はてなキーワード: printとは
> アプリ内のデータかバックアップしたのを自分でダウンロードしてテキスト化する方法ないかなあ/できたわ。設定→位置→タイムライン→タイムラインのエクスポートでjson化可能。あとは誰かが処理系を作るだけだ!
これを使えばXXXX-XX-XX.kml 形式で日付別のタイムラインデータを出力できる(ChatGPT製)。
KMLファイルはGoogle Earth Proなどで開くことが可能で、ビジュアルとして行動履歴を見ることができる。
placeIdを実際の建物名などに変換するにはGoogle Maps API の Place Details APIを使うしかないようだが、膨大なリクエスト(有料)をしなければならず非現実的。
import json
import os
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
with open("タイムライン.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
output_folder = "kml_output"
os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
# `semanticSegments` に移動データが含まれている
if "semanticSegments" in data:
date_segments = {} # 日付ごとにデータをまとめる辞書
for segment in data["semanticSegments"]:
# `startTime` から日付部分(YYYY-MM-DD)を抽出
if "startTime" in segment:
date = segment["startTime"].split("T")[0]
for date, segments in date_segments.items():
kml = Element("kml", xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2")
document = SubElement(kml, "Document")
for segment in segments:
for point in segment["timelinePath"]:
coords = point["point"].replace("°", "") # 度記号を削除
time = point.get("time", "Unknown Time")
# Placemarkを作成
placemark = SubElement(document, "Placemark")
# タイムスタンプ
timestamp = SubElement(placemark, "TimeStamp")
when = SubElement(timestamp, "when")
# 座標
point_element = SubElement(placemark, "Point")
coordinates = SubElement(point_element, "coordinates")
lat, lon = coords.split(", ")
coordinates.text = f"{lon},{lat},0" # KML形式: lon,lat,alt
kml_str = tostring(kml, encoding="utf-8")
formatted_kml = parseString(kml_str).toprettyxml(indent=" ")
kml_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{date}.kml")
2x_A + x_B \leq 100
3x_A + 2x_B \leq 180
x_A \geq 10
x_B \geq 5
x_A, x_B \geq 0
ここで、x_A は製品Aの生産量、x_B は製品Bの生産量。最小生産量を設定することで、両方の製品を必ず生産するようにする。
from scipy.optimize import linprog # 目的関数の係数(利益は最大化したいため、符号を反転) c = [-50, -30] # 制約条件の係数 A = [ [2, 1], # 労働力の制約 [3, 2] # 原材料の制約 ] # 制約条件の右辺 b = [100, 180] # 最小生産量制約を追加(これらは不等式として扱われるため、逆に設定) A_eq = [ [1, 0], # 製品Aの最小生産量制約 [0, 1] # 製品Bの最小生産量制約 ] b_eq = [10, 5] # 最小生産量 # 各変数の非負制約を設定 bounds = [(10, None), (5, None)] # 最小値を設定 # 線形計画問題を解く result = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, A_eq=A_eq, b_eq=b_eq, bounds=bounds, method='highs') # 結果の表示 if result.success: print(f'Optimal value (最大利益): {-result.fun}') print(f'x_A (製品Aの生産量): {result.x[0]}') print(f'x_B (製品Bの生産量): {result.x[1]}') else: print("最適解が見つかりませんでした。")
import pdfplumber import re #クリーンアップ def cleanuptext(text): #決算書の合計値を太字にしたことでpdfplumberが暴走するケースへの対処 #例 流動資産 -> 流流流流流動動動動動資資資資資産産産産産 #誤爆が怖いので、これが起きている時だけ補正します if "流流流流流動動動動動資資資資資産産産産産" in text: text = re.sub(r'(.)92;1{4,}', r'92;1', text) #△をマイナスに。 数字中のカンマを消して結合する text = re.sub(r'△([0-9])', r'-92;1', text) text = re.sub(r'▲([0-9])', r'-92;1', text) text = re.sub(r'([0-9]),([0-9])', r'92;192;2', text) #たまに、煽り屋みたいに文字の後にスペースが入る嫌がらせを修正する #例: 投 資 有 価 証 券 -> 投資有価証券 text = re.sub(r'(?<=[92;u4E00-92;u9FFF92;u3040-92;u30FF])92;s(?=[92;u4E00-92;u9FFF92;u3040-92;u30FF])', '', text) return text #今期の勘定科目の数字を取得 def get_AccountName(text, need): pattern = rf'^{need} -?[0-9]+ (-?[0-9]+)' r = re.search(pattern, text, re.MULTILINE) if r is not None: return float(r[1]) return 0 #清原ネットキャッシュを計算する。 