Conquer Logical Fallacies - 28 N - Thinknetic
Conquer Logical Fallacies - 28 N - Thinknetic
Conquer Logical Fallacies - 28 N - Thinknetic
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Our educational system simply doesn't teach us how to think...
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Enlightening principles to guide your thoughts and actions (gathered from the wisest men
of all time)
One Final Word From Us
Continuing Your Journey
Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the
strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill
touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.
—W E. G
A young man and a beautiful maiden fell in love with each other, but, alas,
she was a princess and he, a commoner. The king heard of this affair and,
livid with rage, had the man captured and brought before him.
“You have committed an unforgivable crime and shall be executed,” said
the king. “But because I am a righteous and merciful king, I will allow you
one kindness, and that is to choose the manner of your death. You are to
make one statement. If you tell the truth, you shall be sent to the gallows to
die by hanging. If you tell a lie, you will be burned at the stake. Go ahead,
then. Make your statement.”
The young man thought briefly, then said: “I will be burned at the stake.”
The king, hearing this, thought deeply, then set the man free.
Many of you readers by now will have a feeling of déjà vu. Of course, you
had already heard this story or some variation of it sometime before. It is a
version of the liar’s paradox. In the story above, the young man was
released by the king because his statement put the king in a quandary. If his
statement was ruled a lie, he would be burned at the stake, turning his
statement into the truth. But if it were the truth and he was sent to the
gallows, he would have told a lie because he said he would be burned at the
stake. Therefore, the righteous king, therefore, had to let him go or risk
putting a man to death against the terms of his own proclamation.
The liar’s paradox is a popular logical puzzle, but many who have already
heard it before are again confused upon hearing it again. They could not
recall the answer to this familiar story, because they would have forgotten
the logical connections made before. Why? Because our human nature
makes us forget what we have learned if we learned the lesson only once.
Learning does not take hold if we fail to address the lesson again and to
practice it repeatedly, frequently, and in different contexts.
You may be reading this book because you were intrigued by its reference
to “Our Irrational Side.” We are rational beings and make decisions
consistent with reason and logic, but we often find ourselves caught in the
repercussions of irrational actions and decisions.
- Students will forego preparing for an examination knowing full well the
consequence is a failing grade. Still, they convince themselves with the
fallacy that they could still pass the test by cramming or cheating.
- Employers know the opportunity cost in turning away potentially
outstanding applicants because of a first impression bias, yet they repeat the
- Consumers make purchases that they had no intention of making because
they were swayed by celebrities and influencers posing as authorities. All of
us have been there and had subsequently experienced buyers’ remorse.
It is not easy to constantly think and act logically. We are the product of
different cultures, experiences, educational backgrounds, and upbringing.
We are each equipped with different sets of values and beliefs that combine
our upbringing and social environment. Yet, logic is objective, scientific,
coldly discerning. Sound reasoning often leads to one solution, the right
Sound reasoning has its benefits. A right-thinking student will hit the books
before an exam. Employers will recruit the best applicants based on merit
after careful deliberation. And consumers will realize that models, actors,
and television personalities cannot replace real engineers, physicians, and
similar experts.
This book aims to help everyday people make sound everyday decisions. It
A man walks into a bar and says to his favorite bartender. “Jim, give
me a stiff one. I can’t stand going home to my wife this early. All
she does is nag, nag, nag without making any sense, and I can’t
get a word in.”
Jim says, “Bob, Letty’s just bored. I got my Emma to attend evening classes
on embroidery, and now she’s too busy with her cross-stitching to get on
my case.” Bob thought that was a great idea.
One month later, Bob walks in and says, “Jim, this is the last time I’m
listening to you. I took your advice and encouraged Letty to attend
community college. She enrolled in a course on introductory logic. Now she
still nags at me, and I still can’t get a word in. She’s making too much
Bob’s experience shines a light on the best reason one can have to study
logic: to persuade others with our reasoning. Reasoning is a journey of the
mind. Humans are rational beings. Therefore, we all reason. We all perceive
the same things in our environment, yet we interpret them in different ways.
Some interpretations make more sense than others, depending on the way
we reason.
Logic is simply the process of making sense. It is the science of correct
reasoning, and some would call it a discipline of the mind [1]. Some of us
reason more logically than others because we can make sound inferences
from the evidence we have. With study, observation, and practice, we can
acquire that mental discipline to use logic to persuade and convince others
You asked me where I was last night, what I was doing, and who I
was with. I infer from your line of questioning that you consider
me a suspect.
Moving On
This brief overview of logic barely scratches the surface of this most
interesting topic, but it is certainly enough to give Bob goosebumps
thinking about getting into an argument with his wife. Mastery of logic is a
powerful weapon for winning arguments, but more so for making sound
decisions. Bob would consider it a boon to study logic like Letty. And so
would you. Let’s forge on to the reasoning through arguments in the next
Key Takeaways
The four laws of logic are the laws of identity, excluded middle,
non-contradiction and sufficient reason.
A claim asserts the truth of something.
Inference is drawing conclusions from premises.
An argument is a claim supported by proof
The argument would make sense assuming both premises were true. It is a
valid argument. But the first premise turned out to be false. Thus, the
reasoning was not sound, and the conclusion was false, too.
(2)Even if a premise is false, the conclusion can still be true and the
argument is valid but unsound.
To test this argument’s validity, let us change the second premise to make it
true while retaining the argument’s structure. So, it becomes:
Following the same structure, another argument with true premises can be:
Notice that unlike the example in (2) above, the pattern is at fault in the last
argument, not only the reasoning. Therefore, it is an invalid as well as
unsound argument.
As previously shown in the example in (2), a valid argument can also have
a true conclusion even if one premise is false.
The important thing to remember is that when the premises are true, and the
reasoning is correct, the conclusion is true, and the argument is sound and
There is another distinction between arguments, and these are the simple
and the complex. Simple arguments have one or more premises and a
conclusion. The earlier examples are all simple arguments.
On the other hand, a complex argument has a set of arguments whose
premises and/or conclusions overlap. Complex arguments have several
intermediate conclusions and one final conclusion. Consider the following
Why We Argue
Why are we drawn to quarreling or trying to win an argument rather than
seeking the truth? The question admits of many conflicting issues. The first
is the elusive nature of truth. If truth were absolute, then it would be readily
perceived and accepted. Then there would be little need for debate. If an
absolute truth exists, it is one that observations can scientifically prove
through the five senses. But there lies the crux of all problems – there is no
simple answer, as there is no simple truth.
