Pink Book 2017
Pink Book 2017
Pink Book 2017
for engineers and technicians
Foreword About this guide
Operating under a Royal Charter, the Engineering This pocket guide has been developed for use by all those
working within the professional engineering community. It
Council is charged with regulating the UK aims to provide key information about registration with the
engineering profession on behalf of society. Engineering Council and explains the relationship between
We hold the national Register of those who the many organisations working within this community.
have satisfied their peers of their competence More detailed information and other Engineering Council
publications are available on the internet.
and commitment as Engineering Technicians,
Incorporated Engineers, Chartered Engineers and The guide has been produced in both hard copy and online
as an ebook. Whilst data contained in the hard copy was
ICT Technicians. We set the education standards correct (as supplied to the Engineering Council) at the time
for engineering programmes that provide the of publication, subsequent changes are inevitable. The
underpinning knowledge and understanding Engineering Council will endeavour to keep the ebook version
required to practise engineering, as well as setting up to date as changes are notified to the organisation, but
cannot be held responsible for incorrect data. Therefore, it is
standards for professional development. We can advisable to check the primary source of information before
only achieve this through the commitment of acting upon any of the information provided.
the entire professional engineering community, Should you come across incorrect information contained within
supported by academics and employers. this guide, please contact with an
Professional registration provides the benchmark
which allows the public to have confidence and
trust that the engineers and technicians on our
Register have met globally recognised professional Contents
Engineering Council 4
Nearly a quarter of a million men and women are
currently listed on our Register. However, the UK The professional engineering community 6
has an ageing population, and with the number of Professional registration 8-11
registrants aged over 60 representing more than a
third of those on the Register, we must work hard How to become professionally registered 12-14
to maintain a talent pipeline to meet future skills The Standards 15-17
requirements. We therefore welcome the joint Accreditation and approval 18
initiatives that are underway to ensure that more
people enter professional engineering careers and Work-based degree programmes leading to registration 19
that those who are already professionally registered Registration fees 20
remain so throughout their working life. This is
International recognition 21
a strategic imperative for the nation, if we are to
meet the engineering, safety and technological Guidance for professional engineers 22-24
needs of the future. Table of licensed institutions 26-27
Alasdair Coates BEng(Hons) MSc CEng FICE MCIHT CMIOSH Professional engineering institutions 29-63
CEO, Engineering Council Professional Affiliates 64-86
Useful weblinks 88
Engineering Council publications 89
2 3
Engineering Council
Established in 2002. Earliest forebears: Council of Engineering International representation of engineers
Institutions (1965) and Engineering Council UK (2002). The Engineering Council continually works to increase
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1981. recognition of its registrants. As an active member of the
profession’s international organisations and agreements, it
As the UK regulatory body for the engineering profession, represents the interests of UK engineers and technicians and
the Engineering Council sets and maintains internationally exerts strong influence internationally, which benefits individuals,
recognised standards of professional competence and businesses and the UK system of engineering education. For
ethics. These are detailed in the UK Standard for Professional more information on international activity please click here
Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).
Mission: To maintain internationally recognised standards of Governance
competence and commitment for the engineering profession, The Engineering Council is governed by a 22 member Board
and to license competent institutions to champion the standards of Trustees, who are appointed in accordance with its Bye-laws.
for the deliverance of public benefit. Fifteen are appointed to represent the licensed professional
engineering institutions, and seven are appointed by
Vision: That society continues to have confidence and trust in EngineeringUK to represent industry. Much of the organisation’s
the engineering profession. work is undertaken through committees and panels, comprising
wide representation from the profession, and the assistance of
Companies House Incorporation number: RC000779 numerous volunteers.
Registered Charity number: 286142
4 5
The professional
engineering community
The sheer size and diversity of engineering in the UK means of other bodies to represent, promote and support the
that no one professional body can represent the whole sector. profession, while ensuring that UK registered engineers and
For this reason, there are currently over 50 organisations technicians maintain the highest standards and reputation
with such an interest, known informally as the professional globally. The Engineering Council is part of this community,
engineering community. They work both collectively and which also comprises the following bodies:
individually with government, industry, academia and a range
21 Professional
• EngineeringUK promotes engineering EngineeringUK • Professional Affiliates are closely
and engineering careers Affiliates affiliated with, but not licensed by, the
• Focuses on the learners (and Engineering Council
influencers) via The Big Bang UK • Similar to licenced institutions as
Young Scientists & Engineers Fair and independent learned societies
Tomorrow’s Engineers that promote and advance specific
• Produces the annual report on the engineering disciplines
state of engineering in the UK • Can process members for registration
• Coordinates a unified voice for through agreements with licensed
engineering to the public institutions.
• Charitable body core funded by
registered engineers and technicians.
6 7
Professional registration
What is professional registration? Benefits for employers:
Professional registration is: The many benefits for organisations of employing
• Recognition, through membership of a relevant professional professionally registered engineers and technicians are
engineering institution, that an individual’s competence and explained in more detail on the Engineering Council’s website.
commitment has been assessed, and they have attained the These include:
standard required for admission to the national Register at • Globally accepted third party competence assurance for
the appropriate level – EngTech, IEng, CEng and ICTTech customers and clients
• Open to any competent practising engineer or technician, • Increased technical and managerial credibility
with different levels and pathways to registration available • Assurance that the employee has satisfied a rigorous
• Developed to provide a progressive registration structure. assessment of their engineering competence
• Confirmation that the engineering credentials being claimed
are actually held
Why register? • Internationally recognised titles enable greater flexibility in
The post-nominals EngTech, IEng, CEng or ICTTech provide staff mobility
benefits for individuals, including: • Positive impact on recruiting and retention, and indication of
• Greater influence within own organisation and industry commitment to staff
• Demonstration of work ethic valued by employers and • Possible mitigation of potential liabilities if an accident or
customers incident occurs
• Improved career prospects and employability • Knowledge that registered employees have a personal
• International recognition of competence and commitment obligation to abide by a code of conduct
• Evidence of expertise and hard work • Enhanced company reputation through ethical behaviour
• Higher earning potential • A means to satisfy requirements of Quality Management
• Enhanced status leading to higher self-esteem Systems eg ISO 9001:2008.
• Recognition as authorised countersignatory.
To read first-hand experience of how registration has Benefits for society:
benefitted the careers of professional engineers across • Society can have confidence in the work of engineers and
numerous sectors, click here to view our case studies. engineering technicians whether they operate in the UK
or globally
• Assurance of ethical and sustainable behaviour.
8 9
The four categories of professional registration
10 11
How to become
professionally registered
The first step to registration is membership of one of the Routes to registration: There are two routes to professional
professional engineering institutions licensed to assess registration, depending on whether you hold exemplifying
candidates, or a Professional Affiliate with the relevant qualifications. For those holding exemplifying qualifications,
registration agreement. These are listed in this guide and on the flowchart below maps the process. However, many
the Engineering Council’s website. applicants who do not hold such qualifications achieve
registered status via an individual assessment route, where an
The institution will assess the individual’s qualifications, training
individual assessment of their knowledge and understanding is
and experience against UK-SPEC or ICTTech requirements and
undertaken by their professional engineering institution.
advise if anything further is required. Many institutions can also
help with finding a suitable mentor. 1. Individual assessment
Individually assessed applicants have a number of ways
The assessment process – known as a professional review – starts
of demonstrating the required level of knowledge and
with a written application based on the requirements of the
understanding, including completing appropriate work-based
institution. A detailed description of the format for this will be
or experiential learning, writing a technical report or taking
provided by the institution. For IEng and CEng, a professional
appropriate further qualifications.
review interview is mandatory. Once the registration criteria
have been met, the institution will submit a registration form to
the Engineering Council on behalf of the candidate.
Approved Level 3
Qualifications or Approved
Development and
review for
HND/FD or Approved Further Learning to
NVQ4/SVQ4 Bachelors Level
Further Learning to
Bachelors (Honours) Degree
Masters Level or Accredited
accredited as partially
Masters Degree
meeting the educational
or Accredited
requirement for CEng
Engineering Doctorate
12 13
The Standards
2. With an accredited degree or approved qualification
Individuals holding an accredited degree may apply for UK-SPEC and ICTTech Standard
registration via the exemplifying qualifications route. Professional registration with the Engineering Council is
Applicants can check whether their course is accredited and based on demonstration of competence and commitment.
learn more here. If a degree is not accredited, the engineering The UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence
institution can carry out an individual assessment of the (UK-SPEC) describes the competence and commitment
applicant’s knowledge and understanding and advise whether requirements that have to be met for registration as an
further learning is required. EngTech, IEng or CEng. The ICTTech Standard provides
the same information, but for ICTTech registration. Both
Individuals holding an approved qualification or Apprenticeship Standards include examples of activities that could
may apply for EngTech or ICTTech registration via the demonstrate achievement of the professional registration
exemplifying qualifications route. Applicants can check requirements, to enable individuals and employers to find
whether their qualification or Apprenticeship is approved out whether they or their staff can meet the requirements.
and learn more here. If it is not approved, the engineering Academic and vocational qualifications that exemplify the
institution can carry out an individual assessment of the required knowledge and understanding are also listed,
applicant’s knowledge and understanding and advise whether however, it should be noted that there are other ways of
further learning is required. demonstrating achievement.
Eligibility UK-SPEC and the ICTTech Standard also contain an
Professional registration is open to everyone who can: explanation of the steps necessary to achieve professional
• Demonstrate both competence to perform professional work registration; the requirement to maintain and enhance
to the necessary standards, and commitment to maintain competence once registered; and the obligations to act
their competence with integrity and in the public interest that are placed
• Work within professional codes on registrants through their membership of a licensed
• Participate actively within the profession. professional engineering institution.
Academic and vocational qualifications can provide an
indication of eligibility for the different categories of What is competence?
registration, because they demonstrate a candidate’s level of Competence is the ability to carry out a task to an effective
knowledge and understanding. standard. To achieve it requires the right level of knowledge,
understanding and skills and a professional attitude.
However, all round professional competence will be the Competence is developed by a combination of formal and
deciding factor, and there are several other ways in which informal learning, and training and experience. There are
the required knowledge, understanding and skills can be five generic areas of competence and commitment for all
demonstrated for applicants without the relevant qualifications. registrants, broadly covering:
These can be found in UK-SPEC for EngTech, IEng or CEng • Knowledge and understanding
and in the ICTTech Standard for ICTTech. Licensed professional
engineering institutions can also advise candidates once they • Design and development of processes, systems, services
have assessed their qualifications, training and experience. and products
• Responsibility, management or leadership
• Communication and inter-personal skills
• Professional commitment.
What is commitment?
Registered engineers and technicians demonstrate a personal
and professional commitment to society, their profession and
the environment. They are required to show that they have
adopted a set of values and behaviours that will maintain
and enhance the reputation of the profession. To become
registered they must provide evidence of:
• Complying with codes of conduct
• Managing and applying safe systems of work
• Undertaking engineering activities in a way that contributes
to sustainable development
• Carrying out Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
necessary to maintain and enhance competence
• Actively participating within the profession.
14 15
Maintaining and enhancing competence Guidelines for Institution Codes of Conduct
Candidates applying for professional registration must be All registrants are expected to observe the requirements of the
committed to maintaining and enhancing their competence. Code of Conduct of the institution they have joined.
They will be required to show evidence that they have taken The Code of Conduct of each licensed professional engineering
steps to ensure this, and that they intend to continue to do so in institution shall place a personal obligation on its members to
line with the CPD Code for Registrants. This is an important part act with integrity and in the public interest. It should be worded
of recognition as a registered engineer or technician, and it is in such a way as to encourage members to act in accordance
important that anyone seeking registration recognises that this with the Statement of Ethical Principles published by the Royal
will entail obligations and an ongoing commitment. Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Council.