def calc_KiyoharaNetCash(text): total_current_assets = get_AccountName(text,'流動資産合計') if total_current_assets == 0: #要約財政状態計算書しか公開していない、楽天のような素敵な会社様への対処 total_assets = get_AccountName(text,'資産合計') if total_assets != 0: #とりあえず、資産の部の6割を流動資産とみなす total_current_assets = total_assets * 0.6 else: #流動資産合計ではなく、流動資産という単語を使っている我が道を行く東北電力への対処 total_current_assets = get_AccountName(text,'流動資産') if total_current_assets == 0: raise Exception("流動資産合計の勘定科目が見つかりませんでした。"+text) total_liabilities = get_AccountName(text,'負債合計') if total_liabilities == 0: #負債合計ではなく、負債の部合計に拘るオムロンの嬉しい決算書への対策。なんでや・・・ total_liabilities = get_AccountName(text,'負債の部合計') if total_liabilities == 0: raise Exception("負債合計の勘定科目が見つかりませんでした。"+text) #負債をご丁寧にマイナス表記で書いてくれる中外製薬の親切な決算書への対策。いい加減にしろよ・・・ if total_liabilities < 0: total_liabilities = total_liabilities * -1 #投資有価証券はないこともあるので、0を容認する marketable_securities = get_AccountName(text,'投資有価証券') #print(total_current_assets,marketable_securities,total_liabilities) netcash = total_current_assets + (marketable_securities*0.7) - total_liabilities #たまに単位を1000円にしている銘柄があるので補正する if is_tanni_senyen(text): netcash = netcash / 1000 return netcash # "流動資産合計" と "負債合計" の間に "単位:千円" があるかをチェック def is_tanni_senyen(text): if "単位:千円" in text: return True if "単位: 千円" in text: return True if "単位 : 千円" in text: return True if "単位 :千円" in text: return True return False def pdf_to_kiyohara_netcash(pdfpath): with pdfplumber.open(pdfpath) as pdf: text = ''.join(page.extract_text() for page in pdf.pages) text = cleanuptext(text) #print(text) kiyohara_netcash = calc_KiyoharaNetCash(text) #print(kiyohara_netcash) return kiyohara_netcash def mymain(): import sys args = sys.argv argc = len(args) if argc <= 1: print(''' これは、清原達郎氏のネットキャッシュ比率(以下、清原ネットキャッシュ比率)を決算短信のpdfから求めるソフトです。 清原ネットキャッシュ=流動資産合計+(投資有価証券*0.7)-負債合計 清原ネットキャッシュ比率=清原ネットキャッシュ/時価総額*100 遊び方 1. 決算短信pdfから清原ネットキャッシュを求める python calc_kiyohara_netcash.py 140120240514594985.pdf 結果: 30757.0 決算書には、100万円単位で数字が書かれているはずなので、この数字の単位は100万円です。 つまり、3075700万円。 2. 時価総額を億円単位で追加することで、清原ネットキャッシュ比率を求める 時価総額が146億円なら146と書いてください。 python calc_kiyohara_netcash.py 140120240514594985.pdf 146 結果: 210.66% このコードはNYSLライセンスです。無保証、自己責任ですが、ご自由に。 かぶ探とかとつなげるといいかもね。 ''') return if argc <= 2: kiyohara_netcash = pdf_to_kiyohara_netcash(args[1]) print(kiyohara_netcash) return if argc <= 3: market_cap=float(args[2])*100 #億円から百万円表記に kiyohara_netcash = pdf_to_kiyohara_netcash(args[1]) ratio = round(kiyohara_netcash/market_cap*100,2) print(f"{ratio}%") return if __name__ == '__main__': mymain()
https://www.geonames.org から取れる、人口500人以上の都市の名前に限定すると、
Santa Maria Magdalena Cahuacan
import logging import tempfile import zipfile from collections import Counter import httpx FILE_NAME_BASE = 'cities500' GEONAME_FIELDS = ( 'geoname_id', 'name', 'ascii_name', 'alternate_names', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'feature_class', 'feature_code', 'country_code', 'cc2', 'admin1_code', 'admin2_code', 'admin3_code', 'admin4_code', 'population', 'elevation', 'dem', 'timezone', 'modification_date', ) def retrieve_cities(): """Retrieve city names from a remote server.""" response = httpx.get(f'https://download.geonames.org/export/dump/{FILE_NAME_BASE}.zip') response.raise_for_status() tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() with open(tmpdir.name + f'/{FILE_NAME_BASE}.zip', 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) with zipfile.ZipFile(tmpdir.name + f'/{FILE_NAME_BASE}.zip', 'r') as z: z.extractall(tmpdir.name) with open(tmpdir.name + f'/{FILE_NAME_BASE}.