With its methods and standards for exactitude, if science, considering the
search for an absolute truth as “a fool’s errand,” then how much less could
logic lead to the discovery of “the truth”? The search for the truth is one
long, sustained debate. Even with the best of intentions, “seeking the truth”
leads to many false paths. The only way to test these theories is to subject it
to the crucible of debate, the tool of which is by winning the argument.
But bona fide intentions are not always assured. Often the goal becomes to
win the argument at the expense of the truth because the truth is anyway
relative. Cohen [13] of the New York Times sees this as the “need to triumph
in the debating arena.” The compulsion to decimate the opponent replaces
the quest to seek the truth.
The Argumentative Theory of Reasoning, a theory developed by French
cognitive social scientists to explain how rationality becomes a weapon.
Mercier and Sperber [14] theorize that humans are dependent on
communication and vulnerable to misinformation. “Skilled arguers are not
after the truth but after arguments supporting their views” (p.57). Thus
reasoning resorts to distorting facts and enabling mistaken beliefs to persist
with winning as the motivation.
The same uncertainties about the truth underlie why we make guesses in
place of observations. Observations are perceptions of the environment
gathered by our five senses. We all observe the same things, but the mental
interpretations of what we perceive differ depending on our age, experience,
education, cultural and social orientation, and a host of other factors.
Making an educated guess is part of our sense-making impulse. Our logic
drives us to hypothesize in a manner that makes sense of our world in the
face of new stimuli. Guessing is part of our normal logical process, and it is
not wrong if it seeks subsequent validation through facts.
Action Steps
To better understand what an argument is, let us conduct a quick exercise
formulated by Prof. Bradley H. Dowden of California State University [2,
p.6]. Of the following four passages, identify which contains an argument
based on its technical definition. Try to think about the exercise and exert
some honest effort in arriving at an answer before checking out the solution
that follows.
a. I hate you. Get out of here!
b. I’m sure Martin Luther King, Jr. didn’t die during the 1960s because it
says right here in the encyclopedia that he was assassinated in Memphis in
c. The Republican Party began back in the 1950s as a U.S. political party.
Abraham Lincoln was their first candidate to win the presidency.
d. I don’t believe you when you say Martin Luther King Jr. could have been
elected president if he hadn’t been assassinated.
What selection contains an argument, and what type of argument is it? (Try
to exert your best effort to answer before proceeding to the solution at the
end of the chapter.)
Moving On
Our children may swear allegiance to their superheroes, but their parents
have no excuse to lapse into poor reasoning habits. Structuring our thinking
along the lines of an argument clarifies the premises and their logical link to
the conclusion we want to advance. It helps weed out the logical errors we
often make, such as those we shall discuss in the next chapter.
Key Takeaways
She wore tight corsets to give her a teeny waist - I helped her
lace them up - but they had the effect of causing her to faint.
Mom called it the vapors and said it was a sign of her high
breeding and delicate nature. I thought it was a sign that the
corset made it hard to breathe.
—J W ,H B H (2009) [15]
Action Steps
There are many methods of detecting formal fallacies. Three basic steps
could quickly identify the type of common fallacy that tricks our minds into
jumping to the wrong conclusion [17].
(1) Identify the wrong premises (the “bad proofs”). These can be outright
misstatements or implied comparisons, or examples that are irrelevant to the
conclusion. Celebrity brandings are a common type of fallacy. “Rihanna
uses the Fenty Beauty brand of makeup. If I use it, I will look as beautiful
as her,” implies a false comparison between the consumer and the celebrity.
The omitted premise is “I am not Rihanna,” therefore, what is good for
Rihanna is not necessarily good for me.
(2) Identify the wrong alternative outcomes. The often-implied choices may
not be the only ones possible, and awareness of other alternatives may
prevent us from making the wrong decision. “Robert is handsome and rich,
but he’s a playboy. Tommy doesn’t have a bad record, but he doesn’t have a
job either. Whom should I marry?” The answer does not have to be Robert
or Tommy because it can be “neither one.”
(3) Identify logical disconnects between premises and conclusion. Even if
the proofs or evidence are true, they may not be entirely relevant to the
conclusion or issue. “My parents died before the age of 65, and I have the
same health conditions as they did. Therefore, I will also die before I reach
65 years.” While it may be true that your parents died in middle age, and
you may indeed have inherited their health problems, there is no logical
certainty linking these premises and the certainty of your death. You may be
living a healthier lifestyle, and the causes of their passing may not be due
exclusively to your shared health conditions.
Moving On
Some people may think of a corset as a beauty aid; others see it as an Iron
Maiden Lite. Having different frames of mind is unavoidable. People have
biases that manifest as logical errors when least expected. Logical errors are
fallacies, which we will learn more about in the next chapter.
Key takeaways
Many husbands and wives have quarreled over this argument. The fallacy
lies in drawing a definite conclusion about the cause from the effect. When
several causes are possible, our mind often focuses on the most obvious
when some other explanation is possible. The dented car may have been
struck by a moving object, such as another car, without the fault of the
driver accused of carelessness.
The broker window could have resulted from many things other than John
throwing a ball. The handyman could have miscalculated and swung a
ladder into the window. Or it is also likely that Jill was the thrower and not
John. Children, workers, or other subordinate persons often get unfairly
blamed for mishaps, only to be later proven innocent to the chagrin of the
Could there be exceptions to the rule that the pattern redounds to a fallacy?
What if the consequent can have only one cause?
If there is a deadly build-up of toxic gas in the mine, it will kill the
The canary died.
Therefore, there is a build-up of toxic gas in the mine.
From 1911 to 1986, miners used canaries in coal mines to detect carbon
monoxide and other noxious gases. Strictly speaking, the canary can die of
many other causes such as age or illness. It would have made sense, though,
for the miners to bring young, healthy canaries with them to reduce the
probability of other causes. Happily, for canaries, digital detectors replaced
them in 1985 [20]. Their case shows that where a consequence can only
result from one cause, affirming the consequent ceases to be a fallacy.
2. Denying The Antecedent (Modus Tollens)
This fallacy is also known as the fallacy of the inverse, or inverse error.
Denying the antecedent is a formal fallacy wherein the inverse from the
original statement is inferred. This is invalid because denying the
antecedent does not necessarily imply denying the consequent [19]. Its form
is: “If P, then Q. If not P, then not Q.”
If you take a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil every day, then you
will remain healthy.
You do not take virgin coconut oil.
Then you will not remain healthy.
