はてなキーワード: Robinとは
以下のリストは、主に Box Office Mojo 等のデータ(全米興行収入・未調整値)をもとにした、
いずれも 北米(アメリカ&カナダ)での累計興行収入 を概算で示しています。
教育水準や経済的要因が出生率に影響を与えるという研究があります。例えば、教育水準が高い人々は、一般的に子供の数が少ない傾向にあります。これは、教育が遅くまで続くことや、キャリアを重視する傾向があるためです 。また、経済的に豊かな地域では、子供にかかるコストが高いため、子供の数を制限する傾向があります。
社会経済的地位(SES)が健康やIQ、出生率に影響を与えるという証拠があります。SESが低い人々は、健康状態が悪く、教育機会が限られているため、IQが低くなる傾向があります。しかし、これは直接的な因果関係ではなく、複数の要因が絡み合った結果です 。
「IQの低い人たちは子供をたくさん産む」という主張は、倫理的な問題を含んでいます。このような主張は、特定の集団に対する偏見や差別を助長し、人権を侵害する可能性があります。科学的な議論は、常に倫理的な配慮を伴うべきです 。
### 結論
: "Education and Fertility: Evidence from a National Family Planning Program in Colombia," by Melanie Morten and Atheendar Venkataramani.
: "The Impact of Women's Education on Fertility: Evidence from Uganda," by Oriana Bandiera, Niklas Buehren, Robin Burgess, Markus Goldstein, Selim Gulesci, Imran Rasul, and Munshi Sulaiman.
: "Socioeconomic Status and Health: Dimensions and Mechanisms," by Nancy E. Adler and Katherine Newman.
: "The Influence of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Health in Adulthood: A Review of the Evidence," by Diana Kuh and Yoav Ben-Shlomo.
: "Ethics in Research: Protecting Human Subjects," by Eleanor Singer and Felice J. Levine.』
Will the Bank of Japan raise rates above zero?
No. 2024 will be the year the Japanese central bank finally ditches yield curve control and negative interest rates. Contrary to market expectations of several further increases, however, rates will end the year no higher than zero.
With mediocre wage growth, a stronger yen in prospect as US rates peak and reasons to prefer a steeper yield curve, the BoJ is unlikely to set a positive rate — although as with any central bank forecast, much depends on the incoming data. Robin Harding
あれ?日本語ではすべて「リドリー参戦!」といった具合に「~参戦!」で統一されているけど、英語版はそれぞれ違っていてバリエーションがあるのかな? …と
キャラクター名(日本語) | キャラクター名(英語) | 参戦!の英語表記 | 語句 | 語句の意味意味 | 言葉遊び?要素(推測) |
むらびと | Villager | Villager Comes to Town! | - | - | - |
ロックマン | Mega Man | Mega Man Joins the Battle! | - | - | - |
Wii Fit トレーナ | Wii Fit Trainer | Wii Fit Trainer Weighs In! | weigh in | 計量する、割って入る、仲裁に入る | 計量する→体重測定? |
ロゼッタ&チコ | Rosalina & Luma | Rosalina & Luma launch into battle! | launch into | 始める、門出する | Launch:(ロケットなどを)打ち上げる→ほうき星の天文台 |
リトルマック | Little Mac | Little Mac Punches In! | punch in | 打ち込む | ボクサー |
リザードン | Charizard | Charizard Fires it Up! | fire up | 火をつける、始動させる、駆り立てる | ほのおタイプポケモン |
ゲッコウガ | Greninja | Greninja Makes A Splash! | make a splash | 音を立てる、あっと言わせる、水しぶきを上げる | みずタイプポケモン |
パルテナ | Palutena | Palutena Alights! | alight | 降りる | (天から)降りる? |
パックマン | Pac-Man | Pac-Man Hungers for Battle! | hunger for | 切望する | Hunger←ゲーム性から |
ルキナ | Lucina | Lucina Wakes Her Blade?! | - | - | ファイアーエンブレム 覚醒(Awakening)とかけてる? |
ルフレ | Robin | Robin Brings the Thunder! | - | - | サンダーソードという武器を使う |
シュルク | Shulk | Shulk Foresees a Fight! | foresee | 見越す、予見する | 未来視という能力がある |