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f: yield line.split('\t') def count_characters(to_check='ascii_name', filter_func=lambda _: True): """Count characters in city names.""" cities = {} for city_fields in retrieve_cities(): city = dict(zip(GEONAME_FIELDS, city_fields)) if not filter_func(city): continue counter = Counter() for c in city[to_check]: counter[c] += 1 cities[city['geoname_id']] = {'characters': counter, 'city': city} return cities def count_chars_of_city_names(cities, char=None): """Find the city with the most occurrences of a given character.""" cities_by_char_count = {} max_count = 0 max_count_char = None for city_id, data in cities.items(): if 'characters' not in data or not data['characters']: logging.debug(f'No characters found for city {city_id}', data) continue count = 0 if char and char in data['characters']: count = data['characters'][char] cities_by_char_count.setdefault(count, []).append(data) elif char is None: most_common = data['characters'].most_common(1)[0] char, count = most_common cities_by_char_count.setdefault(count, []).append(data) if count > max_count: max_count = count max_count_char = char cities_by_char_count.setdefault(count, []).append(data) return cities_by_char_count.get(max_count, []), max_count_char def not_contain_invalid_chars(city): return ( '(' not in city.get('ascii_name', '') and '/' not in city.get('ascii_name', '') ) def main(): cities = count_characters(filter_func=not_contain_invalid_chars) for char in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': cities_counted, char = count_chars_of_city_names(cities, char) max_count = cities_counted[0]['characters'][char] print(f'The character "{char}" appears the most ({max_count} times) in the following cities:') for city in cities_counted: print("\t", city['city']['ascii_name']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
x = torch.tensor([
Claude3.5 Sonnet:
はい、channel-wise 正規化(チャネル方向の正規化)を行います。この場合、最終次元(dim=-1)がチャネルとなります。channel-wise 正規化では、各チャネルの平均を0、分散を1に正規化します。
import torch x = torch.tensor([ [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0] ]) # チャネル方向(最終次元)の平均と標準偏差を計算 mean = x.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True) std = x.std(dim=-1, keepdim=True) # Epsilon を追加して、ゼロ除算を防ぐ epsilon = 1e-5 # 正規化を実行 x_normalized = (x - mean) / (std + epsilon) print("元のテンソル:") print(x) print("\n正規化後のテンソル:") print(x_normalized)元のテンソル: tensor([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]) 正規化後のテンソル: tensor([[-1.2247, 0.0000, 1.2247], [-1.2247, 0.0000, 1.2247]])
x = torch.tensor([
ChatGPT o1-preview:
import torch x = torch.tensor([ [1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0] ]) # Compute mean and standard deviation along the batch dimension (dim=0) mean = x.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) std = x.std(dim=0, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) # Perform channel-wise normalization x_normalized = (x - mean) / std print("Normalized Tensor:\n", x_normalized)Output:
Normalized Tensor: tensor([[-1., -1., -1.], [ 1., 1., 1.]])Explanation:
Compute Mean:
The mean is computed along the batch dimension (dim=0), treating each column as a channel.
mean = x.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)This results in mean = [[2.5, 3.5, 4.5]].