Staying healthy can result from many things, such as healthy exercise,
sufficient rest, and having a healthy diet. While virgin coconut oil can
contribute to one’s health, not taking it does not necessarily become
Again, be careful in determining whether or not ruling out the antecedent
really does result in ruling out the consequent. Take the following example.
If Zoe graduates from high school this year, then she could go to
college next year.
Zoe did not graduate from high school this year.
Therefore, Zoe cannot go to college next year.
While this argument follows the pattern for modus tollens, the antecedent
(graduating from high school) is a necessary requisite for the consequent
(studying in college the following year). Lack of a high school diploma will
not qualify Zoe for entrance into college.
3. Affirming A Disjunct
Another name of this fallacy is the false exclusionary disjunct. A disjunct
refers to one of the terms of a disjunctive proposition that excludes one term
from another. The fallacy of affirming a disjunct involved affirming one of
two things disjoined, then denying the other term. The error is assuming
that since one disjunct is false, the other should be true. The word OR is
inclusive, allowing for one or both of the disjuncts to be true [21]. This
fallacy has the form: “A or B. A. Therefore, not B.”
Implicit in this example is the affection Celia has for animals in general and
that she would love a puppy or a kitten, whichever she received. Celia
received a puppy which she loved dearly. However, it is not right to say that
she would not love a kitten if she received it – or both pets if she received
The disjunction is an “either-or” statement that implies the need for a
choice. However, there are two types of disjunctions. The inclusive or weak
disjunction allows for choosing one or both (either/or) of the alternatives.
The exclusive or strong disjunction allows a single choice, and the selection
of one alternative necessarily excludes the other.
4. Denying A Conjunct
If a disjunct is a term disjoined from another, then a conjunct is a term
joined to another as being in the same class. The fallacy consists of
declaring, in the second premise, that one of the conjuncts is false, then
concluding the other is true. The error lies in assuming that negating one of
the conjuncts necessarily affirms the other when it is logically possible to
negate both [22]. There are two forms for this fallacy
Indeed, Catholics (a group of people who believe in God) are not atheists
(people who do not believe in God), and vice-versa. But there are other
groups who are not Catholic and still believe in God, so they are not
atheists. Anthony could be a member of another Christian denomination or
a Buddhist, Muslim, or Hindu. He may believe in God but be unaffiliated.
There are alternatives other than being atheist.
This argument’s fallaciousness lies in the possibility that the Joneses need
not choose from the two contests. They may join another game, or even no
game at all. The conjunction does not exclude this possibility.
By way of contrast, the validating forms for this conjunctive argument cure
the logical error and dispel the fallacy. They are of the alternative forms
So, the validating form for our conjunctive arguments would be:
All A is B.
All B is C.
Therefore, all A is C.
The middle term, animals, includes both insects and mammals as well as
many other groups. The logical error is obvious: insects and mammals are
different categories that exclude each other, even if they are both animals.
The middle term in the syllogism is watercraft. The court ruled against this
argument, and riverboats were adjudged exempt from registration.
Action Steps
Formal fallacies involve a weakness in the form or technical structure of an
argument, rather than whether or not the conclusion is true. Five formal
fallacies are listed below. Try to identify each of them. Make your best
effort before finding the answers at the end of this chapter
1. All drivers are licensed, just as all physicians are licensed. That means all
drivers are physicians!
2. If Elmer bought a new car, he would attract a lot of beautiful women. But
he bought a used car, which is why women are not attracted to him.
3. Sally can play either the piano or the violin. She chose to play the piano,
therefore she cannot play the violin.
4. You would lose the contest if you did not prepare well. You lost the
contest, which only means that you did not prepare well.
5. My pet is not both a cat or a dog. My pet is not a cat. Therefore, it is a
Moving On
Pevernagie calls the truth a battle within ourselves against our preconceived
ideas. The truth is hard to accept, especially when it challenges our most
precious convictions that are, nevertheless, wrong. Among our
preconceived logical errors, formal errors are more readily found because
they are signalled by faulty argument structures. Informal errors are more
subtle and difficult to detect. We will learn about informal errors in the next
Key Takeaways
Informal Fallacies
In Chapter 4, we encountered formal fallacies. They are the logical thinking
errors that involve mistakes in the pattern of arguments and the
relationships between premises and conclusions. However, some fallacies
do not involve the formal structure but rather are logical errors we make
everyday that involve unsound reasoning.
Informal fallacies are not limited to words and sentences but instead are
more of logical misadventures. The logical mistakes that make up fallacies
sometimes result from ill intent, inconsistency, irrelevance and
insufficiency. More often, they emerge from simple misconceptions and
force of habit. We frequently find ourselves committing mistakes in
reasoning and judgment that turn out to be predictable because we have
made them before.
Sasha knows that it defies reason to buy things she does not need just
because they are on sale, but many people are like Sasha. She is caught up
in the mad dash, doing what everybody else is doing but not really thinking.
Commercial retailers exploit consumers’ irrational buying impulses as part
of their marketing strategy. Thus, a logical error becomes a recurring
mistake driven by real-world conditions.
There are other reasons why we repeat the same logical errors. One is the
degree to which we recall our past successes and failures, but recall does
not improve the likelihood of not committing the error. People find it
difficult to recall mistakes they have made because it is more difficult to
remember many mistakes than just one or two. Trying to recall only makes
the mental process slower and more deliberate and may lead to making
even more mistakes [25].
Dad is not entirely at fault because his daughter could have asked his
permission many times in the past to circumvent her mother. Sometimes it
was right to give permission, and sometimes it was not. Trying to recall all
those times his wife probably agreed with him and the other times she did
not could make mental recall slower and more difficult.
Emotions also play a role in our judgment or decision-making process. How
we feel shapes our decision-making process, such that logically correct
decisions are avoided if they trigger negative feelings and vice-versa [26].
Ingrid: “I never learn. This is the fifth time I caught him with
another girl. Every time he begs for forgiveness, saying he will
change his ways. And every time I believe him.”
Stella: “So this time you kicked him out?”
Ingrid: “I can’t. What if this is the last time and he really changes?”
These theories about social contexts, emotions, and slow recall have broad
application in our psychological make-up and give us some insight into how
our minds work. It explains why we often commit the same logical mistakes
as those we had already known to be errors.
Practically all sailors believe that their voyage over the perilous waters
depends on luck due to the uncertainty of their journey. Superstitions catch
on as a “general rule” even if there is little evidence to substantiate them. So
rational decision-makers should set them aside, even if so-called anecdotal
evidence seems particularly persuasive.