CPD Code for Registrants Institutions shall ensure that they have appropriate disciplinary
Engineering Technicians, Incorporated Engineers, Chartered processes that comply with this Engineering Council Guidance
Engineers and ICT Technicians should take all necessary steps in place to deal with breaches of their Codes of Conduct.
to maintain and enhance their competence through Continuing Specifically, Codes of Conduct should oblige members to:
Professional Development (CPD). In particular they should:
1. Act with due skill, care and diligence and with proper
1. Take ownership of their learning and development needs
regard for professional standards
and develop a plan to indicate how they might meet these, in
discussion with their employer, as appropriate 2. Prevent avoidable danger to health or safety
2. Undertake a variety of development activities, both 3. Prevent avoidable risk to both physical and cyber security
in accordance with this plan and in response to other 4. Act in accordance with the principles of sustainability,
opportunities which may arise and prevent avoidable adverse impact on the environment
3. Record their CPD activities and society
4. Reflect upon what they have learned or achieved through 5. Maintain and enhance their competence, undertake only
their CPD activities and record these reflections professional tasks for which they are competent, and
5. Evaluate their CPD activities against any objectives which they disclose relevant limitations of competence
have set and record this evaluation 6. Accept appropriate responsibility for work carried out under
6. Review their learning and development plan regularly their supervision
following reflection and assessment of future needs
7. Treat all persons fairly and with respect
7. Support the learning and development of others through
activities such as mentoring, and sharing professional 8. Encourage others to advance their learning and
expertise and knowledge. competence
9. Avoid where possible real or perceived conflict of interest,
mycareerpath® and advise affected parties when such conflicts arise
mycareerpath® is an online tool for engineers and technicians 10. Observe the proper duties of confidentiality owed to
to plan, record and evaluate their professional development appropriate parties
(PD). Users can record activities and experience that 11. Reject bribery and all forms of corrupt behaviour, and make
contribute to their PD and build up a body of evidence that positive efforts to ensure others do likewise
can be updated, printed and sent to colleagues or institutions
for online review and comments. mycareerpath® is aligned 12. Raise a concern about a danger, risk, malpractice or
with UK-SPEC for EngTech, IEng, CEng and the ICTTech wrongdoing which affects others (‘blow the whistle’), and
Standard for ICTTech. support a colleague or any other person to whom you have
a duty of care who in good faith raises any such concern
mycareerpath® is managed by the Engineering Council,
and many licensed professional engineering institutions and 13. Assess and manage relevant risks and communicate these
Professional Affiliates are currently licensed to offer the system appropriately
to their members. 14. Assess relevant liability, and if appropriate hold professional
For more information please visit indemnity insurance
mycareerpath 15. Notify the Institution if convicted of a criminal offence or
upon becoming bankrupt or disqualified as a Company
16. Notify the Institution of any significant violation of the
Institution’s Code of Conduct by another member.
16 17
Accreditation and approval Work-based degree
programmes leading
Accreditation of degrees
to registration
Flexible, work-based Bachelors and Masters degrees in
Professional Engineering, leading to IEng or CEng registration,
are offered by a number of universities, supported by the
Accreditation offers a mark of assurance that a degree licensed professional engineering institutions.
programme will provide a student with some or all of the
The individually tailored programmes are designed around UK-
underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills that will set
SPEC and integrate learning in the workplace with supervised
them in good stead for eventual professional registration. The
work-based professional development. This enables individuals
standards in UK-SPEC have been adopted by the UK Quality
to gain the necessary academic qualifications and, with the
Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HE) as the subject
support of a mentor, to develop the required competence for
benchmark statement for engineering.
professional registration without needing to leave employment.
Degree programmes may be accredited by one or more of the
The framework for this pathway was developed as part of a
22 professional engineering institutions licensed to do so by the
government funded initiative ‘Gateways to the Professions’.
Engineering Council. Importantly, engineering employers as well
as academics are involved in the setting of standards, in advising Full details and a list of universities currently offering
on programme developments, in reviewing degrees and in the the programmes can be found at:
decision-making process about whether to confer accredited engineeringgateways
degree status. Accredited status confers market advantage to
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and provides a structured
and rigorous mechanism ensuring the quality and relevance Toolkit for universities
of degree programmes, and the opportunity for licensed A toolkit for universities interested in adopting the
professional engineering institutions and HEIs to work together Engineering Gateways model has been developed with
for mutual benefit and public good. funding from the National HE STEM programme’s workforce
For more information, or to see which degree programmes development programme.
partially or fully satisfy the education requirement for IEng The toolkit is available by clicking on the toolkit image on
and CEng registration, please visit:
Approval of qualifications and programmes
18 19
Registration fees International recognition
2017 Annual Registration Fees Professional registration with the Engineering Council is open
Title Final Stage Interim Stage Retired/
to anyone who is able to demonstrate they have attained the
Hardship (Final relevant competences, regardless of nationality or location.
Stage Only)* The main focus of the organisation’s international activity falls in
EngTech £18.40 £13.50 £8.20 two areas:
• Ensuring that the standards set in the UK are globally
IEng £32.00 £13.50 £14.30
CEng £37.90 £13.50 £17.10 • Facilitating the international mobility of engineering
ICTTech £18.40 £13.50 £8.20 professionals.
*Criteria for the payment of reduced fees are at the discretion of the To do this, the Engineering Council works with numerous
registrant’s professional engineering institution national, regional and international engineering organisations
on a number of specific mutual recognition agreements and
European laws which support acceptance of registration
2017 Registration Entry Fee overseas.
Title Final Stage Interim Stage The Engineering Council is a founder member of the
International Engineering Alliance (IEA), an umbrella group that
EngTech £17.00 £10.10 oversees six international agreements relating to the recognition
IEng £41.60 £10.10 of standards for the accreditation of engineering education and
professional engineering competence.
CEng £49.20 £10.10
This includes, acting as the UK signatory to three international
ICTTech £17.00 £10.10 education accords. These agreements provide signatory
NB. The registration entry fee includes the first year’s registration fee. bodies with a mechanism for mutual recognition of processes
for the accreditation of engineering education programmes,
such as degree courses and Apprenticeships, and can lead to
How the fees are used exemption from the education requirement for registration in
Initially the fees are paid to the institution through which each of the signatory countries.
the individual is registered. The institution then passes Within Europe, the Engineering Council is the UK National
them on to EngineeringUK, who in turn make a grant to the Member of the European Federation of National Engineering
Engineering Council to keep the standards under review, Associations (FEANI), which aims to facilitate the mutual
operate the Register and quality assure the licensed institutions. recognition of engineering qualifications in Europe and to
The remaining sum is used by EngineeringUK to promote strengthen the position, role and responsibility of engineers
the engineering profession. This includes producing the in society. The Engineering Council is also a founder member
EngineeringUK report, supporting the Tomorrow’s Engineers of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering
programme and The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Education (ENAEE), which promotes mutual recognition of
Fair. engineering education programmes accredited to a European
Lapsed registration Further information can be found in the international
A registrant may be reinstated to the Register, but may be activity section on the Engineering Council website.
required to pay an administrative fee and/or any outstanding
fees or even undertake a Professional Review depending on
how long the registration has lapsed. For further details on
reinstatements and the process for readmission to the Register,
please contact your institution.
20 21
Guidance for professional
engineers and technicians
The Engineering Council has produced guidance material Risk
for professional engineers and technicians on their role Risk is inherent in the activities undertaken by engineering
and responsibilities in dealing with sustainability, risk, professionals, and members of the profession have a
whistleblowing and ethics. Each publication is available significant role to play in managing and limiting risk. All
online and, in limited numbers, in print. They are all fully professional engineers and technicians are under a personal
compatible with UK-SPEC, and include principles to guide obligation to maintain and enhance their competence in their
and motivate. Wallet cards are also available that have the area of practice. The generic, top level and profession-wide
guidance principles on risk printed on one side and principles Guidance on Risk establishes principles to help professional
on sustainability printed on the other. If you would like some, engineers and technicians ensure that risk is an important
please contact us on consideration in all their engineering activity. The six principles
help to guide in identifying, assessing, managing and
communicating about risk.
Ethical principles
Developed in collaboration with the Royal Academy
of Engineering and a number of licensed professional ENGINEERING COUNCIL
Guidance on Risk
for the Engineering Profession
Security can be defined as the state of relative freedom
for the Engineering Profession
from threat or harm caused by deliberate, unwanted,
hostile or malicious acts. It operates on a number of levels
ranging from national security issues to countering crime.
Guidance of security sets out six principles to guide engineers and technicians in identifying, assessing, managing and
communicating issues about security.
dd 1
key facts card
EC033 security
22 23
Licensed professional
engineering institutions
Professional engineers and technicians are increasingly The Engineering Council’s Royal Charter empowers it to give
required to play a leadership role in sustainable development, formal recognition to those engineering related professional
overcoming global challenges such as depletion of resources, bodies which satisfy criteria set down in its Bye-laws.
environmental pollution, rapid population growth and damage Whilst there are numerous technical provisions to be
to ecosystems. Guidance on Sustainability describes the role assessed, the principal requirements are that a licensed
of engineers and technicians in relation to sustainability. Six engineering institution is deemed to have sufficient
principles are provided to help professional engineers and experience, procedures and resources to undertake the
technicians meet their obligations as they seek to achieve following tasks:
• Assess the competence and commitment of candidates for
• Monitor the continuing professional development of
• Monitor the conduct of registrants.
Professional engineering institutions may also be licensed
to accredit academic programmes and professional
development schemes.
Benefits of membership
There are many benefits of membership with a professional
for the Engineering Profession licensed institution, including:
• Recognition of the member’s professional status, which may
include post-nominals
• Support and guidance with ongoing professional
development, including registration
• Technical regional events, seminars, conferences, webinars
Whistleblowing often at a special rate
Whistleblowing is defined by the UK Whistleblowing • Monthly journals and other technical publications
Commission as ‘the raising of a concern, either within the • Access to technical library
workplace or externally, about a danger, risk, malpractice or
wrongdoing which affects others’. Guidance on Whistleblowing • Careers advice
provides support to engineers and technicians when • Health and legal advice
confronted by a potential whistleblowing situation. It sets out • Specialist interest groups
the processes that engineers and technicians should follow in
• Networking opportunities
raising such a concern, and where to get advice.
• Access to online resources in ‘members only’ areas
• Awards and prizes.
Membership benefits can vary between institutions. For a full list
of what each individual institution offers please visit the relevant
Please note that all registration numbers on the following
pages are correct as at 31 December 2016. They represent
fee-paying, final stage registered members only.
24 25
Professional engineering institutions licensed
to award professional registration
Data in the table is subject to change or addition, please refer For more information on Professional Affiliates click here or visit
to the Engineering Council’s website for the most up to date the Engineering Council’s website for further details.
Although Professional Affiliates are not granted licences to = institute can assess candidates for registration
award professional registration, they may register their members s = institute can accredit academic course(s)
through an agreement with one of the licensed professional l = institute can approve qualifications and programmes
engineering institutions listed below.
H = institute can accredit/approve professional development
page EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech page EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
26 27
Professional Engineering Institutions - the first step to The Chartered
becoming professionally registered Institute for IT (BCS)
The first step to becoming professionally registered with the Established in 1957. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1984.
Engineering Council as an EngTech, IEng, CEng or ICTTech is
membership of a licensed professional engineering institution. Sector: IT
The institution will act as the awarding body for your registration.