Compute Standard Deviation:
The standard deviation is computed along the same dimension with unbiased=False to match the sample size.
std = x.std(dim=0, unbiased=False, keepdim=True)This results in std = [[1.5, 1.5, 1.5]].
Subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation for each channel.
x_normalized = (x - mean) / stdThis yields the normalized tensor with standardized channels.
Note: Setting keepdim=True ensures that the mean and standard deviation tensors have the same number of dimensions as x, which is necessary for broadcasting during subtraction and division.
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With our handpicked selection of Temu coupons, you can score incredible discounts on everything from fashion and electronics to home goods and beauty products. Just use our coupon code in the Temu app during checkout and watch your total plummet.
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Here's the deal! New customers can score a flat $100 off the first order, PLUS an extra 30% discount. That's potentially 70% off your total! Existing customers can still get 40% off your next Temu haul.
Here are five exclusive Temu coupon codes for $100 off:
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Each code offers unique savings, from flat discounts to free shipping. The ACT200019 code is especially valuable, giving you a whopping $100 off when you spend $200 or more. That's like getting half your order for free!
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Temu $100 off coupon code for new and existing users.
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Are you new to Temu? You're about to score big with exclusive Temu $100 coupon codes for new customers this September! Enjoy a flat $100 off coupon for first-time buyers, plus up to 90% off on select items. That means your first order could be almost free! It's the perfect time to stock up on all your favorite items.
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ACL921207: One more opportunity to claim your $100 discount.
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Temu Coupon Codes For Existing Users: $100 Coupon Bundle + 40% Price Slash
Already a Temu fan? Awesome! You haven't been forgotten. Enjoy a Temu $100 coupon code for existing customers and slash prices by a whopping 40%! Just enter the code for existing customers at checkout and watch your savings stack up.
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The ACU395411 code is a standout, giving you 40% off your entire purchase with no strings attached. Pair it with other Temu $100 discount codes for maximum savings.
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Temu Coupon $100 OFF For Existing Users.
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Temu Discount Code For Existing User
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Temu rewards loyal customers with special codes such as ACU395411 and ACU934948. Keep an eye out for the dollar 100 off Temu code for existing customers in 2024. This offer pops up regularly and can save you big on larger orders.
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Sign up for Temu's newsletter to get a dollar 100 coupon bundle sent straight to your inbox. You can also earn points through their loyalty program, which you can redeem for discounts on future purchases.
How To Redeem Temu Coupon Codes In September 2024?
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Download the Temu app or visit the Temu website.
Sign up for a Temu account if you haven't already done so.
Browse Temu's wide selection of products and add your favorites to your cart.
Proceed to checkout and review your order.
Look for the "Coupon Code" field to use the coupon code shared by us.
Enter the coupon code you want to use, such as ACT200019 and ACP856709.
Click "Apply" to see your discount reflected in the order total.
Complete your first purchase and enjoy your savings!
Remember, always read the conditions associated with each coupon to ensure you're eligible for the discount. Some codes may have expiration dates or minimum purchase requirements.
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Temu $100 Off Coupon For New Users.
Final Note: Unlock Temu Offers As New and Existing Users
With these Temu $100 off promo codes, you're all set to save big on your next shopping on Temu. Remember to check the terms and conditions for each code to make the most of your discounts. Whether you're after a flat $100 off or a percentage discount, there's a deal that's perfect for you.