In quantified research, the conclusion may involve findings anchored on an
unrepresentative or misspecified sample instead of a sample that is more
aligned with the overall population.
However, even if the sample size were large, the bias is obvious that it
makes the conclusion unconvincing. Sometimes the conclusion is made
over an entire group of people based on observations made over a few of
their members. It may result in judgments that may seem unethical or even
2. Appeal To Authority
In reasoning, we try to find solid ground, outside of our own thinking, to
anchor our premises. Whether they be persons, institutions, or classical
texts, authorities are powerful sources of corroboration or contradiction of
our assumptions. But reliance on the authority, if not properly established,
can become a fallacy that traps the unwary.
In appeals to a person of authority, the argument is that something must be
true because an alleged expert on the matter claimed it as true. This is also
called an appeal to false authority.
According to the feng shui expert, it is bad luck to align the front
door and the back door of a dwelling or business establishment
without any obstruction between them. The flow of good energy
that comes in the front door will quickly escape through the back
door without first moving through the home or workplace.
The Farmer’ Almanac, which sells four million copies each year
[30], stated that there would be sunny and cool weather from
The truth of the angel’s appearance to the speaker is not what makes this a
fallacy, but his declaration that those with faith will believe him. The reality
is that some people of faith will not believe in him because they may decide
that he lacked credibility. The claim seeks its validation in faith, possibly
because there is no other way to prove it.
However, we should beware that the mere mention of faith or belief as the
basis for a claim does not immediately redound to a fallacy. The following
are instances when a faith-rationale was first dismissed as fallacious and
then subsequently validated by gaining general acceptance and recognition.
The fifth commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Therefore,
even in a war, I will not hold a rifle or a knife to kill my enemy.
In World War II, Desmond Doss signed up with the U.S. infantry as a
conscientious objector – he would not hold a rifle even during training. A
devout Seventh-day Adventist he believed that taking a life even in a war is
against God’s will. For his stubbornness, he was frequently ridiculed and
reviled. Subsequently, he served as a medic and served with distinction,
saving the lives of more than 100 men. Soon after, he received the Medal of
Honor for his actions [34]. His extraordinary conviction became the subject
of a recent biographical motion picture, Hacksaw Ridge [35].
The Hindu faith venerates rats as holy, and rodents have occupied a
sacred place in Indian history. Rats should, therefore, never be
Rodents are considered the source of disease and pestilence, for which
modern-day sensibilities require their eradication. However, in India, they
are venerated and have been for centuries, as seen in archaeological sites in
that country [36]. To this day, the Temple of Rats stands in the State of
Rajasthan in India to honor the Hindu deity Karni Mata.
Modern banking is founded on the concept of the time value of money and
that the use of monies loaned out must earn interest. However, followers of
Islam are forbidden by Shariah law to charge or pay Riba (interest) because
this is an uncharitable and usurious practice [37]. This is irreconcilable with
Western practice. However, with the rise of Islamic banking, interest-free
banking products have been made available even through the traditional
banking system.
Thirteen is considered an unlucky number. That is why many high-
rise buildings do not designate the 13th floor.
There are specific types of emotions that a fallacy can appeal to. There are
five appeals to emotion frequently used.
Dean Smith should not allow an unworthy student to graduate because this
violates the rules. If he gives way to pity, he acts with official authority and
publicly conveys a degree on an unworthy student, further compromising
the school.
3.2 Appeal To Fear
Ordering online can be safe with the proper precautions by using third-party
payor services. There are advantages to making in-person purchases, but
these are rational considerations that have nothing to do with the fear of
credit fraud.
Sometimes the fear inspired comes as a fateful consequence for defying the
unwritten law. This is particularly effective in scaring children into
following since they do not question the logical soundness of it.
Not all Hong Kong nationals are Triad members, just as not all Mexicans
are MS-13 members, and not all Japanese are members of the Yakuza. Real
guilt should attach because of real culpability, not imagined ones.
Juliet is free to befriend Romeo if she wants to, except if she is a minor and
there are real concerns to forbid her from such friendships (such as a rap
sheet in Romeo’s name). Group loyalty should not constrain discretion
about one’s personal affairs.
Alejandro, you are the son of the chief justice and the grandchild of
the author of our nation’s civil code. But you flunked your first
year of law school! What will your father’s colleagues think? His
law fraternity?
Alejandro can tell his parents he’s not interested in becoming a lawyer and
instead pursues his passion for music and the arts.
The five arguments above can be quite convincing for people who decide
based on their knee-jerk reactions when faced with problems. Deep
emotional involvement in a dilemma can persuade one to decide in favor of
quickly easing the personal discomfort he or she is facing, even if the
decision is not well thought out.
4. Appeal To Ignorance
Some arguments base their claim on the absence of any evidence that
disproves it. When an argument reasons that something is either true or
false based on a lack of evidence, this appeals to ignorance [39]. It is
fallacious because a non-proof affirms nothing, therefore concluding that it
affirms something is an absurdity.
Take the following frequently-encountered argument.
Can anybody vouch for where you were on the night of the crime?
If you do not have an alibi, then you are guilty.
Your teacher suspects that you cheated in the last exam. Prove to us
that you did not cheat, or you will be suspended.
This proof specifies one of several methods, although it is the most accurate
and conclusive. However, the inability to carry out a DNA test is not
justification for ruling out paternity nor. Neither is it, of course, the
justification for ruling in its favor. The matter is simply inconclusive.
The appeal to ignorance works as a fallacy only if the absence of proof still
admits that other possible conclusions may exist. The possibility of multiple
outcomes is an important element of appeal to ignorance. But if the
possibilities are finite and all are ruled out except one, then the remaining
possibility must be true. This is a case where the absence of proof is proof
of the claim.
Josie said she would be waiting for me at the Starbucks near her
school. But there are two Starbucks stores near her school, one at
1st Street and the other at Main Street. Josie is not in the Main
Street Starbucks, so she must be waiting for me at 1st. Street.
Josie has confirmed her presence at one of two places, and she is not
present at one of them. Then it is conclusive that Josie is at the other place.
The pea is under one of three shells. The shells at the left and the
right are empty. Therefore, the pea is under the shell in the middle.
There are only four men on this island, but Paul, George, and
Ringo are all infertile. Therefore, John is the father of Sally’s child!
Implicit in this example is that Sally has not left the island. Therefore, only
four men could have fathered her child. By ruling out the three, one can
safely conclude that John is the father even without a DNA test.