When choosing which institution to contact it is best to join About: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is a trusted,
one closest to the discipline of engineering you work in. They powerful and positive reference point for the IT sector within
will be best placed to assess your competence for professional wider society. The Institute is committed to making IT good
registration. If you find that there are two or three suitable for society by giving IT professionals a voice on the important
institutions, you might wish to join more than one, or contact all issues and empowering them to drive a positive change in the
those suitable to choose which best meets your needs. industry. We do this by promoting excellence, leadership and
Members: Members include: IT practitioners; businesses;
academics; and students.
Approximate number of members: 75,000
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Registered 170 5,293
Contact details:
Institute Group Chief Executive: Paul Fletcher FBCS
First Floor, Block D, North Star House, North Star Avenue,
Swindon SN2 1FA
+44 (0)1793 417 424
Companies House No: RC000724 Registered Charity number: 292786
28 29
British Institute of Chartered Institution of
Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
First established in 1954 as Society of Non-Destructive Testing. First established in 1897 as Institution of Heating and Ventilation
Incorporated in 1969. Engineers. Merged with Illuminating Engineering Society in 1976.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1976.
Sector: Non-destructive testing and condition monitoring
Sector: Building services engineering
About: BINDT is the professional institute for all those
engaged in non-destructive testing (NDT) and condition About: CIBSE is the standard setter and authority for
monitoring. It is concerned with the education, training and building services engineering. It publishes guidance and
professional development of people and the advancement of codes which are internationally recognised as authoritative,
the science and practice of the field of NDT. and sets the criteria for best practice in the profession. The
Institution speaks for the profession and so is consulted by
There are many different forms of NDT, but the principle government on matters relating to construction, engineering
methods are: radiography; ultrasonic; eddy current; leak and sustainability. It is represented on major bodies and
testing; acoustic emission; liquid penetrant; and magnetic organisations which govern construction and engineering
particle. NDT is applied to all engineering materials and occupations in the UK, Europe and worldwide.
products, including metallic, plastic and composite materials in
the cast, fabricated and wrought conditions. Mission: To support the science, art and practice of building
services engineering, by providing our members and the
Mission: To promote the advancement of the science and public with first class information and education services and
practice of non-destructive testing, condition monitoring, promoting the spirit of fellowship which guides our work.
diagnostic engineering and all other associated materials and
quality testing disciplines. Members: Members include engineers and technicians
working in the field of heating; ventilating; electrical wiring;
Members: Members are those who work in or have an interest acoustics; telecommunications; security; fire; safety; internal
in NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic engineering, or transportation; public health; and facilities management. In
materials and quality testing in general. addition, individuals may work on the design, manufacture,
Approximate number of members: 1,700 installation or maintenance of systems.
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Approximate number of members: 21,000
to award: Registration agreements with other institutions:
Registered 373 210 113 Institute of Refrigeration (IoR).
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Grades of Membership: Corporate; Affiliate; Associate
Member (AMInstNDT); Member (MInstNDT); Fellow (FInstNDT). Registered 713 1,149 6,101
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including sector-
specific groups such as ‘aerospace’ and ‘trade’ (supply Registered via 3 2 2
chain) and technical discipline-specific groups, for example:
thermography; vibration analysis; guided wave testing; and air
tightness testing. Grades of Membership: Companion; Affiliate; Student;
Graduate; Licentiate (LCIBSE); Associate (ACIBSE);
Member Benefits Member (MCIBSE); Fellow (FCIBSE).
Structure: Nine branches in the UK; one branch in North Societies: The Society of Light and Lighting (SLL); the
America. Society of Public Health Engineers (SoPHE); the Society of
Façade Engineering (SFE); and the Institute of Local Exhaust
Contact details: Ventilation Engineers (ILEVE).
Chief Executive Officer: Cameron Sinclair BSc CEng MInstNDT
Member Benefits
Midsummer House, Riverside Way, Bedford Road,
Northampton NN1 5NX Structure: 16 regions in the UK; four overseas in Australia and
New Zealand, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland and the United
+44 (0)1604 438 300 Arab Emirates.
Companies House No: 969051 Registered Charity number: 260666 Contact details:
Chief Executive: EUR ING Stephen Matthews CEng FCIBSE FIMechE
222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS
+44 (0)20 8675 5211
Registered Charity number: 278104
30 31
Chartered Institution of Chartered Institute of Plumbing
Highways & Transportation (CIHT) and Heating Engineering (CIPHE)
Established in 1930. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2009. First established in 1906 as Institute of Plumbers.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2008.
Sector: Highway, transport and traffic engineering
Sector: Plumbing and heating
About: CIHT is a charity, learned society and membership
body. The Institution is the leading voice for the transport About: CIPHE is the UK’s professional body for people who
infrastructure profession and a prime source of advice work in the plumbing and heating industry. The Institute’s
for national and local government and other strategic prime objective is to improve the science, practice and
stakeholders when they are seeking technical expertise and principles of plumbing and heating engineering for the public
knowledge to guide future policy and investment. interest.
Mission: To be committed to excellence; support our members Mission: To operate as an independent technical and
and advance their professional standing; inspire lifelong professional focal point, and be a catalyst for the plumbing
learning; generate and share knowledge and demonstrate and heating industry by providing technical and professional
transport infrastructure’s contribution to a prosperous economy standards, expertise, education and technical innovation to the
and a healthy and inclusive society. operatives within its scope.
Vision: Word-class transportation infrastructure and services. Vision: To create an environment in which the public will
Members: CIHT represents and qualifies professionals who receive the benefit of a protected environment and enhanced
plan, design, build, manage and operate transport and sustainability together with improved safety and health through
infrastructure, embracing all aspects of transport infrastructure the provision of correctly installed, commissioned, maintained
while continuing to value its roots in highway engineering. and decommissioned plumbing and heating systems.
Members work for transport consultancies, contractors, local Members: Members include: plumbers; qualified owner
authorities, and in research and academia. managers; sole proprietors; designers; lecturers; inspectors;
Approximate number of members: 14,000 and consultants. The Institute has a category for students who
are studying for an accredited qualification in plumbing or
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech heating engineering.
to award:
Approximate number of members: 7,500
Registered 47 232 649
members: Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Grades of Membership: Student; Apprentice; Graduate Registered 1010 109 -
(GradCIHT); Associate (AMCIHT); Member (MCIHT); members:
Fellow (FCIHT).
Specialist interest groups: A number of specialist areas are Grades of Membership: Trainee; Affiliate; Companion
represented through CIHT’s technical panels. The Society (Comp CIPHE); Associate (ACIPHE); Member (MCIPHE);
of Road Safety Auditors (SoRSA) is a large specialist interest Fellow (FCIPHE).
group with an active membership of around 300. Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: education
Member Benefits and training; renewable energy; safe water.
Structure: 12 UK regions; three international regions. Member Benefits
Structure: Over 20 branch network groups in the UK; a branch
Contact details: in Hong Kong.
Chief Executive: Sue Percy BSc MA MRTPI
119 Britannia Walk, London N1 7JE Contact details:
Chief Executive: Kevin Wellman EngTech FCIPHE RP MCGI FCMI MIoD
+44 (0)20 7336 1555 FInstLM
64 Station Lane, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 6NB
Companies House No: RC000835
Registered Charity number: 1136896/SC040973 +44 (0)1708 472 791
Companies House No: RC000822 Registered Charity number: 1124517
32 33
Chartered Institution of Water and Energy Institute (EI)
Environmental Management (CIWEM) First established in 1926 as the Institute of Fuel.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2003.
First established in 1987, a merger of Institution of Public Health
Engineers, Institution of Water Engineers and Institute of Water
Sector: Energy
Pollution Control. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1994.
About: EI is the leading chartered professional membership
Sector: Water and environmental management
body for the energy industry, supporting over 23,000
individuals working in or studying energy and 200 companies
About: CIWEM is a professional body for the water and
worldwide. The EI provides learning and networking
environment sector. It represents and supports a community
opportunities to support professional development, as
of thousands of members globally, dedicated to improving
well as professional recognition and technical and scientific
water and environmental management and associated social
knowledge resources on energy in all its forms and
and cultural issues. Through its professional expertise CIWEM
provides valuable advice on policy and practice, giving
independent guidance for government, academia, the media Mission: To develop and disseminate knowledge, skills and
and the public. good practice towards a safe, secure and sustainable energy
system. In fulfilling this mission, the EI addresses the depth and
As an independent charity CIWEM champions professional
breadth of the energy sector, from fuels and fuel distribution
standards, impartiality and the use of scientific evidence in the
to health and safety, sustainability and the environment. It
management of the environment.
also informs policy by providing a platform for debate and
Members: Members are employed throughout the scientifically-sound information on energy issues.
environment sector, including: senior management;
Members: Members encompass the full range of energy
engineering and scientific posts in local authorities; water
industry sectors including: oil; gas; solid fuel; renewables; and
companies; regulatory bodies; consultants; contractors;
nuclear. EI is uniquely placed to offer a natural home to those
government departments; universities; environmental and
employed in any part of the energy sector and in any role.
conservation organisations; and the private sector of industry.
Approximate number of members: Over 23,000
Approximate number of members: 9,000
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech to award:
to award:
Registered 22 143 1,849
Registered 13 230 843 members:
34 35
Institution of Institution of
Agricultural Engineers (IAgrE) Civil Engineers (ICE)
Established in 1938. Incorporated in 1960. Established in 1818. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1828.
Sector: Agricultural and landbased industries Sector: Civil engineering and construction
About: IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, About: ICE is one of the world’s leading civil engineering
technologists and managers in agricultural and allied institutions. It supports civil engineers and technicians by
landbased industries including: forestry, food engineering and awarding internationally recognised professional qualifications,
technology, amenity, renewable energy, horticulture and the ensuring they work to high standards and helping them to
environment. develop their careers.
Mission: To achieve the vision through being an effective ICE’s work also includes many other activities, from inspiring
provider of services that enhance the professional competence school students about civil engineering to influencing
and status of engineers, technicians, technologists and government investment in infrastructure. It is a leading source
scientists operating in the landbased sector. of professional expertise in transport; water supply and
Vision: To be seen increasingly as the professional body of treatment; flood management; waste and energy.
choice for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers Mission: To qualify civil engineering professionals and give
working in agricultural and allied landbased industries, them the tools they need to continue to develop; to help
including: forestry; food engineering and technology; amenity; the industry learn more and share our knowledge so we can
renewable energy; horticulture and the environment. maintain the natural and built environment; and to promote
Members: Members are engineers, scientists, technologists the contribution that civil engineers make to society worldwide.
and managers working in agricultural and allied industries ICE is an organisation that is recognised and operates globally.
including forestry, food processing and agro-chemicals. Their Vision: To place civil engineering at the heart of society,
activities cover a broad technical and administrative spectrum delivering sustainable development through knowledge, skills
in engineering research; design; manufacture and testing; and professional expertise.
marketing; teaching; training; consultancy; contracting and Members: ICE’s members are very diverse. They are spread
farming. across the world, with almost a quarter outside the UK. They
Approximate number of members: 3,000 have a variety of backgrounds, are at different stages of their
careers and work in a wide range of sectors.
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award: Approximate number of members: 91,000
Registered 311 160 183 Registration agreements with other institutions:
members: Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES).