For new Temu users, this is your chance to explore the platform's vast range of products at unbeatable prices. Don't forget to download the app for exclusive offers and easy shopping on the go. Existing customers, your loyalty pays off with special codes just for you. Keep an eye out for seasonal sales and flash deals to stack your savings. Happy shopping!
Temu Coupon Code FAQs
What is the $300 coupon on Temu?
Temu's $300 coupon is often a bundle of smaller discounts, not a single $300 off. It's designed to encourage new customers to explore Temu's wide range of products at a significant discount.
Can I use multiple Temu coupons on a single purchase?
Temu generally allows only one coupon code per purchase. However, you can often combine a coupon code with other discounts, such as free shipping or special promotions.
How To Contact Temu Customer Service?
You can easily reach Temu customer service through their app or website. Look for the "Contact Us" or "Help" section, where you'll find options for live chat, email, or phone support.
What Can You Buy with Your Temu Coupon?
Your Temu coupon can be used on a wide variety of items, including clothing, electronics, home goods, beauty products, and more. Check the coupon details for any restrictions on specific categories or items.
Are you looking for amazing Temu deals? We've got the best Temu coupons just for you! Use our new Temu coupon code 40% off for September 2024, like "acp856709" and "act200019," to get a flat 40% discount. Whether you're a first-time shopper or a loyal customer, Temu has something special in store.
Temu is known for its low prices on a wide range of products. From trendy fashion to must-have home goods, you'll find it all here. And with these Temu 40% off coupon codes, you're getting even more savings.
The Glam Look team is always on the lookout for new offers of Temu to share with you. Remember to check back often, as deals can change quickly. Be sure to read the fine print on each code to make the most of your savings. Let's dive into the best Temu deals for September 2024!
>>>Claim 40% Extra Off On Temu<<<
Temu Coupon Code 40% Off: Unlock Exclusive Temu Deals In September 2024
We're excited to share the latest Temu deals with you! If you are looking for a Temu coupon code 40% off, you are in the right place! We've got exclusive Temu coupon codes that'll help you maximize your savings this September 2024.
Temu is offering some amazing discounts designed to give new customers a significant discount on total purchase value.
You can claim a flat 40% off on the Temu app by using the exclusive coupon codes ACP856709 or ACT200019.
Here are five codes you can use right now:
ACP856709: Get 40% off your next order.
ACT200019: Enjoy a 40% discount on the Temu app.
ACP934948: 40% extra off + free shipping on all orders.
ACU395411: 40% off summer collection items.
ACL921207: Receive a free gift with purchases over $100 + 40% off.
These Temu coupons are perfect for both new and returning customers. You'll save big on Temu's wide range of products, from fashion to home goods. The Temu 40% off code is especially great for first-time shoppers.
Use Temu coupon code 40% off "ACP856709" on the Temu app.
Temu Coupon Code 40 Percent Off For First-Time Users
Are you ready to start your Temu adventure? We've got great news for you! The Temu coupon code 40% off is here, and it's part of an amazing Temu new users promotion.
You can enjoy an extra 40% off on the Temu app as a first-time user by using the latest Temu codes ACP856709 and ACT200019.
This deal is one of the most fantastic Temu offers we've seen. Here's a rundown of the exclusive Temu offers available now:
ACT200019: Grab 40% extra off your first purchase.
ACP856709: Get 40% off when you spend $50 or more.
ACU395411: Enjoy free shipping on any order + 40% off.
ACP934948: Take an extra 40% off sale items.
ACL921207: Receive a surprise gift with orders over $75 + 40% extra off.
These Temu codes are perfect for trying out Temu's vast product range. You'll find everything from trendy clothes to cool gadgets. The Temu 40% discount is a game-changer, letting you stock up on more for less.
So, don't wait to use these codes. They're available for the entire month of September 2024. Whether you're shopping for yourself or for gifts, these Temu deals will help you save big.
How To Get Free Shipping Of Your First Order On Temu?