In logic, the absence of evidence that a suspect committed the crime does
not prove guilt or innocence. However, the presumption of innocence is
mandatory by operation of law. It is a legal convention that ensures a person
is not put in a position of uncertainty; therefore, he is either innocent or
guilty based on the availability of evidence.
The crime alleged is armed insurrection. But there is no proof that
the people were armed. Therefore, there is no crime.
Most people would presume that countries in tropical regions are unable to
compete in winter games because of their balmy climate. In 1992, the first
ice skating rink in Asia was built in the Philippines. In 2014, Michael
Martinez became the first skater who grew up and trained in Southeast Asia
to qualify for the Winter Olympics. The fallacy, therefore, lies in the
presumption that countries without winters could not train local athletes to
compete in any winter sports.
The co-parties agree to the finality of the merger in ten years unless
a regime change takes place in Cambodia, where they will
establish the joint venture.
A contracting party may feel confident that a coup d’etat has little to no
chance of happening in ten years, only to be caught by it happening in the
tenth year.
In the year 2000, the world will end as we know it, because at
12:01 a.m. on that day, all power will turn off, planes will fall from
the sky, phone lines will go dead, and we will return to the Dark
The foregone conclusion in the argument above the sinister Y2K will
definitely take place, and as proof, the premises list all the tragedies that
will occur because of it. The premises do not explain the reasons or causes
supporting the claim that a worldwide disaster will take place at the turn of
the millennium. To set the argument straight, it could have explained that all
computers upon which all automated information processing relies will
reset to the double zero “00” due to faulty programming. It was a false
analysis, but at least it cited a possible cause, not an effect, of Y2K.
Golf is a popular sport because many people enjoy playing it.
Any sport gains popularity because it is loved and enjoyed by many people.
It is the definition of “popular.” Therefore, the premise of the above
argument merely restates the conclusion. This is singular reasoning.
The argument is a play on the word “recreational,” which, in its legal sense,
is the contrast of “medicinal” or used for therapeutic purposes. Arguing that
cannabis should be accepted for recreation because many people enjoying it
is a mere restatement of the nature of its use. A sound argument would
explain why the law should eliminate recreational marijuana from the list of
narcotics prohibited by law, such as the discovery that such use of the
substance does not harm human health.
Begging the question does not require any question at all, differentiating it
from the complex question fallacy. There are two questions involved in the
latter, where the answer to a given question presumes an answer given to a
previous question. There is no circular reasoning in this latter fallacy, but an
implied answer to a hidden question.
Inspector to suspect: “So when did you last beat up your wife?”
7. Black-Or-White Fallacy
As the name implies, this fallacy forces a choice between only one or the
other extreme choice (either black or white) when there are other
alternatives (gray areas) to choose from. The fallacy is forcing a choice
between only two alternatives.
A black or white fallacy is deceptive because it tricks the listeners into
thinking that only two choices are possible, and the absence of merit in one
makes acceptance of the other extreme the only solution. The arguer
presents the quality that contrasts the two choices as the only important
criterion for decision-making.
Many high school seniors who are about to select their college programs
face this decision. Realistically, the choice does not have to be between
Chloe’s or her mom’s. Chloe’s interest is in the arts; her mom’s interest is
for her to have a well-paying career. Chloe could choose to meet both
interests by enrolling in an advertising arts program. A career in the
advertising arts is both artistically inclined and financially rewarding.
Making business decisions requires an open and creative mind. There are
numerous business models in this industry other than fine-dining and fast-
food, such as bistros, buffets, diners, etc. Innovations are adopted that
combine the best characteristics of those existing. What appears to be an
either-or decision requires thinking out of the box.
8. Middle Ground
When someone argues that the so-called “middle ground” between two
extremes is correct simply because it is somewhere between the extremes.
The claim about the middle ground is best is not based on the superior merit
of that middle alternative over the extremes. Rather, it is a compromise
between them with possibly less merit. It is offered as the best choice under
the presumption that advocates of the extreme alternatives may find it
acceptable for all.
Vincent’s dad erroneously presumes that Vincent likes Anna because she
dances, and his mom prefers Delia because she works in the restaurant
business. He is oblivious to the type of dance or the nature of the restaurant
job. He does not think that the best choice may actually be Annie, who
Vincent may like for her many other qualities.
The best choice for governor should be the candidate most qualified to
discharge the office’s duties; this should be the premise when deciding the
elected official. Therefore, choosing based on the party does not guarantee
the best choice. It is possible that one of the other major party candidates
would have made a better choice.
Bruno used to drink ten bottles of beer a day. After ten years of
this, he got sick and required angioplasty to open up an artery. The
doctor gave him strict orders not to drink a single drop ever again
because it was bad for his health. When Bruno got home, he
thought to himself, “I’m afraid to die, but I can’t go without beer!”
So, he decided to drink just five bottles a day.
In many medical cases, doctors will allow patients some leeway in alcohol
consumption, but they will recommend complete abstinence in serious
cases. Strict orders from a doctor allow for no compromise for the good of
the patient. Bruno did not understand that the middle position in this case –
from the doctor’s advice not to drink a single drop to his former ten bottle
consumption daily – or five bottles a day, is an unacceptable decision.
The Middle Ground fallacy and Black-and-White fallacy are similar as far
as they both involve either choosing one of the extremes or a compromise
between them. The difference is that in the black-and-white fallacy, the
middle choice may be the best, while in the Middle Ground fallacy, one of
the extremes is likely the better choice
9. False Cause
The false cause fallacy exists in arguments where the logical connection
between the premises and the conclusion is an imaginary link. There are
three types of false-cause fallacies based on three types of erroneous logical
9.1 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (“After This, Therefore Because Of This”)
It is not the speech that makes her throw up, but the stress she feels that
makes her feel nauseous after every public presentation. She may benefit
from some professional advice or public speaking classes to0, or undertake
some mental exercises to destress before her speech, but she should not
avoid her speaking engagements.
My office rival Sandra gave the boss a nice Christmas gift, and in
January, she was promoted. Wow, that gift sure paid a lot of
The gift Sandra gave and her subsequent promotion may or may not have a
causal relation, but no conclusion is possible absent substantial proof.
Sandra may have been in line for a promotion for years based on her good
work. To judge that she was promoted just because of the gift is mean-
spirited and in poor taste.
9.2 Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc (“With This, Therefore Because Of This”)
When dogs go for a walk, they poop on the sidewalk; therefore, it
is the walk that causes them to poop.