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Grades of Membership: Student, Pre-professional; Associate to award:
(AIAgrE); Associate Member (AMIAgrE); Member (MIAgrE);
Fellow (FIAgrE). Registered 1,443 2,723 35,741
Specialist interest groups: Thirteen, including: agricultural
and livestock engineering; amenity and sports engineering; Registered - - 9
via agreements:
design, research and innovation; environment, soil and water;
health and safety; horticultural engineering; leadership and
Grades of Membership: Student; Graduate; Technician
management; pioneering technology; post-harvest, food
Member (MICE); Associate Member (AMICE); Member (MICE);
engineering and technology; power and machinery; precision
Fellow (FICE); Affiliate; Companion.
farming; robotics and auto; technical support, distribution and
sales and training and education. Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups, please
see website for details.
Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Structure: 13 branches in the UK; international presence.
Structure: 12 UK regions and presence in over 160 countries.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Alastair Taylor IEng CEnv MIAgrE Contact details:
Chief Executive: Nick Baveystock MA CEng FInstRE FICE FCMI
The Bullock Building (Bldg 53), University Way, Cranfield,
Bedford MK43 0GH One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA
+44 (0)1234 750876 +44 (0)20 7222 7722
Companies House No: 648041 Registered Charity number: 257303 Companies House No: RC000262 Registered Charity number: 210252
36 37
Institution of Institute of
Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Cast Metals Engineers (ICME)
Established in 1922. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1957. First established in 1904 as the British Foundrymen’s Association.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1921.
Sector: Engineering
Sector: Foundry and castings industry
About: IChemE is the global professional membership
organisation for people with relevant experience or an interest About: ICME exists to support the education of individuals
in chemical engineering. in the castings industry and to provide technical information
Mission: Founded in 1922 as a professional institution for and professional development opportunities to its members.
chemical and process engineers, IChemE has grown to its Following the establishment of the Foundry Trade Journal in
current status of over 44,000 members across 120 countries. 1902, a small group of foundry men met in Birmingham and
formed the British Foundrymen’s Association with the aim
Vision: To advance chemical engineering worldwide by of applying ‘science to the work of the foundry’. The earliest
operating an effective, efficient and responsive organisation branch, known as the Lancashire Branch, was founded in 1905
for its members. It provides leadership and demonstrates and was followed by other regional branches. In October
good practice for the chemical engineering profession whilst 2000 the name was changed to the Institute of Cast Metals
complying with its obligations as a charitable body. Engineers.
Members: Members are professionals working in all aspects Mission: To bring together people from all sectors and levels,
of the process industry and academia, operating in diverse to offer help and advice, technical support and professional
sectors including process designers, biotechnology to water development opportunities, helping members make the most
supply, food processing, fine chemicals, to nuclear and carbon of their careers in the castings industry.
capture and storage, with job titles from process technologist
through to CEO. Membership includes process engineers, Members: Members are drawn from the international castings
specialists in research, design, safety and project management, industry and include: foundrymen; die casters; castings
not to mention operators, technicians and apprentices. engineers; methods engineers; pattern and mould makers;
metallurgists and researchers; and those who supply or are
Approximate number of members: 44,000 customers to the industry.
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Approximate number of members: 800
to award:
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registered 20 47 11,313 to award:
Registered 27 65 56
Grades of Membership: Student Member; Technician Member members:
(TIChemE); Affiliate Member; Associate Member (AMIChemE);
Associate Member (Process Safety) (AMIChemE); Chartered Grades of Membership: Student Member; Member (MICME);
Member (MIChemE); Professional Process Safety Engineer Professional Member (Prof MICME); Fellow (FICME).
(MIChemE); Associate Fellow (AFIChemE); Fellow (FIChemE). Member Benefits
Specialist interest groups: 20 including: food and drink; Structure: Seven branches in the UK.
oil and natural gas; pharma; safety and loss prevention;
sustainability; and water. Contact details:
Member Benefits NMC, 47 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich,
West Midlands B70 6PY
Structure: Headquarters in the UK with offices in Australia,
Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore, and staff, ambassadors +44 (0)121 601 6979
and member groups in countries all over the world.
Companies House No: RC000244 Registered Charity number: 250380
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Jon Prichard CEng FICE FInstRE
Railway Terrace, Rugby CV21 3HQ
+44 (0)1788 578214
Companies House No: RC000250
Registered Charity number: 214379/SC039661
38 39
Institution of Institution of Engineering
Engineering Designers (IED) and Technology (IET)
Established in 1945. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2012. First established in 1871 as the Society of Telegraph Engineers.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1921. Merger in 2006 of Institution
Sector: Engineering design, technological product design and of Electrical Engineers and Institution of Incorporated Engineers.
Computer Aided Design
Sector: Engineering and technology sectors
About: IED is the only organisation in the UK to represent
those working across all fields of engineering and product About: IET is a world-leading professional organisation sharing
design. and advancing knowledge to promote science, engineering
Mission: To promote the science, technology and education and technology across the world. It provides a Professional
of engineering design and product design in widely diverse Home for Life® for engineers and technicians and is a trusted
fields, including mechanical; electrical; electronics; civil; source of essential engineering intelligence.
aeronautical and automotive engineering; IT and computing; The Institution was formed in 2006 by a merger of the
mechatronics; design management; design consultancy and Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) (est.1871) and the
design education. Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) (est.1930).
Vision: To support and inspire our members to achieve Mission: To inspire, inform and influence the global
professional recognition. engineering community, supporting technology innovation to
Members: Membership is open to all those who study, meet the needs of society.
practice, manage or educate in engineering, technological Vision: Working to engineer a better world.
product design and CAD. Members come from a diverse Members: Members provide a positive role in science,
range of backgrounds and disciplines, but all have an interest engineering and technology. They work in a wide range of
and expertise in design. disciplines in the following sectors: built environment; design
Approximate number of members: 5,000 and production; energy; information and communications;
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award: Approximate number of members: 168,000
Registered 93 781 371 Registration agreements with other institutions:
members: Institute of Telecommunications Professionals (ITP).
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Grades of Membership: Student (StudIED); Member (MIED); to award:
Fellow (FIED).
Specialist interest groups: Health and well-being; design
Registered 4,279 11,730 44,649 292
processes; sustainability.
Registered 2 4 1 10
Member Benefits via agreements:
Structure: Nine UK branches; three overseas.
Grades of Membership: Student; Apprentice; Associate;
Contact details: Member (TMIET or MIET); Fellow (FIET).
Chief Executive: Libby Meyrick BSc (Hons) FRSA Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
Courtleigh, Westbury Leigh, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3TA Member Benefits
+44 (0)1373 822 801 Structure: 100+ local networks in 150 countries around the world.
Companies House No: RC000851 Registered Charity number: 1145678
Contact details:
Chief Executive and Secretary: Nigel Fine BSc MBA CEng FICE FIET
Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage,
Herts SG1 2AY
+44 (0)1438 313 311
Companies House No: RC000263 Registered Charity number: 211014
40 41
Institution of Institution of Gas Engineers
Fire Engineers (IFE) and Managers (IGEM)
Established in 1918. Incorporated in 1924. Established in 1863 as Institution of Gas Engineers.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1929.
Sector: Fire engineering and fire and rescue services
Sector: Gas
About: IFE upholds professional standards within all
public and private fire sectors by offering assessment of About: IGEM is the leading chartered membership body for
knowledge, experience and development, and engages the gas industry; passionately committed to supporting the
with major stakeholders to offer international conferences, professional development of gas professionals globally and
identify and promote good practice and enhance technical the production of recognised gas industry standards.
networks worldwide. It is also an Ofqual recognised awarding Mission: IGEM is a membership organisation that advances
organisation. the related sciences and extends relevant knowledge for the
Mission: To encourage and improve the science and practice benefit of the global gas industry.
of fire extinction, fire prevention and fire engineering and all Vision: To be the pre-eminent Institution for gas professionals
operations and expedients connected therewith, and to give across the world.
an impulse to ideas likely to be useful in connection with or in
relation to such science and practice to the members of the Members: Members are professionals based all over the world
Institution and to the community at large. who work, support or have an interest in the gas industry,
including: construction; design; education and training;
Members: Members are involved in a number of areas extraction; installation, maintenance and repair; manufacturing;
such as: fire dynamics including ignition, chemistry and production, transmission and distribution; regulating; trading
toxicology; consultations with government in the drafting and consulting.
and implementation of fire safety legislation and regulations;
structural fire protection of buildings; fire insurance and Approximate number of members: 4,000
arson investigation; behaviour pattern of persons faced with Registration agreements with other institutions:
emergencies; fire detection and alarm systems; fire appliances; Permanent Way Institution (PWI).
and automatic fire fighting systems.
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Approximate number of members: 10,000 to award:
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Student; Technician (TIFireE); Grades of Membership: Student; Graduate (GradIGEM); Gas
Graduate (GIFireE); Associate (AIFireE); Member (MIFireE); Technician; Licensed Gas Technician (LGT AIGEM); Associate
Fellow (FIFireE). (AIGEM); Associate Member (AMIGEM); Member (MIGEM);
Fellow (FIGEM) and Industrial Affiliate (company membership).
Specialist interest groups: Fire modelling; fire resistance,
fire investigation, transport, competency and ethics, heritage Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
buildings, industrial fire and risk and fire fighter safety. Member Benefits
Member Benefits Structure: Eight regional sections in the UK, Young Persons
Structure: 19 branches in the UK; 22 international branches Network (YPN), Far East District Section and Industrial Affiliate
and numerous international networking groups. Section.
42 43
Institute of
Institute of Healthcare Engineering and
Highway Engineers (IHE) Estate Management (IHEEM)
Established in 1965. Incorporated in 1972. Established in 1943 as Institute of Hospital Engineering.
Incorporated in 1967.
Sector: Civil and highways engineering
Sector: Healthcare estates
About: IHE is a multi-disciplinary professional body and
learned society run by and for practical engineers and allied About: IHEEM is the UK’s largest specialist institute for the
professionals committed to sustainability and integrity. healthcare estates sector devoted to developing careers and
Mission: To provide professional development opportunities, the provision of education and training.
support and leadership for individuals to achieve and maintain Mission: To develop and support for the public benefit the art
professional recognition. and science of healthcare engineering and healthcare estate
Vision: To be the Institute of choice for highway engineers. management and to advance for public benefit research,
education and training within this specialist area.
Members: Members work in both the public and private
sectors specialising in activity areas including: highway Vision: To be the Institute of choice for all health sector
design and construction; traffic engineering and control; professionals working in the field of engineering and estate
traffic management; maintenance and asset management; management.
development management; road safety engineering; transport Members: Members include: architects; builders; engineers;
planning; traffic signal design; cycling infrastructure. estate managers; surveyors; technicians; and other
Members’ work covers computing; traffic-calming and professionals engaged in the technical aspects of healthcare
management; designing and maintaining roads; materials provision. Members may be employed in hospitals and trusts
testing; road safety and sustainable transport planning. (NHS or private); in consultancies working in the healthcare
field; or in industry (manufacturing or contracting) for
Approximate number of members: 3,250 healthcare.
Registration agreements with other institutions: Approximate number of members: 1,750
Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT).
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech to award:
to award:
Registered 89 320 131
Registered 224 892 40 members:
Grades of Membership: Graduate (GIHEEM); Apprentice
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate; Associate Member (AIHEEM); Crafts Person (CPIHEEM); Associate Member
(AMIHE); Member (MIHE); Fellow (FIHE); Apprentice (AppIHE). (AMIHEEM); Technician (TIHEEM); Member (MIHEEM);
Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups. Fellow (FIHEEM).
Member Benefits Specialist interest groups: Decontamination; medical gas
Structure: 15 branches in the UK. pipeline systems; water; electrical; ventilation; medical devices;
architecture & design in the built environment; health & safety;
Contact details: resilience & sustainability; specialist engineering; international.
