional Information:
A petroglyph is an image created by removing part of a rock surface
by incising, picking, carving, or abrading, as a form of rock art.
Other divisions are:
Pictographs: These are painted onto the surface
Earth figures: These are formed on the ground
First discovery of rock paintings in the world was made in India
(1867 68) by an Archaeologist, Archibald Carlleyle, twelve years
before the discovery of Altamira in Spain (site of oldest rock
paintings in the world).