Going for a walk may provide dogs the exercise they need to relieve
themselves, but dogs are known to relieve themselves even when they are
confined to closed spaces. Some dogs don’t relieve themselves at all during
walks. It is not the walk that causes the evacuation but the dog’s own bodily
When John plays music while fishing, he catches fish, playing the
music attracts fish so John could catch them.
Music may or may not influence the fish, but to conclude, this would
require scientific research possible with the help of an experiment. There
are too many factors present in the outdoors that influence fishing. What
can be determined for certain is whether John enjoys the music while he
goes fishing because John can respond concerning how he feels about the
music. Otherwise, there is no logical link between the music and the
number of fish caught.
People often mistakenly interpret their dog’s actions depending on how she
reacts to ongoing stimuli. However, dog behaviorists and psychologists
explain that dogs act the way they do in response to their owner’s emotions.
The relationship between a dog and its master is not common knowledge,
so an expert may sometimes need to explain the truth to dispel laymen’s
I thought that the roosters’ crowing in the morning wakes the rest
of the farm animals up. But the last rooster died, and all the
animals woke up anyway. So, the rising sun wakes all the animals
up on the farm, including the roosters.
It is a charming element in stories about farm life that attributes the waking
of the animals to the cock’s crow. The truth is that diurnal animals will
wake with the sunrise, whether the rooster crows or not.
Economic analysts expect interest rates to rise when inflation rates go up.
This is true because the monetary authority uses its policies to control the
money supply. But there have been times when increasing inflation does not
result in increasing interest rates. Economic indicators respond to the effects
of broad economic policies.
This fallacy is independent of people’s views on gun control. The clue lies
in the words of the argument itself. Both homicide and the possession of
illegal firearms are against the law. The number of illegal firearms is not the
ultimate cause of the rise in homicides, which could be carried out by
means other than a gun. But both point to lax law enforcement, which is the
true cause of the rising crime rate.
Ian was caught driving the wrong way down a one-way street.
Oblivious of the nearby street signs, Ian’s response to the arresting
officer was, “But officer, I did not know this was a one-way
street.” The officer asked for his driver’s license, which turned out
to be expired. “Really? I was not aware!” Finally, the officer told
Ian that the car he was driving was reported stolen. “No, you don’t
say! I borrowed this car from my friend, but I just forgot to ask his
All three reasons Ian gave were red herrings. First, ignorance of the law
excuses no one. Second, all drivers should be responsible for their
documents. Third, possessing another person’s property without permission
creates a presumption of theft. So, all three reasons given by Ian are
irrelevant to his defense.
Here are other common red herring fallacies.
I’m sure there is no global warming, The ice age we learned about
in the seventies hasn’t even come yet.
Confusion of on-screen personas and the actors who play them happen
more frequently now that visual entertainment has approached new heights
in realism. But avid fans possibly take “suspension of belief” to extremes.
Using transient abnormal reactions to justify censorship of the media is a
red herring.
Marijuana is a gateway drug. Once you get used to it, you’ll look
for methamphetamine, cocaine, then heroin, in search of new
Don’t even think that it’s okay to tell white lies. You’ll get used to
telling bigger and bigger lies until you can’t tell the truth anymore.
Some research tends to support this, but research also suggests social lying
(white lies), which is sometimes resorted to because people fear inflicting
emotional harm with an honest but negative comment [48]. Compassion is
the driver for some white lies, suggesting that people cease to lie in other
situations where the altruistic motivation is absent.
Timmy and Tommy being Navy Seals may mean they are both well-trained,
but this has no bearing on their inclinations for marriage and family.
Filipinos and Indonesians are closely related ethnically and culturally, but
their historical difference resulted in Indonesia being mostly Muslim and
the Philippines being predominantly Catholic.
Dr. Phillip caught his student Jill opening her handbook during a
test. He called her attention and asked her why she was cheating.
“I’m not cheating, Doctor. When I was your intern, I noticed that
you consulted your handbook when you wrote a prescription for a
patient. Since you’re already a doctor but still have to read your
handbook, then I think I should be able to do the same since I am
still a student and much less knowledgeable than you.”
The husband drinks wine as an act of self-indulgence. The priest drinks the
wine during mass as part of the celebration of a religious sacrament. The act
of drinking wine in the two cases is not comparable.
The fallacy in this argument rests in the implication that Shiela owes it to
Chris to accept his proposal because he already spent a large sum in
courting her. However, the true justification for accepting the proposal
should be her willingness to become his spouse. A variation of this case is
more sinister:
Ron is going out on a hot new date. He’s going to treat her to a
movie, a lobster dinner, and expensive drinks. He’s hoping that
he’ll get his money’s worth if she invites him up afterward.
Randy has several options, such as exchanging this membership with others
selling off his share at a slight discount if he wanted to. But Randy wanted
to get the value of his money and so went on vacations he did not really
Despite having tried the catering business for a year, it was obvious
that this was a failing venture from the start. Still, Alice insisted on
pushing on, reasoning she still wanted to recover what she already
This last situation is much the same as the Concorde project, where the
project proponents refuse to give up on the dream. Alice refuses to admit
that the business was a bad idea and still looks to recover though it is highly
Sunk cost fallacies are relatively easy to identify because they involve
investing some discernible value in terms of time, money or effort, and
refusing to take a loss on it when that would have been a more sensible
decision. However, the sunk cost dilemma is not as easy to resolve because
it is essentially behavioral.
Addressing The Fallacy
The best decision-making guide to avoid getting caught up in a sunk cost
fallacy trap is to set a cut-loss limit when investing, and having the
discipline to follow this plan if it materializes. A cut-loss limit is a point at
which one is willing to assume a loss – 20% of the investment value, one
year into the venture, or any measure in time and resources. Having set this,
one should develop the resolve to cut clean when that point is reached, and
not look back in regret.
The year’s best-selling car in the United States is the Ford F-Series,
so you should consider buying one.
Men who lift weights and build their muscles attract more women
at the beach. If you want to be a ladies’ man, do gym workouts
three times a week.
A specified frequency of gym workouts does not guarantee that a man will
attract more women. Many women are attracted to men who are smart,
charming, and amiable. A well-defined physique may be an image that a
gym enthusiast may work towards as its own reward.
If you eat only plant-based food and avoid meat, you will not only
become healthier but happier. There are benefits to becoming a
Slim and healthy is an image one can work towards, but it is the person’s
disposition that will eventually determine whether or not he/she will be
Agreeing to marry to gain a title does not bring happiness. This has been
born out of several real-life personalities. The conclusion does not logically
follow the premise.