Chief Executive: Richard Hayes CEng IHE DMS Member Benefits
De Morgan House, 58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HS Structure: 12 branches in the UK; two international branches.
+44 (0)202 7436 7487 Contact details:
Chief Executive: Julian Amey MA FRSA HonFSoPHE
Companies House No: 1064239
2 Abingdon House, Cumberland Business Centre,
Northumberland Road, Portsmouth PO5 1DS
+44 (0)23 9282 3186
Companies House No: 895080 Registered Charity number: 257133
44 45
Institution of Institute of Marine Engineering,
Lighting Professionals (ILP) Science & Technology (IMarEST)
Established in 1924 as Association of Public Lighting Engineers. Established in 1889 as Institute of Marine Engineers.
Incorporated in 1928. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1993.
About: ILP is the UK and Ireland’s largest and most influential About: The IMarEST is an international membership body
professional lighting association, dedicated solely to and learned society bringing marine engineers, scientists and
excellence in lighting. Its key purpose is to promote excellence technologists together. The largest marine organisation of its
in all forms of lighting. This includes: interior; exterior; kind, it spans 128 countries and works to promote the scientific
architectural; sports; road; flood; emergency; tunnel; security; development of marine disciplines, providing opportunities for
festive lighting; and design and consultancy services. It also the exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status,
has strong links with other professional UK lighting bodies such standards and expertise of marine professionals worldwide.
as the International Association of Lighting Designers. It is an NGO with consultative status at the UN’s International
Vision: To unite the skills of engineering, design and Maritime Organization (IMO), observer status at the
technology in order to deliver quality lighting for the built Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, International
environment and achieve public benefit. Hydrographic Organization, the London Convention/London
Members: Members include lighting designers; consultants; Protocol (LC/LP) and GESAMP and it has special consultative
manufacturers; architects and engineers, covering interior; status with ECOSOC.
exterior; sports; road; flood; emergency; tunnel; security and Mission: To work with the global marine community to
festive lighting, as well as design and consultancy services. promote the scientific development of marine engineering,
Approximate number of members: 2,100 science and technology, providing opportunities for the
exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status,
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech standards and expertise of marine professionals worldwide.
to award:
Vision: A world where marine resources and activities are
Registered 118 262 60 sustained, managed and developed for the benefit of humanity.
Members: Members work in a vast range of professions
Grades of Membership: Apprentice; Student; Affiliate; including: ship design; coast and ocean mapping and
Associate Member (AMILP); Member (MILP); Fellow (FILP); hydrography; construction; maintenance and decommission;
Honorary Member (HonMILP); Honorary Fellow (HonFILP). defence and naval engineering; marine renewable energy;
offshore oil and gas; marine engineering systems and
Member Benefits equipment; marine safety and security; marine conservation;
Structure: Eight branches in the UK and Ireland; branches in power and propulsion; marine biology; climatology and marine
Middle East and North Africa. meteorology; oceanography and natural hazards assessment.
Approximate number of members: 19,000
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Richard G Frost MA (Cantab) FIAM Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Regent House, Regent Place, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2PN
+44 (0)1788 576 492 Registered 457 2,022 4,881
Companies House No: 227499 Registered Charity number: 268547 Grades of Membership: Student (SIMarEST); Affiliate;
Associate Member (AMIMarEST); Member (MIMarEST); Fellow
Member Benefits
Structure: 48 branches worldwide.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: David Loosley
1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London SW1H 9JJ
+44 (0)20 7382 2656
Companies House No: RC000256 Registered Charity number: 212992
46 47
Institution of Mechanical Institute of Measurement
Engineers (IMechE) and Control (InstMC)
Established in 1847. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1930. Established in 1944. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1975.
Specialist interest groups: Ten groups including: combustion Grades of Membership: Student; Associate; Technician
engines and fuels; energy; environment and sustainability;
safety and reliability; and structural technology and materials. (TInstMC); Member (MInstMC); Fellow (FInstMC).
Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Structure: Eight international regions including the UK. Each
region is made up of branches and groups. Structure: 13 branches in the UK; four overseas branches.
48 49
Institution of Institute of
Royal Engineers (InstRE) Acoustics (IOA)
Established in 1875. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1923. Established in 1974. Incorporated in 1974.
Sector: Military engineering and science Sector: Acoustics, noise and vibration
About: InstRE was established in 1875 for the advancement About: IOA is the UK’s professional body for those working in
of military science and engineering. Its members maintain acoustics, noise and vibration.
engineering expertise that allows the Army to live, move and Mission: To promote our vision through the advancement of
fight. They do this by providing the infrastructure and life the art, science, engineering and technology of acoustics.
support systems necessary to live and operate on deployed
operations. Members also provide mobility for the UK’s Armed Vision: To see members across all disciplines recognised as
Forces through the construction of roads, bridges and airfields, professionals of the highest integrity and competence.
whilst denying their use to others, protecting the forces Members: Members work in most of the major educational,
through protective structures, search and explosive ordnance industrial, planning and consultancy establishments
disposal. and their areas of expertise include: aerodynamic noise;
Mission: To promote the acquisition of historical and architectural acoustics; auditory acoustics; building acoustics;
scientific military engineering knowledge in order to ensure electroacoustics; engineering dynamics; environmental
that engineering support to the Armed Forces is delivered acoustics; infra- and ultra-sonics; musical acoustics; noise and
efficiently, utilising new and relevant technology. vibration; physical acoustics; speech; transportation noise; and
underwater acoustics.
Vision: To promote military engineering across the engineering
sector for the benefit of the Corps of Royal Engineers They might work in architectural and engineering consultancies
and society, and to be recognised throughout defence, on projects as diverse as opera houses, stadia, schools, the
government and industry as the Institution of choice for automotive industry, sonar and many other fields and have
professional military engineering. qualifications in electrical or mechanical engineering, physics
or mathematics.
Members: Membership is open to officers, warrant officers,
senior and junior NCOs, both Regular and Reserve, serving Approximate number of members: 3,000
in or retired from the Corps of Royal Engineers. Soldiers, or Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Sappers as they are known, join as Apprentice Technician to award:
Registered 16 186
Approximate number of members: 12,000 members:
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Grades of Membership: Sponsor; Student; Affiliate;
to award:
Technician Member; Associate Member (AMIOA); Member
Registered 677 32 20 (MIOA); Fellow (FIOA); Honorary Fellow.
Specialist interest groups: Eleven in total, including: building
Grades of Membership: Honorary Associate Member; acoustics; electroacoustics; environmental noise; measurement
Honorary Member; Apprentice Technician Member; Member and instrumentation; musical acoustics; noise and vibration
(MInstRE); Fellow (FInstRE). engineering; physical acoustics; underwater acoustics; and
young members.
Member Benefits
Member Benefits
Structure: Six Regions; five in the UK; one in Germany.
Structure: Eleven branches in the UK and Ireland.
Contact details:
Chief Executive and Secretary: Nigel Montagu MA CEng MIMechE Contact details:
Chief Executive: Allan Chesney
Brompton Barracks, Chatham, Kent ME4 4UG 3rd Floor St Peter’s House, 45-49 Victoria Street, St. Albans,
Hertfordshire AL1 3WZ
+44 (0)1634 822298 +44 (0)1727 848 195
Companies House No: RC000273 Registered Charity number: 249882
Companies House No: 1157249 Registered Charity number: 267026
50 51
Institute of Materials,
Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Institute of Physics (IOP)
Established in 1869 as Institution of Metallurgists. Established in 1874. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1970.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1899.
Sector: Operates across a number of sectors including:
Sector: Materials, minerals and mining nuclear; space; defence; automotive; consultancy; medical;
transport; academia; research; energy; education and finance
About: IOM3 is a major UK based engineering institution
whose activities encompass the whole materials cycle, About: IOP is a leading scientific membership society working
from exploration and extraction, through characterisation, to advance physics for the benefit of all. Alongside professional
processing, forming, finishing and application, to product support for its members, it engages with policymakers and the
recycling and land reuse. public to increase awareness and understanding of the value
Mission: To promote the science, design, engineering and that physics holds for all of us.
technology of materials, minerals and mining and their Mission: To advance physics for the benefit of all.
practical applications. Vision: IOP will be the leading scientific society promoting
Vision: To be recognised as the global leader for professionals physics and bringing physicists together.
involved with the materials cycle. Members: IOP has a diverse membership that ranges from
Members: Members represent a combination of scientific, students through to qualified professionals in all disciplines of
technical and human resources, linking industry, government, the physics sector to the still interested and involved retired
research and the academic world. They work in all aspects community.
of materials science and engineering, geology, mining and Approximate number of members: 45,000
associated technologies, mineral and petroleum engineering
and extraction metallurgy. Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Approximate number of members: 18,000
Registered 727
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech members:
to award:
Registered 94 394 5,408 Grades of Membership: IOPimember; Affiliate Member;
members: Student; Associate Member (AMInstP); Member (MInstP);
Fellow (FInstP).
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Student; Technician; Specialist interest groups: 48 specialist groups including:
Graduate (Grad IMMM); Professional Graduate (ProfGrad physics research and its application; professional aspects of
IMMM); Associate Member (AIMMM); Professional Member physicists working in industry; and wider issues that relate to
(MIMMM); Fellow (FIMMM). physics and society.
Specialist interest groups: 17 technical divisions, societies Member Benefits
and associations, including: applied earth science; automotive;
castings; ceramics; iron and steel; packaging; sustainable Structure: 15 regional branches in the UK and Ireland; strong
development; and wood technology. international presence.
Member Benefits Contact details:
Structure: 55 affiliated local societies in seven UK regions; four Chief Executive: Professor Paul Hardaker FInstP FRMetS CMet
overseas regions. 76 Portland Place, London W1B 1NT
Contact details: +44 (0)20 7470 4800
Chief Executive Officer: Dr Bernie Rickinson CEng FIMMM
297 Euston Road, London NW1 3AD Companies House No: RC000261
Registered Charity number: 293851/SCO40092
+44 (0)20 7451 7300
Registered Charity number: 269275
52 53
Institute of Physics and Institution of Railway
Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) Signal Engineers (IRSE)
First established in 1995 as Institution of Physics in Engineering Established in 1912. Incorporated in 1912.
Medicine and Biology. Incorporated in 1995.
Sector: Railway signalling and telecommunications,
Sector: Bio-medical engineering and allied disciplines
About: IPEM is dedicated to bringing together physical science, About: IRSE is an international organisation, active
engineering and clinical professionals in academia, healthcare throughout the world, and is the professional Institution for
services and industry. It is a hybrid of three organisations formed all those engaged or interested in railway signalling and
many years ago: the Hospital Physicists’ Association (est.1943), telecommunications, and allied disciplines.
the Hospital Physics Technicians’ Association (est.1952) and the Mission: To promote interest, understanding and learning
Biological Engineering Society (est.1960). These organisations, in the technology and practice for railway operation and the
over a period of decades, have undergone various control of trains for all types of railway.
amalgamations and transformations until in 1995 the Institute
of Physics and Engineering in Medicine was formed. Members: Membership is open to any person involved
in the management, planning, design, installation,
Mission: To promote for the public benefit the advancement of maintenance, manufacture or operation of railway signalling,
physics and engineering applied to medicine and biology and telecommunications or associated equipment.
to advance public education in the field.
Approximate number of members: 5,400
Vision: To ensure and enhance the quality, safety and
effectiveness of science and technology in healthcare in all Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
settings. to award:
Members: IPEM supports the work of scientists, engineers Registered 39 44 75
and technologists working in medicine, or seeking to better members:
understand human health or disease.