クッパJr. | Bowser Jr. | Bowser Jr. Clowns the Competition! | clown | ふざける | いたずら |
ダックハント | Duck Hunt | Duck Hunt Takes Aim! | take aim | 狙いを定める | カモを狙い撃つゲーム性から |
ミュウツー | Mewtwo | Mewtwo Strikes Back! | strike back | 殴り返す、反撃する | ミュウツーの逆襲 |
リュカ | Lucas | Lucas Comes Out of Nowhere! | come out of nowhere | 突然やってくる | リュカはノーウェア(Nowhere)島に住んでいる |
ロイ | Roy | Roy Seals the Deal! | seal the deal | 契約を結ぶ、取引を固める | ロイは封印(seal)の剣の主人公 |
リュウ | Ryu | Here Comes A New Challenger! Ryu | - | - | ストリートファイターの乱入時のメッセージ |
クラウド | Cloud | Cloud Storms into Battle! | storm into | 押し入る、突入する | Storm Clouds(凶兆、悪いことが起こる前兆) |
カムイ | Corrin | Corrin Chooses to Smash! | choose to do | 決める | ファイアーエンブレムifの「運命の分岐点」で選択肢を選ぶから |
ベヨネッタ | Bayonetta | Bayonetta Gets Wicked! | - | - | - |
リドリー | Ridley | Ridley Hits the Big Time! | hit the big time | 成功する、一流になる、大当たりする | Ridley is too big.というネットミーム |
シモン | Simon | Simon Lashes Out! | lash out | 暴力で攻撃する、食って掛かる | Lash(ムチ)→メインウェポンがムチ |
リヒター | Richter | Richter Crosses Over! | cross over | クロスオーバーする、枠を超える | Cross→横必殺技がクロス(十字架のブーメラン) |
クロム | Chrom | Chrom Joins the Battle! | - | - | - |
ダークサムス | Dark Samus | Dark Samus Joins the Battle! | - | - | - |
キングクルール | King K. Rool | King K. Rool Comes Aboard! | come aboard | (船に)乗り込む、参加する | 船に乗り込む→キャプテン |
しずえ | Isabelle | Isabelle Turns Over A New Leaf! | turn over a new leaf | 改心する、心機一転する | 「とびだせ どうぶつの森」の英語タイトルが「Animal Crossing: New Leaf」 |
ケン | Ken | Ken Turns Up the Heat! | turn up the heat | 温度をあげる、強火にする、勢いを増す | ケンはリュウと違い、昇龍拳で火を噴く |
ガオガエン | Incineroar | Incineroar Enters the Ring! | enter the ring | リングに入る | プロレス技を使うキャラクターなので |
パックンフラワー | Piranha Plant | Piranha Plant Pipes Up! | pipe up | しゃべり(歌い)始める、甲高い声で話す、汲み上げる | 土管 |
バンジョー&カズーイ | Banjo-Kazooie | Banjo-Kazooie are Raring to Go! | raring to go | 今か今かと待ち切れない、~したくてしかたがない | 開発元がRare社 |
勇者 | Hero | The Hero Draws Near! | draw near | そこに向かって動く |
備考)ベヨネッタの「Get Wicked」は調べてもヒットせず、いまいちわかりませんでした。Wickedは「邪悪な、いたずらな」という意味
通称 | 正式名 | パン | パンツ |
ガルパン | ガールズ&パンツァー | パンツァー | なし |
ストパン | ストライクウィッチーズ | パンツ | パンツじゃない |
ビビパン | ビビッドレッド・オペレーション | パンツ | あり |
パンスト | パンティ&ストッキングwithガーターベルト | パンティ | あり |
アンパンマン | それいけ!アンパンマン | パン(いのちの星入り食用) | あり http://genki-project.jp/ |
ワンパン | ワンパンマン | パンチ | ? |
ピーターパン | ピーター・パンあるいは大人になりたがらない少年 | パン(牧神) | なし |
パパンがパン | Who Killed Cock Robin | パン(手拍子) | あり |
ジャぱん | 焼きたて!! ジャぱん | パン(食用) | あり(漫画版) |
パンドラ | 紅殻のパンドラ | パンドラ | あり |
パンチラ | パンチライン | パンチラ | あり |
ルパン | ルパン三世 | アルセーヌ・ルパン | あり |
ジパング | ジパング | ジパング(大日本帝国でも戦後日本でもない新しい日本) | なし |
パンドラ | パンツァードラグーン | パンツァー | なし |
パンシザ | パンプキン・シザーズ | パンプキン | ? |
スカパン | スカシカシパンマン | タコノマクラ目スカシカシパン科 | ? |
How to Begin and End Email
Beginnings and endings are a challenge in most activities, but in email getting off to a good start and ending positively will strengthen the communication and increase understanding.