Appeal to Vanity and Appeal to Snobbery are quite similar, but they differ
in intention. The Appeal to Snobbery aims to convince the listener to
acquire a desirable status by joining an elite group. In contrast, the Appeal
to Vanity aims more to convince the listener to adopt a desirable lifestyle.
15.1 Distortion
Distortion substitutes the real issue with an entirely different and unfounded
issue that totally misrepresents the situation.
Many parents in families of high social stature have made this straw man’s
argument. The arguer confounds the genuine respect and appreciation
shown by Daisy with the accusation of having a shallow interest in their
social standing and affluence. By ascribing this malicious intention to
Daisy, Robert’s parents can make their objection to the wedding more
Arlyne wanted to join the volleyball team, but her mom informed
the coach that she does not have her parents’ permission. “Her arm
was fractured when she was younger, and her doctor advised
against her playing competitively until her bones are stronger.”
When her coach told Arlyne, she vented her anger against her
mother. “You’re always against everything I want. You just don’t
want me to be happy!”
15.2 Oversimplification
For this straw man, the larger issue becomes minimized to cover only a
portion of it or only one of many contributory factors,
McDonald’s serves very hot coffee. My client positioned the coffee
cup between her knees as she took the lid off her coffee cup. The
scalding hot coffee spilled on her, and she had third-degree burns
requiring a visit to the emergency room. The warning sign printed
on the side of the cup is so tiny that anyone can hardly see it, but it
proves McDonald’s knows its coffee is very hot. The accident is,
therefore, McDonald’s fault.
In this instance, many contributing factors led to the customer’s injury. The
lawyer arguing the case disregards his client’s lack of care and her failure to
take precautions, instead of simplifying the issue to McDonald’s making the
coffee too hot. It is more complicated because the customer’s negligence
contributed to the accident.
15.3 Overextension
Whereas oversimplification reduces the scope of the issues involved,
overextension includes issues related but not relevant to the true issue
involved to direct the cause elsewhere.
The failures of the foster care system do not negate the personal
responsibility of all mature individuals over their own actions. Others have
gone through the same system and emerged as responsible adults, even
taking the initiative to reform the system based on their experiences [53].
The suspect in the above case remains culpable.
You better believe that climate change exists, or we will put you on
social media as a denier [56].
This particular appeal to force applies to nearly all unpopular acts any
person with a social media presence may commit. Online bullying has
become an effective threat that can “persuade” anybody to comply even if
the appeal goes unsaid.
Cecilia told Susan that turmeric tea cured her arthritic knees, but
Susan later found out that Cecilia had knee surgery. Susan now
believes that turmeric tea really has no benefit for arthritis.
The fallacious assertion is that Cecilia’s knees healed completely due to
turmeric. This is an overstatement, as turmeric reasonably claims only to
alleviate, not cure, the condition. Susan commits another fallacy in
completely denying any benefits turmeric may have.
Alan wanted a dog. His parents heard that dogs make good pets
because some dogs, like Yorkshire terriers, don’t cause asthma.
They got Alan a French bulldog, which unfortunately worsened his
asthma. The parents decided that dogs do not make good pets after
The claim is that dogs make good pets, which is true since dogs are man’s
best friend. The initial fallacy is that dogs make good pets because they
don’t cause asthma. This is a hasty generalization fallacy because only
some dogs are hypoallergenic.
The fallacy fallacy is that simply because it is not true that all dogs don’t
cause asthma, then all dogs don’t make good pets. Sadly, this unsound
reasoning may deny Alan the love of a dog he may have dearly wanted.
Action Steps
Informal fallacies are everywhere in popular literature. Choose an article or
two from a favorite magazine, online website, or the opinion or society
page of a newspaper. Scan the article while applying the following steps,
devised by Vaidya and Erickson [57], and see how many fallacies you can
1. Examine if the passage contains an argument; if so, state the conclusion.
Knowing the conclusion is the first step to analyzing its logical supports.
2. Determine if the passage contains a controversial claim. The current
debate about them usually suggests the issues around controversies.
3. Examine whether any of the central claims rely on expertise. Gather the
established expert knowledge and opinions as well as matters that are still
4. Explore whether options or alternatives suggested by the passage are
5. Consider carefully whether any of the words may signify different things.
Watch out for double meanings and words used in different contexts.
Remember, some passages contain more than one fallacy, so patience and
persistence will go a long way.
How Well Can You Spot The Fallacy?
In the following exercise, five situations describe arguments that may or
may not be fallacious. Analyze whether a fallacy is involved, and if so,
which type of fallacy. Explain your answer. The solution appears at the end
of this chapter.
A. They said a flu epidemic is currently spreading over the country.
However, in our town, there is no sign of the flu. Therefore, it is not true
that there is such an epidemic.
B. The family is the building block of a well-founded society because a
healthy society’s foundation rests on communities composed of strong
C. Every time I visit my Chinese friend’s store, his business quickly picks
up after, so he calls me his lucky charm and invites me to visit often.
D. The same company that handles the Disney theme parks’ advertising
campaign also does the advertising for the carnival rides in our town. I am
sure that our rides are just as safe as those in the Disney parks.
E. John called in sick, so his boss Alan gave him the day off. At noon, Alan
went to the nearby mall for lunch. There he saw John with his wife. Alan
asked a little pointedly, “John, I thought you were sick.” John replied, “My
doctor’s clinic is on the fourth floor.”
Moving On
Informal fallacies result from unsound reasoning just as formal fallacies
result from construction errors in framing arguments. Many logical
mistakes are impulsive - like parents’ mental panic attacks when their pre-
schooler mentions “sex.” But some are wickedly intended to mislead and
confuse. Therefore, it is important to know how to avoid such errors, which
the final chapter will discuss.
Key Takeaways
Informal fallacies are created by unsound reasoning.
Some fallacies rely on weak evidence, such as appeals to emotion,
authority, and the people.
Others are fallacies of weak induction, such as straw men, red
herrings, middle ground, and false causes.
Still, others are fallacies of ambiguity that make a weak connection
between premises and conclusion, such as begging the question,
slippery slopes, false analogy, and appeal to force.
1. Appeal to Ignorance
2. Begging the Question
3. False Cause, Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
4. False Analogy
5. No Fallacy
I n the poem by John Godrey Sage, “The Blind Men and the Elephant”
[59], there were six men of Indostan who went to “see” their first
elephant. The fact that all of them were blind led to some interesting
outcomes when they encountered this magnificent beast. For those who are
unfamiliar with the story, here’s a quick summary.