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Accredited Technician;
Approximate number of members: 4,500 Associate Member (AMIRSE); Member (MIRSE); Fellow (FIRSE);
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Companion (CompIRSE).
to award: Specialist interest groups: Young Members and Minor
Registered 13 22 80 Railways.
members: Member Benefits
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Associate; Professional Structure: Five sections in the UK; 14 international sections.
Affiliate (PAMIPEM), Member (MIPEM); Fellow (FIPEM).
Contact details:
Specialist interest groups: Ten special interest groups, Chief Executive and Secretary: Francis How MA CEng FIRSE MIET
including: clinical engineering; physiological measurement;
diagnostic; radiology; radiation protection; informatics and 4th Floor, 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London SW1H 9JJ
computing; radiotherapy; magnetic resonance imaging; +44 (0)20 7808 1180
rehabilitation and biomechanics engineering; nuclear
medicine; ultrasound; non-ionising radiation; academic; and Companies House No: 125685 Registered Charity number: 1046999
Member Benefits
Structure: Regional groups in the UK.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Rosemary Cook CBE Hon DLitt MSc PGDip RGN
Fairmount House, 230 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1ES
+44 (0)1904 610 821
Companies House No: 3080332 Registered Charity number: 1047999
54 55
Institution of
Structural Engineers (IStructE) Institute of Water
Established in 1908. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1934. Established in 1945 as Association of Water Distribution Officers.
Incorporated in 1954.
Sector: Structural engineering
Sector: Water and waste water
About: To accredit and support highly qualified structural
engineers for the safe, sustainable and efficient design, About: The Institute of Water is a professional body solely
construction, adaptation, maintenance and refurbishment of dedicated to supporting the careers of people working in the
buildings, bridges and other structures worldwide. UK Water Sector. It supports and develops members’ careers
Mission: To lead, support and nurture the development of by providing a unique learning, developing and networking
structural engineering worldwide. It seeks to achieve this framework.
by promoting world-class standards of technical skill, safety, Mission: To inspire our members to reach their potential
efficiency, innovation and excellence in structural engineering. through learning, development, recognition and networking.
Vision: To lead, support and nurture the development of Vision: To have the best people working in the UK Water
structural engineering worldwide. It seeks to achieve this Sector.
by promoting world-class standards of safety, efficiency and Members: Membership of the Institute of Water has
excellence in structural engineering. something to offer everyone employed in the water sector,
Members: Structural engineers work closely with architects from a new recruit to a Managing Director. Members are either
and construction professionals and are key part of the project employed, in study or have an interest in the water, wastewater
team. They work to build a huge range of structures, from and associated industries.
small-scale home extensions to bridges and sports stadia. Approximate number of members: 2,000
Institution membership confirms competence as an engineer
working to the highest standards in the world. Only the best Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
thinkers, designers and innovators successfully meet our to award:
rigorous entrance requirements. Registered 43 183 24
Approximate number of members: 28,000 members:
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Grades of Membership: Student Member; Associate Member;
to award: Technician Member (TMIWater); Corporate Member (MIWater);
Registered 125 959 9,175 Fellow Member (FIWater); Honorary Fellow Member.
members: Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Student; Graduate; Member Benefits
Technician (TIStructE); Associate-Member (AMIStructE); Structure: Eight branches in the UK; international presence.
Chartered Member (MIStructE); Fellow (FIStructE).
Specialist interest groups: The Earthquake Engineering Field Contact details:
Investigation Team (EEFIT), Structural Safety, Conservation Chief Executive: Lynn Cooper
Accreditation Register for Engineers (CARE), RedR, fibUK, 4 Carlton Court, Team Valley, Gateshead NE11 0AZ
Structural Engineers Register Ltd. +44 (0)191 422 0088
Member Benefits
Structure: 18 regional groups in the UK and Ireland; eleven Companies House No: 539193
international regional groups.
Contact details:
Chief Executive Officer: Martin Powell
47-58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PS
+44 (0)20 7235 4535
Companies House No: RC000274 Registered Charity number: 233392
56 57
Royal Aeronautical
Nuclear Institute (NI) Society (RAeS)
Established in 2009, a merger of British Nuclear Energy Society and Established in 1866. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1949.
Institution of Nuclear Engineers. Incorporated in 2008.
Sector: Aerospace and aviation
Sector: Nuclear
About: As the world’s only professional body dedicated to the
About: NI is the UK membership organisation and professional entire aerospace community, RAeS was established in 1866 to
body for all who work in the nuclear sector. It maintains the further the art, science and engineering of aeronautics and has
highest standards of nuclear professionalism through the been at the forefront of global developments ever since.
Nuclear Delta® and help the careers of our members through Mission: To ensure the advancement of aeronautical art,
continued learning, networking and professional registration. science and engineering and to promote that species of
The Institute consists of nine UK regional branches and the knowledge which distinguishes the profession of aeronautics.
Young Generation Network (YGN) who have strong links with Vision: To be recognised as the premier resource for
the global network of YGN committees. Of most importance to aeronautical knowledge, debate and opinion and maintain
the NI is the education and training of nuclear professionals and the highest professional standards across all aeronautical
we work alongside partners to promote nuclear professionalism disciplines.
throughout the sector from certified apprentice programmes
to continuing professional development at seminars and Members: There is a grade of membership for everyone, from
workshops to engaging in government consultations. those with an interest in the sector to aerospace professionals
at every level and in every discipline.
Mission: The advancement of nuclear professionalism through
education relating to nuclear energy, and its application and Approximate number of members: 23,000
ancillary subjects. Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Members: Members include scientists and engineers world- to award:
wide, many of whom are leading figures in the nuclear industry. Registered 187 701 3,356
Their work ranges from fuel production to reprocessing, members:
through plant design, construction and operation, and includes
its maintenance, decommissioning and dismantling. They Grades of Membership: Student Affiliate; Apprentice Affiliate;
cover research and development to meet the industry’s needs. Affiliate; Associate (ARAeS); Associate Member (AMRAeS);
Some work with particle accelerators used to generate intense Member (MRAeS); Fellow (FRAeS); Companion (CRAeS).
sources of nuclear radiation and manufacture radioactive Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
isotopes for industrial and medical use.
Member Benefits
Approximate number of members: 2,200
Structure: 37 branches in the UK; 30 international branches;
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech four divisions each with its own branch network.
to award:
Registered 6 69 229 Contact details:
members: Chief Executive: Simon Luxmoore MBA FRAeS
No. 4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7BQ
Grades of Membership: Affiliate, Associate (Learned Grades);
+44 (0)20 7670 4300
Professional Member (MNucI); Fellow (FNucI).
Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups
Companies House No: RC000439 Registered Charity number: 313708
including Young Generation Network (YGN) and Women in
Nuclear (WiNUK).
Member Benefits
Structure: Ten branches in the UK; one branch in South Africa
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Sarah Beacock FEI
CK International House, 1-6 Yarmouth Place, London W1J 7BU
+44 (0)203 475 4701
Companies House No: 6574762 Registered Charity number: 1125404
58 59
Royal Institution of Society of
Naval Architects (RINA) Environmental Engineers (SEE)
Established in 1860. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1910. Established in 1959. Incorporated in 1979.
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Professor Raymond P Clark OBE PhD CEng CEnv
22 Greencoat Place, London, SW1P 1PR
+44 (0)207 630 2142
Companies House No: 1438715 Registered Charity number: 278338
60 61
Society of
Operations Engineers (SOE) The Welding Institute
Established in 2000, a merger between Institute of Road Transport Established in 1923. Incorporated in 1999.
Engineers (1944), Institute of Plant Engineers (1946) and Bureau of
Engineer Surveyors (1965). Sector: Welding, joining and allied technologies
Sector: Operations Engineering About: The Welding Institute is the leading professional
engineering institution responsible for the professional
About: SOE works to advance operations engineering for registration and certification of welding and joining personnel
the benefit of everyone through education, training, study worldwide. It embraces a professional institution, a certification
and research. SOE also establishes and maintains standards body, a training organisation and a world renowned research
of competence and conduct for those engaged in operations and technology centre.
engineering professionally, with an emphasis on enhancing
public safety. Through its professional sectors of IRTE (Institute The Welding Institute fosters a deep-seated knowledge
of Road Transport Engineers), IPlantE (Institution of Plant base in the development of occupational standards and
Engineers) and BES (Bureau of Engineer Surveyors), SOE vocational qualification. As an influential lobbying group, it
directly influences the road transport, plant and engineer offers authoritative guidance to statutory bodies like the British
surveying sectors, developing best practice and improving Standards Institution and even central government, charged
compliance across the board. with making the rules.
Mission: To promote safe, efficient and sustainable operations Mission: To deliver globally recognised and valued qualifications
engineering to the benefit of society. and personal membership services in welding, joining and
allied technologies to an expanding membership base.
Members: Members work in all aspects of operations
engineering including: acquisition; commissioning; Vision: To be the world class professional engineering
maintenance; asset management; and product improvement. institution for welding, joining and allied technologies.
Their work function often has most immediate impact on Members: Members are professionals and associates working
end users of the product or service. Members comprehend across a number of industries using different technologies,
functions of different elements of systems and their including: welding; coating; fabrications; materials; polymers,
interrelationships. They have understanding of legal, financial NDT, structural integrity; inspection and more.
and logistical dimensions of an organisation to appreciate how Approximate number of members: 5,000
engineering can best add value.
Approximate number of members: 16,600 Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award:
Registration agreements with other institutions:
Institution of Diesel and Gas Turbine Engineers (IDGTE).
Registered 949 287 475
Licensed EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
to award: Grades of Membership: Associate (AWeldI); Technician
(TechWeldI); Member (MWeldI); Fellow (FWeldI).
Registered 2,699 2,103 863
members: Specialist interest groups: Numerous regional groups.
Registered via 9 1 - Member Benefits
Structure: Currently eight specialist interest technical groups
covering: manufacturing; welding processes; materials;
Grades of Membership: Student; Graduate; Associate offshore oil and gas; pressure and process plant; structural
Member (AMSOE); Member (MSOE); Fellow (FSOE). integrity; polymers; NDT and condition monitoring.
Specialist interest groups: Road transport, plant engineering,
engineer surveyors, apprentice and student members; and Contact details:
military. Associate Director: EUR ING Chris Eady CEng MRAeS FWeldI
Member Benefits Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AL
Structure: 42 regions in the UK; 13 international regions. +44 (0)1223 899000
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Ian Chisholm IEng FSOE FIRTE Companies House No: 00405555
62 63
Professional Affiliates
Professional Affiliates with registration agreements
Professional Affiliates are engineering institutions closely Professional Registration Registration Agreement Covers
associated with, but not licensed by, the Engineering Council. Affiliate Agreement
They are an influential group, each of which has furthered the with licensed
institution EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
knowledge and understanding of a particular area or aspect of
engineering and technology. Association of Society of
The benefits of affiliation, for which partner organisations pay Cost Engineers Environmental
(ACostE) Engineers (SEE)
an annual fee, include the opportunity to offer professional
registration to their members through an agreement with an Chartered Institution of
existing licensed professional engineering institution. Access Institution of Civil Engineers
Civil Engineering (ICE)
to information becomes available for staff and members via the Surveyors (ICES)
Engineering Council’s extranet, networks and annual seminars,
Institute Institute of
plus they have the opportunity to contribute to industry of Asphalt Highway
developments. Several Professional Affiliates have themselves Technology (IAT) Engineers (IHE)
progressed to licensed institution status. Institute of Society of
Membership benefits are similar to those of the licensed Corrosion (ICorr) Environmental
Engineers (SEE)
professional engineering institutions, but please visit the
relevant website for full details. Institute of Society of
Concrete Environmental
Please note that all registration numbers on the following Technology (ICT) Engineers (SEE)
pages are correct as at 31 December 2016. They represent
Institute of Society of
fee-paying, final stage registered members only. Demolition Environmental
Engineers (IDE) Engineers (SEE)
Institution of Society of
Diesel and Operations
Gas Turbine Engineers (SOE)
Institute of Society of
Explosives Environmental
Engineers (IExpE) Engineers (SEE)
Institute of Society of
Materials Environmental
Finishing (IMF) Engineers (SEE)
International Society of
Council on Environmental
Systems Engineers (SEE)
(UK Chapter)
Institute of Chartered
Refrigeration Institution of
(IoR) Building Services
Institute of Tele- Institution of
communications Engineering and
Professionals Technology (IET)
Permanent Way Institution of
Institution (PWI) Gas Engineers
and Managers
The Safety Society of
and Reliability Environmental
Society (SaRS) Engineers (SEE)
64 65
Association of Association for
Cost Engineers (ACostE) Project Management (APM)
Established in 1961. Incorporated in 1962. Established in 1972. Incorporated in 1975. Incorporated by Royal
Charter in 2017.
