Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Motion along a straight Position and Displacement
Average velocity and average speed
line Instantaneous velocity and speed
Constant acceleration: A special case
Physics 105; Fall 2009 Free fall acceleration
– Moving object is a
particle or moves like a
All depend on time
particle All are vectors: have direction and magnitude.
x =2
x(t=0) does not have to be 0
Straight line can be oriented
Horizontal, vertical, or at some angle x=
x = -6
or At rest
x = x2 -x1
x = -6
is negative Clock hits the ground at t = 9 s
Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 9 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 10
Lecture 2
=-8/9 m/s
-0.9 m/s
• Average speed
=8/9 m/s
0.9 m/s
• Instantaneous velocity
velocity v(t) is the Example of negative v
Velocity is positive in the same
slope of the direction as x is positive
tangent line to x(t)
Example of a constant
t changes
v(t) = at
with time !
v(t) is a straight line
v(t) is a function of
time ! 13 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 14
Lecture 2
Andrei Sirenko, NJIT
• Average speed
v(t) is a function of “moving armadillo”
Lecture 2 time ! Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 15 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 16
• Average acceleration Constant
• Instantaneous acceleration
(a > 0)
v(t) = v0 + at;
• Constant acceleration
x(t) - x0 = v0 t +at2/2
v (t) = 0 x does not change x(t) - x0 = 0
v0 = 0 v(t) = at; x(t) - x0 = at2/2
a=0 v(t) = v0; x(t) - x0 = v0 t
a0 v(t) = v0 + at; x(t) - x0 = v0 t +at2/2
help: t = (v - v0)/a x - x0 = ½(v 2- v02)/a
a = (v - v0)/t x - x0 = ½ (v + v0 )t
Acceleration and velocity are positive in the same
direction as displacement is positive
Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 19 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 20
Free Fall
Sample Problem
An elevator is initially stationary, then
moves upward (which we take the positive
direction of x), and then stops. Plot v as a
function of time.
(a) x(t) curve for an upward moving elevator
(b) v(t) curve for the cab. Note v = dx/dt!
(c) a(t) curve for the cab. Note a =dv/dt!
Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 23 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 24
Motion along a straight line
- the simplest type of motion
- the groundwork for more complex motion
Kinematical variables in one dimension
Position: x(t) meters
Velocity: v(t) meters/second
Acceleration: a(t) meters/second 2
Next Lecture:
Motion in 2D and 3D + Vectors Lecture QZ2
One dimension (1D) Three dimension (2D)
A rock is dropped from the height of 150 ft with
Position: x(t) m
no initial velocity. What is the rock’s speed after
Velocity: v(t) m/s Position: r(t) m
the first 2 seconds. (Neglect the air resistance).
Acceleration: a(t) m/s2
Hint: The free fall acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2
Velocity: v(t) m/s
(150 ft ? meters)
All are vectors: have direction and
magnitude. Acceleration: a(t) m/s2
• Utexas
Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 27 Lecture 2 Andrei Sirenko, NJIT 28