Start with a specific subject line.
Choose the better subject line in each pair below:
1. a. New Phones
b. New Phone Installation: Your Action Required
2. a. Update on Development of Sales Model
3. a. Summer newsletter
b. 10 Great Tips for Summer vacation
In number 1, the second choice conveys a sense of urgency and action, whereas the first choice falls flat. In 2, the longer title focuses the reader on which update the email is explaining. In 3, you don’t really have much choice. Who would take a?
Next comes the greeting.
• Hi, Fred and Lauri.
• Hi, team.
• Greetings, everyone
• Good morning, Sayed. (If Sayed this message in the morning)
• Jian, we are looking forward to meeting you next week.
• To: Finance and Administration Team
• To all employees:
• David,
• Ruth, Mala and Felicia:
The last five examples must be on a separate line at the top of the message. All the others can be either a separate line or at the beginning of a paragraph.
Choose the greeting that matches your relationship with the reader(s) and the purpose of the message. “Hi” is friendly but too informal in certain situations—for example, in response to a request for a proposal. “Hello” is friendly and professional. “Hey”is too informal and slangy for most messages.
“To” followed by a pronoun like “all” or the name of a group sounds professional but does not convey warmth. Warmth is required in all messages, but please remember that you must always consider the position of the receiver.
Avoid gender-based greetings such as “Ladies.” Even if the group you are writing it is all women, some among them will object to this greeting.
Do not greet people whose name is included on the Cc line. Only greet people whose names are on the To line of the email.
The punctuation of greetings is a topic for discussion. All the punctuation used in the list above is correct. Some people use “Hi team” and “Hello Robin” without the comma, but traditional writers retain the comma. The reason is that these words are in “direct address.” When we directly address the reader, as in “Hi, team” (or in the example that begins with “Jian”) the name is separated from the other words by a comma.
“Dear Mr. Mathews” is followed by a colon in a business letter and in an email that replaces a business letter. However, it is also acceptable to use a comma after a
“Dear” greeting in a business email.
In a quick exchange of email with someone it is not necessary to continually greet your reader. Compare such an exchange with putting the person on hold on the telephone. When you return to the phone call, you say, “Thanks for holding. I have the information: rather than “Hi Laurie.”
The last sentence of an email is like the last words of a phone call. They may be a quick signoff or a courteous close, depending on the formality of the communication.
• See you in Tokyo!
• Have a great trip!
• I will email you in August to schedule lunch.
• Please call me again with any questions
• Thanks again for all your help with the design.
• Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
Avoid continually using “Have a great day!” or similar expression as your closing sentence. It became meaningless with constant use and it is a bad fit with email that communicates a policy or serious announcement.
It is not wise to save a request for action or approval until the end of the message. Email readers do not read to the end of a message when they believe they have gotten the main point already.
A complimentary close—yes or no?
Business letters typicall end with phrases called “complimentary closes” such as “Sincerely yours,” “Best wishes,”and “Best regards.” A complimentary close is not required in email. However, business email often uses such a close to sound formal, look professional, or simply communicate courteously.
• Sincerely,(the most formal of the list)
• Best regards, (professional)
• Warm regards, (professional and warm, as you would expect)
• Regards, (less friendly than the other 2 regards choices)
• With best wishes, (or) Best wishes, ( professional)
• With thanks, (professional and grateful)
• Ciao! (friendly and rather informal)
• Cheers, (friendly)
A word like “Greetings” does not belong in a close. It may be used in the last sentence, though, to greet others who might see the message:
• Please give our greetings to Dr. Carr
• Greetings to your colleagues in Systems Research
Although people frequently use “Thanks” as a close, it is not standard, and careful writers avoid it. Do not use “Thanks in advance” as a close, because many people find it presumptuous. Rather than “Thanks” or “Thanks in advance,” create a better sentence, such as “Thanks for considering my request.” Or use “With thanks” as a complimentary close followed by a comma.
Advice for those who receive less-than-perfect Email. You will sometimes receive email that is less than perfect, which means you might feel a bit offended by them. My advice to you on this is to get through them and leave them behind. Bring a bright smile to your face and a kind tone to your email reply. Forgive those whose writing was clumsy, abrupt, or annoying. They were merely experiencing moments of being human and imperfect.