Sector: Engineering; manufacturing; construction; services and
project management Sector: All sectors
About: ACostE represents the professional interests of About: APM is the largest professional body of its kind in
those with responsibility, at all levels, for the quantification, Europe. It is committed to developing and promoting project
planning, management and control of processes and resources and programme management by creating a movement of
(including cost and time), across all work activities. individuals and organisations dedicated to a vision of a world
Mission: To provide services for members to enable them in which all projects succeed.
to advance in, and to promote the application of, scientific Mission: To provide leadership to the movement of committed
principles and techniques in the disciplines of: estimating, organisations and individuals who share our passion for
monitoring controlling and reporting cost; resources and improving project outcomes.
logistics; planning; scheduling; risk; investment appraisal; and Members: Membership is available to both individuals
profitability of engineering activities, products and projects. and organisations from all industries and sectors. APM’s
Members: Members work in a number of areas including: membership community consists of project, programme and
estimating; cost engineering; quantity surveying; planning portfolio professionals.
and scheduling; financial and commercial management; Approximate number of members: 22,000 individual and 550
value engineering; project control; project management; risk corporate members
management; quality assurance; and contracts.
Grades of Membership: Student; Associate; Full (MAPM);
Approximate number of members: 1,800 Fellow (FAPM).
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members: Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: enabling
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE). change; women in project management; risk management;
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech and programme management.
agreement covers: Member Benefits
Registered - 10 34 Structure: 12 UK branches; one international branch.
Contact details:
Grades of Membership: Associate (AACostE); Student; Chief Executive: Sara Drake
Graduate (GACostE); Member (MACostE); Fellow (FACostE).
Ibis House, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough,
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: cost Bucks HP27 9LE
and project control; estimating and analysis; engineering;
+44 (0)845 458 1944
Member Benefits
Companies House No: 1218334 Registered Charity number: 290927
Structure: Five regional groups in the UK, one international
regional group.
Contact details:
Honorary President: Angela Pammenter MSc FACostE
Lea House, 5 Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire CW11 1XL
+44 (0)1270 764 798
Companies House No: 737709
66 67
Chartered Association Chartered Institution of Civil
of Building Engineers (CABE) Engineering Surveyors (ICES)
Established in 1925 as the Association of Building Engineers. Established in 1969. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2009.
Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2013.
Sector: Construction
Sector: Building Engineering
About: ICES is an international qualifying body dedicated to
About: CABE is a leading body for professionals specialising the regulation, education and training of surveyors working
in the design, construction, evaluation and maintenance of within civil engineering. It prides itself on its achievement as
building construction. an internationally renowned centre of excellence in the art and
Mission: To assist members in their lifelong development, science of civil engineering surveying to serve the public and
ensuring that they achieve their full potential, to act as a satisfy the needs of the construction industry throughout the
respected voice for Building Engineers and the public and to world.
be renowned for maintaining the highest possible standards. Mission: To advance the science and art of civil engineering
The ethos can best be summarised as Developing surveying in all aspects of the specialisations of geospatial
Professionals, Sharing Knowledge, Raising Standards. engineering and commercial management within civil
engineering for the benefit of the public, by upholding and
Members: Members are experts in the use of technology in advancing the standards of education, competence, practice
the design, construction, assessment and maintenance of the and conduct of its members.
built environment.
Vision: To be recognised as the foremost UK-based
Approximate number of members: 6,600 professional institution for specialists employed in geospatial
Grades of Membership: Student; Technician; Associate engineering and commercial management in the civil
(ACABE); Graduate (Grad CABE); Member (MCABE); engineering industry.
Fellow (FCABE). Members: Members include: civil engineers; surveyors; and
Member Benefits individuals interested in the construction industry.
Structure: 12 regions in the UK and Ireland; six international Approximate number of members: 5,000
regions. Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE).
Contact details:
Chief Executive Officer: Dr John Hooper CDir FIOD FCMI Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
agreement covers:
Lutyens House, Billing Brook Road, Weston Favell,
Northampton NN3 8NW Registered - - 9
+44 (0)1604 404 121
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate; Graduate
Companies House No: RC000867 (GCInstCES); Technical Member (TCInstCES); Member
(MCInstCES); Fellow (FCInstCES).
Member Benefits
Structure: Nine regional groups in the UK and Ireland; three
international regional groups.
Contact details:
Chief Executive Officer: Bill Pryke MA HonFCInstCES
Dominion House, Sibson Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 7PP
+44 (0)161 972 3100
Companies House No: RC000832 Registered Charity number: 1131469
68 69
Chartered Quality The Institute of Automotive
Institute (CQI) Engineer Assessors (IAEA)
Established in 1919. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2006. Established in 1932. Incorporated in 1939.
Sector: Industry; commerce; the public and voluntary sectors Sector: Automotive
About: CQI is the chartered body for quality professionals. We About: IAEA is a professional organisation and a qualifying
improve the performance of organisations by developing their body for those practising the profession of an automotive
capability in quality management. With members all over the engineer assessor.
world, we are uniquely placed to define and lead the quality Members: Members work in a range of areas including:
profession, setting the standards for its capability and scope vehicles damage assessment; accident reconstruction;
through the CQI Competency Framework. mechanical failures; vehicle fire investigations; electrical
Vision: A world in which all organisations optimise value failures; expert witness; repairer assessment; car fleet surveys;
for their stakeholders through excellence in governance, conciliation; and arbitration.
assurance and improvement. Approximate number of members: 1,200
Members: CQI is the only professional body able to award Grades of Membership: Affiliate (AffInstAEA); Associate
Chartered status to those whose job it is to deliver excellence (AInstAEA); Member (MInstAEA); Fellow (FInstAEA).
in organisations. Quality management is a broad discipline and
membership of the CQI caters for both individuals who have Member Benefits
wide-ranging roles, and those that may specialise in aspects Structure: Seven regional groups in the UK and Ireland; one
ranging from business improvement to audit and customer international regional group.
Approximate number of members: 10,000 Contact details:
Company Secretary: Kate Carter
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate Practitioner
(PCQI); Chartered Quality Professional Member (CQP MCQI); The Firs, High Street, Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire HP22 4JU
Chartered Quality Professional Fellow (CQP FCQI). +44 (0)1296 642 895
Specialist interest groups: Nine.
Companies House No: 350568 Registered Charity number: 273452
Member Benefits
Structure: 28 branches.
Contact details:
Acting Chief Executive: Vince Desmond
2nd Floor North, 10 Furnival Street, London EC4A 1AB
+44 (0)207 245 6722
Companies House No: RC000809 Registered Charity number: 259678
70 71
Institute of Institute of
Asphalt Technology (IAT) Corrosion (ICorr)
Established in 1966. Incorporated 1980. Established in 1959. Incorporated 1976.
About: IAT was founded by a group of far-sighted practitioners About: ICorr serves the corrosion science, technology and
in the belief that there was a need for sharing technical engineering community in the fight against corrosion. Key
information, educating new people into and within the asphalt to this fight is the establishment and promotion of sound
industry and for setting and protecting standards across the corrosion management practice, the advancement of cost
field. effective corrosion control measures, and a sustained effort
Members: Members work in the field of asphalt technology generally to raise corrosion awareness at all stages of design,
and are interested in all aspects of the manufacture; placing; fabrication and operation.
technology; and uses of materials containing asphalt or Vision: To be known as the leading source of technical
bitumen. information in the field of corrosion and corrosion prevention.
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members: Members: Members include: structural and civil engineers;
Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) chemical and marine engineers; metallurgists; cathodic
protection specialists; surface treatment specialists and
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech technicians.
agreement covers:
Approximate number of members: 1,100
Registered - - -
members: Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE).
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate (AIAT); Technician
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
(TIAT); Associate Member (AMIAT); Member (MIAT); Fellow agreement covers:
(FIAT); Honorary Fellow (Hon FIAT).
Registered 1 - 39
Contact details: members:
Business Manager: Russell Hunter
Grades of Membership: Technician (TICorr); Professional
PO Box 15690, Bathgate EH48 9BT (MICorr); Fellow (FICorr).
+44 (0)1506 238 397 Specialist interest groups: Corrosion Engineering Division (CED); Corrosion Science Division (CSD).
Companies House No: 1526867 Member Benefits
Structure: Six UK regional branches.
Contact details:
Technical Secretary: Dr Douglas Mills CSci FICorr AMIMMM
Barratt House, Kingsthorpe Road, Northampton NN2 6EZ
+44 (0)1604 438 222
Companies House No: 1240103 Registered Charity number: 275206
72 73
Institute of Institute of
Concrete Technology (ICT) Demolition Engineers (IDE)
Established in 1972. Incorporated in 1985. Established in 1976. Incorporated 2012.
About: ICT is the concrete sector’s professional development About: IDE exists to promote and foster the science of
body, operating internationally. Formed by those awarded demolition engineering. The main objectives include the
the then new Diploma of Advanced Concrete Technology, it promotion of use of more efficient techniques in the industry;
is an awarding body for specialist qualifications in concrete encouragement of safer methods of working; provision of a
technology and a facilitator of CPD and networking qualifying body for the industry.
opportunities for its members. Mission: To promote and foster the Science of Demolition
Mission: To preserve and promote concrete technology as engineering.
a recognised engineering discipline and consolidate the Members: Professional demolition engineers; managers;
professional status of practising concrete technologists supervisors; technicians and students.
Approximate number of members: 400
Members: Members include: laboratory technicians;
production staff; technical sales representatives; technical Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
managers; university lecturers; and consultants. Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE).
Approximate number of members: 500 Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
agreement covers:
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE). Registered - - -
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
agreement covers: Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Entrant; Student;
Registered - - 2 Technician (TechIDE); Associate (AMIDE); Full Member (MIDE);
members: Fellow (FIDE).
Member Benefits
Grades of Membership: Student; Graduate; Technician
(TechICT); Affiliate (AffICT); Associate (AMICT); Member Contact details:
(MICT); Fellow (FICT). President: David Darsey FIDE, FRSA
Member Benefits National Secretary: Maureen Tong-Ralphs
1st, 2nd, 3rd Floor Eagle Court, 130 High Street,
Contact details: Rochester, Kent ME1 1JT
Executive Officer: Edwin A.R. Trout BA (Hons) DipLib MCLIP AffICT
+44 (0)1634 816255
Riverside House, 4 Meadows Business Park, Station Approach,
Blackwater, Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB
Companies House No: 8087902 Registered Charity number: 1150625
+44 (0)1276 607 140
Companies House No: 1895185
74 75
Institution of Diesel and Institute of
Gas Turbine Engineers (IDGTE) Explosives Engineers (IExpE)
Established in 1913. Incorporated in 2010. Established in 1974. Incorporated in 2012.
