Energy and Exergy Analysis of Steam and Power Generation Plant
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Steam and Power Generation Plant
Energy and Exergy Analysis of Steam and Power Generation Plant
Abstract— This paper deals energy and exergy analysis of Most commonly used method for thermodynamical
steam and power generation plant in a chemical and fertilizer performance assessment is based on first law of
industry. Conventional energy analysis is based on first law of thermodynamics i.e. energy analysis [1]. Another method used
thermodynamics and exergy analysis is based on second law of is exergy analysis which is based on 2nd law of
thermodynamics. The real energy loss in components cannot be thermodynamics. There is increasing interest in combine
justified by first law of thermodynamics alone, because it does utilization of both first law and second law thermodynamics.
not differentiate between quality and quantity of energy. First Exergetic analysis provides distinction between energy losses
the main components of steam and power generation system to environment and internal irreversibilities in the process [2].
selected. Selected components of the system are then analyzed
Conventional method of energy analysis is based on first law
separately and sites having largest energy and exergy losses are
of thermodynamics which concerned with conservation of
identified. By energy analysis, highest energy loss occurs in
condensers where 47.16 MW is lost which represents 52.89% of
energy principle. The First Law deals with the amounts of
total energy loss in plant. After condensers, energy loss in energy of various forms transferred between the system and its
boilers is significant where 30.26 MW is lost which represents surroundings and with the changes in the energy stored in the
34% of total energy loss. From exergy analysis highest exergy system. It treats work and heat interactions as equivalent
destruction occurred in two boilers where 238.6 MW exergy is forms of energy in transit [3]. However first law sometime
destroyed, it represents 90.8% of total exergy destruction of gives misleading results about performance of energy
plant. Exergy destruction in condenser is 4.426 MW which is conversion device and optimization through first law has
only 1.78% of total exergy destruction. Total energy loss for almost reached saturation level [4]. Also first law is concerned
plant is 89.17 MW while total exergy destruction for the plant is with quantity of energy and its transformation from one form
260.7 MW. It is also seen that energy efficiencies of components to another. It does not account quality aspects of energy [5].
are greater than exergy efficiencies. In power generation section,
turbine 1 cycle is found to be more efficient than turbine 2 cycle. The quality aspect of energy is accounted by second law of
Energy and exergy efficiencies of turbine 1 cycle are found as thermodynamics. Second law provides necessary means to
35.29% and 66.30% respectively and that of turbine 2 cycle are determine quality as well as degree of degradation of energy
32.07% and 64.33% respectively. For power generation cycle’s during process. Exergy is defined as maximum amount of work
exergy efficiencies are greater than energy efficiencies. which can be obtained by a system or stream of matter or
energy when it brought from specified initial state to the state
Keywords—Energy; Exergy; Exergy Destruction; Efficiency; of its environment, that is, the dead state. Exergy is a measure
of the potential of the system or flow to cause change, as
I. INTRODUCTION a consequence of not being completely in stable equilibrium
relative to the reference environment. Unlike energy, exergy is
Steam has been a popular mode of conveying energy since not conserved during any real process; it is always destroyed in
the industrial revolution. Steam is used for generating power a process. Exergy destroyed is proportional to entropy
and also used in process industries such as sugar, paper, generated due to irreversibilities [5].
fertilizer, refineries, petrochemicals, chemical, food, synthetic
fiber and textiles. Major part of this steam production comes Aim of this project is perform combine energy and exergy
from fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Energy conversion analysis on steam and power generation plant. Components
of chemical energy of fuel into steam takes place in boiler having major energy loss and exergy destruction will be
mostly. This steam is then utilized for electricity generation determined. Results of energy and exergy analysis will be then
and for the processes. There is vast potential for saving by compared. At time of analysis, plant is operated at total steam
load of 500 TPH and power generation of 23.8 MW.
improving the efficiencies of steam generation system.
Performance assessment of steam and power generation
system is very essential for industry for proper utilization of
available energy resources. By assessing performance of plant
one can pin point areas or components where energy
conversion is poor and where the improvement is required.
This will help to improve energy efficiency, minimize
operating expenses and increasing the profitability of industry.
P pressure (bar) s steam
T temperature (oC) f fuel
m mass flow rate (kg/s) 0 dead or reference state
h specific enthalpy (kj/kg) i inlet
s specific entropy (kj/kg K) e exit
E energy flow rate (MW) w water
Q heat transfer rate (MW) Abbreviations
W work done (MW) TPH tones per hour
ex specific exergy (kj/kg) TG turbo generator
Ex exergy flow rate (MW) DA deaerator
Exd exergy destruction (MW) HPH high pressure heater
WT turbine work (MW) FP feed pump
Wshaft actual power developed at turbine shaft (MW) BM boiler master
ɳ energy efficiency or first law efficiency PRDS pressure reducing distribution system
Ψ exergy efficiency or second law efficiency CV calorific value
Where Exd is exergy destroyed and Ex,heat is net exergy This equation establishes a relationship between the desired
transfer by heat at temperature T result (for instance, the heating of feed water, or the power in
a turbine) and the input (the amount of energy or exergy spent
Ex,heat = Σ ( 1- To / T)Q (4) to obtain the result). In some systems there is no universal
agreement as to what are an input and an output. Therefore their
Specific exergy is given by efficiency must be defined by the expression
Energy or Exergy Out
Efficiency = (9)
Energy or exergy in
ex = h –ho – To (s-so) (5)
Operating data of the plant is collected form computer
Total exergy flow at any point is given by operated control room of the plant. Thermodynamic properties
at various points indicated in Fig. 1 are shown in Table 2.
Note that points with letter ‘a’ i.e. 1a, 2a … etc. indicates that
Ex = m× ex = m × [h –ho – To (s-so)] (6) those streams are connected to number 1 components e.g.
boiler 1, HP heater 1, deaerator 1 etc. Points with letter ‘b’ i.e.
For steady state operation and considering each selected 1b, 2b…. etc. indicates that those streams are connected only
component in Fig. 1 as control volume, energy balance, energy to number 2 components, e.g. boiler no.2.
efficiency, exergy balance and exergy efficiency can be
Table 2 Thermodynamic properties of the points of steam and power generation plant
is fuel to steam conversion. So in this study steam to fuel Where hs and hw are enthalpies of steam an feed water resp.
efficiencies are considered. Boiler energy efficiency is given and CV is the calorific value of fuel (Natural gas).
exergy gain by steam
by fuel Exergy balance of deaerator is given as
Exergy efficiency = (13)
m1ex1+m2ex2+m3ex3+m4ex4+m5 ex5+m6ex6+m7ex7=m8ex8+Exd (26)
m15 × (h15 –h3) = m10 × (h10 – h9) (17) WT = Ein -Eout = m14h14 - m15h15 -m6h6-m16h16 (30)
Exergy balance of HP heater is given as Actual Power/work develop by turbine shaft (Wshaft)
ex9 )
m15 × ( ex15 –ex3 ) Ws h af t
ɳturbine= WT
C. Feed pump
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