The six men approached the elephant from six directions and therefore
touched different parts of its body. The first touched its broadside and said
that the elephant was like a wall. The second felt its tusk and pronounced
that it was like a spear. The third held its trunk and said it was like a snake,
and the fourth felt its knee and said it was like a tree. The fifth touched the
ear and announced that it was like a fan, and the sixth groped its swinging
tail and exclaimed that the elephant was like a rope.
To the six blind men of Indostan, the elephant was six different things. And
it is a good bet that none of them could convince the others that the elephant
was anything other than what they came to conclude for themselves.
Now, none of them were lying. They were very sincere because they based
their opinions on their first-hand experience. All of them perceived the
truth, but only a portion of it. None of them appreciated the whole truth, not
having had the opportunity to examine the whole elephant.
Leo Tolstoy was convinced that people whose minds resembled a blank
slate could be taught anything, but those who have their own experiences
would have difficulty accepting a different view from others. In short, we
are biased in favor of what we already know to be true. Overcoming that
bias requires evidence and logical persuasion, yet some prefer to cling to
their biases even with the best arguments.
But before we discuss biases, let’s recall the logical concepts in the previous
1. Confirmation Bias
This is one of the most common biases that we are all probably guilty of.
We tend to favor ideas that confirm our existing opinions and the
information we already accept as truth. It refers to “unwitting selectivity in
the acquisition and use of evidence,” an “unwitting molding of facts to fit”
one’s beliefs [60]. Philosophers and psychologists have determined that
people find it easier to accept claims that align more closely with what they
already believe to be true, rather than those propositions they want to be
Confirmation bias in real-world contexts exists in the fields of policy
rationalization (politics), medicine, judicial reasoning, and science, among
others. For instance, traditional Chinese would prefer to be cured through
acupuncture and the application of Chinese herbs and medicines rather than
Western forms of treatment. Confirmation bias exists because people want
to believe, because their frames of reference are already conditioned, and
people have a pragmatic desire to avoid error [3].
6. Diagnostic Bias
Also known as diagnostic suspicion bias or provider bias, diagnostic bias
occurs when one’s perception, prejudice, or subjective judgment affects
one’s diagnosis. As its name suggests, this is a bias committed by medical
or health professionals. These are the professionals who diagnose illnesses
or injuries by examining the symptoms or diagnostic tests results.
Knowledge of exposure to some chemical agent or contagious disease are
examples of factors that may influence the perception of a physician in
making her diagnosis. She may schedule tests or look for specific
symptoms in that group that she would not normally do for a non-exposed
group [70].
The diagnostic bias is a specialized category that traces its causes back to
the more generic types of bias, including anchoring, availability,
confirmation, framing, and premature closure biases. The following are the
descriptions and corrective strategies for the types of bias that form the root
causes of diagnostic bias [71].
• Anchoring – Sticking with a diagnosis after it is debunked. The health
professional will insist on continuing treatment consistent with the first
diagnosis instead of adopting a treatment more appropriate to the real
malady. The corrective strategy is to examine the patient’s
unresponsiveness or seek new information to refine the original diagnosis.
• Availability – The professional refers to what most readily comes to mind.
The physician makes a diagnosis similar to that of a previous patient who
manifests the same symptoms. A more alert professional would know the
statistical likelihood and baseline prevalence of the diagnosed condition.
• Confirmation – Applied specifically to diagnostic bias, confirmation bias
refers to the preference for findings that support an already-suspected
diagnosis or strategy. For instance, urine test results that may indicate
another condition are taken to confirm the patient’s self-diagnosis of a
kidney infection. The countervailing strategy is to refer to an objective
source such as a diagnostic checklist) in evaluating how strongly the
diagnosis matches the technical findings.
• Framing – Refers to gathering or assembling elements that support a
particular diagnosis. An example is assuming that coronavirus symptoms in
a patient who recently came from the UK result from the more infectious
UK variant. The corrective strategy is to gather different perspectives by
expanding the patient’s history beyond recent events or validating clinical
methods rather than merely assuming.
• Premature closure – Consists of failing to seek more information after a
diagnosis is concluded. The illness or injury may have a subsequent
development, such as the occurrence of a second fracture after identifying
the first. The corrective strategy involves conducting a review of the case
and seeking the opinions of specialists in other fields (for instance,
radiology backup in the case of a fracture). It also helps to consult objective
resources – in this case, an orthopedic review that mentions a common
concomitant fracture [71].
Action Steps
In this chapter, we were introduced to several biases that we frequently
encounter. The following situations involve at least one type of bias. Could
you name which one? (Give it a good try before looking up the answers at
the end of the chapter).
1. Pamela arrived in class just as the teacher was handing out examination
questionnaires. Realizing she did not have the yellow pad paper required for
the test, she whispered to her seatmate Andrew if he had an extra sheet. The
teacher caught her whispering and immediately sent both Pamela and
Andrew to the principal’s office for cheating during an exam.
2. Francis was the third child to get sick in his family. His sisters just had
the flu, and when he came down with a fever the doctor dismissed it as a
matter of contagion. Francis was given medicine for the flu. After a week,
however, his condition worsened. He was brought to the hospital for some
tests. It was only then that the doctor discovered that Francis had the
dengue, and immediately ordered a plasma transfusion.
3. Vincent loved teaching. After he got his accreditation, he went back to
the little town he grew up in and applied to teach in the same high school he
went to. He was taken aback when he observed that the students were
rowdy and undisciplined. They no longer stood at attention to greet the
teacher and did not give due deference to the school officials. It was much
better during our time, Vincent thought.
4. Elsa was in line for a promotion, along with some other employees who
were similarly qualified for the position. Elsa was sure she would be
granted the position, but in the end, John was awarded the promotion for his
astute leadership abilities. Feeling betrayed, Elsa spread the rumor that the
company was biased against women and therefore promoted a man.
5. During Cecile’s first day in college, two classmates immediately showed
an interest in getting to know her better. Tom was athletic and a sharp
dresser, Bill looked dull and a bit nerdy. Cecile quickly favored Tom over
Bill because “he looks geared for success.” A decade after graduation, Tom
was a salesman in Bill’s billion-dollar cybernetics company.
Moving On
Tolstoy was keenly perceptive when he observed that simple-minded people
are easier to teach than those who are already knowledgeable. Biases are a
hindrance to the search for truth because they prevent us from accepting it
even if we find it. We must, therefore, vigilantly guard against biases in
ourselves and others. Unlike the six blind men of Indostan, we must
diligently gather and assess all relevant information and weigh our options
well before deciding.
Key Takeaways
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