Sector: Power generation, marine propulsion and Sector: Explosives Engineering for civil and defence purposes
mechanical drive
About: IExpE is the professional home for all involved in
About: IDGTE is the professional institution for engineers and explosives and explosives engineering. It promotes explosives
technicians in the diesel and gas turbine industry worldwide. safety and the occupational competency, education and
Its mission is to serve its membership by advancing the professional standing of those who work with explosives.
design, development, manufacture, application, operation and It also provides consultative facilities for organisations and
maintenance of reciprocating internal combustion engines, gas government departments within the explosives field.
turbines and their related fields. Mission: To promote the occupational competency, education
Mission: To serve our members and the industry by and professional standing of those who work with explosives
encouraging the sharing of knowledge and advancing the and provide consultative facilities for organisations and
design, development, manufacture, application, operation and government departments within the explosives field.
maintenance of reciprocating internal combustion engines, Vision: To be the natural professional home for all involved in
gas turbines and their related fields. We strive to be the place explosives and explosives engineering.
where all involved in the power and engine industries can
develop their knowledge in the field of diesel engines, gas Members: Members are associated with the explosives
engines, gas turbines and related technologies. industry and their jobs involve all aspects of explosives from
research and development through to disposal. Members
Members: Members are engineers, engineering technicians include: engineers; scientists; logisticians; academics;
and companies in the diesel and gas turbine industry and shotfirers; specialist practitioners and legislators.
related fields.
Approximate number of members: 1,600
Approximate number of members: 400
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members: Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE).
Society of Operations Engineers (SOE).
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech agreement covers:
agreement covers:
Registered 3 6 29
Registered 42 1 - members:
Grades of Membership: Student; Associate (AIExpE);
Grades of Membership: Student; Young Engineer (MIDGTE); Technical; Member (MIExpE); Fellow (FIExpE).
Associate (AMIDGTE); Member (MIDGTE); Fellow (FIDGTE);
Company; Retired Associate; Subscriber. Member Benefits
Specialist interest groups: Gas turbine; reciprocating engines; Structure: Five UK branches; three overseas branches.
operations and performance; and heritage.
Contact details:
Member Benefits President: Dave Welch MIExpE
Structure: UK HQ; two international branches. Ground Floor, Unit 1, Greyfriars Business Park,
Frank Foley Way, Stafford ST16 2ST
Contact details:
Director General: Michael John Raine CEng MIMechE FIDGTE +44 (0)1785 594136
Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PH
Companies House No: 7905911
+44 (0)1234 214340
Companies House No: 4244044 Registered Charity number: 1139906
76 77
Institute of Mathematics Institute of
and its Applications (IMA) Materials Finishing (IMF)
Established in 1964. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1990. Established in 1925. Incorporated 1951.
About: IMA is the professional and learned society for About: IMF provides a focus for surface engineering and
mathematicians. Its mission is to promote and support finishing activities worldwide through the fulfilment of the
the understanding, teaching, research and applications of technical, educational and professional needs at all levels, for
mathematics. both the individuals and companies involved in the coatings
Mission: To support the advancement of mathematical industry.
knowledge and its applications and to promote and enhance Mission: To provide a focus for Surface Engineering and
mathematical culture in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, Finishing activities worldwide through the fulfilment of the
for the public good. technical, educational and professional needs at all levels for
Members: Members work in commerce, industry, the public both the individuals and companies involved in the coatings
sector and all areas of education including research. Many industry.
members also work in engineering either as mathematical Members: Members are individuals whose work embraces
engineers or within other engineering disciplines. electro-plating; organic finishing; anodising; printed circuitry;
Approximate number of members: 4,500 PVD; thermal spraying; and other ancillary methods of surface
treatment, whether in industry or academia.
Grades of Membership: Affiliate; Student; Associate Member
(AMIMA); Member (MIMA); Fellow (FIMA). Approximate number of members: 500
Specialist interest groups: Systems and control theory group; Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
computational science; and engineering group. Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE).
Member Benefits Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
agreement covers:
Structure: Seven branches in the UK and Ireland.
Registered 2 - -
Contact details: members:
Executive Director: David Youdan FIMA FHKIE
Grades of Membership: Student; Affiliate; Associate
Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea,
(AssocIMF); Graduate (GradIMF); Technician (TechIMF);
Essex SS1 1EF
Member (MIMF); Fellow (FIMF).
+44 (0)1702 354 020
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: organic
finishing group; science committee; and education and training.
Companies House No: RC000714 Registered Charity number: 1017777
Member Benefits
Structure: Three branches in the UK and Ireland.
Contact details:
Office Manager: Helen Wood
Exeter House, 48 Holloway Head, Birmingham B1 1NQ
+44 (0)121 622 7387
Companies House No: 498619 Registered Charity number: 227068
78 79
International Council
on Systems Engineering
INCOSE (UK Chapter) The Institute of Quarrying (IQ)
Established in 1990. Incorporated in 1998. Established in 1917.
About: The aim of the INCOSE UK Chapter is to foster About: The Institute of Quarrying is the global professional
the definition, recognition, understanding and practice of body for individuals who work, operate in and supply products
world class systems engineering in industry, academia and and services to the mineral extractives and processing industry.
government. The home of the Institute is based in the UK but also has
Mission: To foster the definition, recognition, understanding Affiliated National Institutes (ANI’s) in Australia, New Zealand,
and practice of world class systems engineering in industry, Hong Kong, Malaysia & Southern Africa.
academia and government. Mission: The key role of the Institute is to provide education,
Members: Members are involved in all aspects of systems knowledge and practical skills to further enhance and develop
lifecycles from concept through to operational use and the science of quarrying and mineral processing.
eventual disposal, covering both technical and management Members: Members work across a wide range of skills
processes, and come from a wide variety of backgrounds and areas which cover all aspects of mineral extraction and
business domains. mineral processing ranging from skilled operatives, technical
Approximate number of members: 1,000 disciplines, surveying, health, safety and environmental
professionals through to senior managerial positions.
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE). Approximate number of members: 3,500+ in the UK and
6,500+ globally
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech Grades of Membership: Student; Associate;
agreement covers:
Technician (TMIQ); Member (MIQ) Fellow (FIQ);
Registered - 2 21 - Honorary Fellow (HonFIQ).
Member Benefits
Grades of Membership: Student; Regular; Senior; Member Structure: 13 Local Branches in the UK; branches in Australia,
(MINCOSE). New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Southern Africa.
Specialist interest groups: Numerous, including: architecture;
capability; model based systems engineering; and rail interest. Contact details:
General Manager: Mike Phillips FIQ, FIMMM
Member Benefits
McPherson House, 8a Regan Way, Chetwynd Business Park,
Structure: Regional Groups throughout the UK. Chilwell, Nottingham, NG9 6RZ
Contact details: +44 (0)115 972 9995
President: Ivan Mactaggart BSc DipSysPrac CEng MIET MINCOSE
First floor, The Dyers Building, 21 Silver Street, Ilminster, Companies House No: 606601 Registered Charity number: 244812
Somerset TA19 0DH
+44 (0)1460 298 217
Companies House No: 3641046
80 81
Institute of Institute of Telecommunications
Refrigeration (IoR) Professionals (ITP)
Established in 1899 as the Cold Storage and Ice Association. Established in 1906. Incorporated in 2002.
82 83
Permanent Way
NAFEMS Institution (PWI)
Established in 1983. Incorporated in 1990. Established in 1884. Incorporated in 1908.
About: NAFEMS is the only association dedicated to the About: PWI is a modern professional technical engineering
engineering analysis community. It provides vital ‘best practice’ institution for rail engineers. Its main objective is to collect
information specifically for those involved in finite element and share technical knowledge and best practice in the rail
analysis, computational fluid dynamics, and computer aided industry. It increases the skills of rail engineers, raises standards
engineering, ensuring safe and efficient analysis methods. and improves efficiency through its services and close links with
Over the past 30 years, its mission has been to facilitate the industry.
international industry, academic and government collaboration Mission: To provide technical knowledge, advice and support
that leverages unbiased multi-disciplinary engineering to all those engaged in rail infrastructure systems worldwide.
expertise; improve product and process simulation; have a Members: Membership is open to individuals and companies
positive impact on quality, profitability, schedules and safety. in the rail industry. Members work principally in the field of rail
Mission: To promote the safe and reliable use of finite element infrastructure engineering and associated disciplines. The PWI
and related technology, through education, professional welcomes all engineers: professionally registered; working
development, knowledge exchange and collaboration. towards professional registration; or engineers and track/
Members: Companies that operate in a broad range of plant personnel who wish to benefit from the knowledge and
industries, academia and vendors. support provided by the Institution.
Approximate number of members: 1,300 company members Approximate number of members: 3,500
Grades of Membership: (Company membership only) Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Site membership; Corporate membership; Small Company Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM).
membership; Academic membership. Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
Specialist interest groups: Numerous technical working agreement covers:
groups, including: analysis management; dynamics and testing; Registered 13 5 3
geotechnics; and simulation data management. members:
Member benefits
Grades of Membership: Student /Apprentice;
Structure: Nine regional groups worldwide. Member (MPWI); and Fellow (FPWI).
Contact details: Specialist interest groups: Rail engineering: mainline rail;
Chief Executive: Timothy Morris metro; light rail; heritage rail; and model railways.
46 Campbell Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire ML3 6AS Member Benefits
+44 (0)1355 225 688 Structure: 19 regional groups in the UK; four international groups.
Companies House No: SC127648
Contact details:
Chief Executive: David Packer MA (Cantab), CEng, MICE
5 Mount Crescent Way, Warley, Brentwood CM14 5DB
+44 (0)1277 230031
Companies House No: 00099838
84 85
Safety and Reliability The Engineering Council on social media
Society (SaRS)
Established in 1980. Incorporated in 1989. Keep up-to-date with the latest news from the
Engineering Council – follow us on Twitter
Sector: All sectors across industry
About: SaRS was established to advance education and Please join our online social network open to registered
promote the scientific study of safety and reliability and engineers, as well as anyone who works in the
associated disciplines. engineering profession, anybody considering a career
in engineering, or who has a professional interest in
Mission: To represent engineers and scientists working in engineering.
the important fields of safety and reliability. Our objective is
to enhance the professionalism and reputation of all those Network with your peers, share opinions, ideas and
involved in safety and reliability technology. best practice, find out more about the benefits of
professional registration, a career in engineering or
Members: Members are safety and reliability practitioners more about the profession.
who work at various levels across all industry sectors and in
Approximate number of members: 700 Find the latest videos posted by the Engineering
Council and its partners.
Agreements with licensed institutions to register members:
Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE).
Registration EngTech IEng CEng ICTTech
agreement covers:
Registered - 3 63
Contact details:
Chief Executive: Dr Jacqueline Christodoulou MBE CPsychol
Hollinwood Business Centre, Albert Street, Oldham,
Manchester OL8 3QL
+44 (0)161 393 8411
Companies House No: 2348358 Registered Charity number: 801207
86 87
Useful weblinks Engineering Council
Academic course search: Engineering Council publications can be downloaded from the
website at:
Benefits of registration:
Hard copies of publications and further promotional tools
Case studies: (posters, information sheets, advertisements, etc) are available
CEng: from the Marketing and Communications department:
Engineering Council e-newsletter Engage:
EngTech: ICTTech - Registering as an ICT Technician
88 89
T +44 (0)20 3206 0500