Want to save some more on your first Temu order? We'll show you how to get free shipping! Temu often offers free shipping deals, giving new customers a significant discount on their first purchase.
You can enjoy free shipping on your first order through the Temu app by using our verified coupon codes ACT200019 and ACP856709 in September 2024.
It's that simple! But remember to check the terms and conditions. Although our Temu discount codes don't have any minimum order value, some codes might have minimum purchase requirements. Usually, there's no catch – Temu wants to welcome you as a new customer. Here's how you can get free shipping:
Download the Temu app from the App Store or Play Store.
Sign up for a new Temu account.
Search our exclusive Temu free shipping code ACT200019 or ACP856709 on the app.
Add your desired items to your cart.
Enter the "ACP856709" or "ACT200019" Temu 40% off coupon code at checkout.
Enjoy free shipping on your order.
Free shipping can really cut down on shipping costs, especially for larger orders. It's a great way to try out Temu's products without extra fees. You'll get more value from your first Temu order by using these free shipping deals.
Keep in mind that free shipping offers may change. Also, some items might be excluded from free shipping due to size or weight.
>>>Enjoy 40% Discount On Temu<<<
Temu Coupon Code For 40 Percent Off: Promo Codes For Existing Users In September 2024
We have good news for loyal Temu shoppers! While the Temu coupon 40% off is often for new users, existing users can enjoy great deals, too. We've got some promo codes that'll make your Temu shopping experience even better.
You can use the exclusive Temu coupon code "ACP856709" to get an extra 40% off as an existing user.
Here are the five best codes existing users can enjoy this September:
ACP856709: Get 40% off select items as a "thank you" for your loyalty.
ACT200019: Enjoy 40% off summer essentials.
ACL921207: 40% off + free shipping on orders over $50.
ACP934948: Extra 40% off during flash sale events.
ACU395411: Get an additional 40% off when you order through the Temu app.
These codes help you save on your favorite Temu products. The 40% off code is especially great for big purchases. You can also use our Temu coupon code for $100 off to get a flat $100 discount on your first purchase.
Using the Temu coupons for existing users is easy. Just enter the code at checkout. You can use them on a wide range of items, from fashion to home goods.
Temu values its regular customers. These codes are their way of saying thanks for your continued support. Keep an eye on this article for more deals – Temu often releases new codes for their loyal shoppers.
Use Temu 40% off coupon code "ACT200019" as a new user.
How To Use Temu 40% Coupon Code: Redeem And Unlock New Ways To Save
Are you ready to use the latest Temu coupon code for 40% off? We'll show you how! For all the new and existing shoppers, it's easy to save big on your next Temu order. Here are the steps to redeem your code.
Redeem on the Temu app (both iOS and Android):
Download and open the Temu app.
Look for "Coupon Code" at the checkout page.
Enter the Temu 40% off code "ACP856709."
Tap "Apply" and see your savings!
Open any browser and go to Temu.com.
Fill your cart with great finds or upgrade your tech stack.
Find the "Coupon Code" box at checkout.
Type in the exclusive 40% off code "ACP856709."
Click "Apply" and watch your total drop.
It's that simple! The discount will apply right away. You'll see the savings on your order summary. Remember, our exclusive codes are valid throughout September 2024. Check if there's a minimum spend or if certain items are excluded.
So, are you ready to shop? Start your next haul with code ACP856709 (or the other latest code we've shared).
>>>Claim Extra 40% OFF As A Temu New User<<<
Can You Pay Through A Gift Card To Unlock The Temu 40% Off Deal In Your First Order?
Do you want to use a gift card and still get the Temu 40% off deal? Yes, you can use both on your first order. The 40% off code is usually a limited-time offer for new Temu customers using code ACT200019.
You can apply this discount code first at checkout. Then, you can use your gift card to pay for the remaining balance. This means you get a big discount on top of the value of your gift card. It's like double savings! Steps to use both:
Add items to your cart on the Temu app.
Enter the Temu 40% off code "ACP856709" or "ACT200019."
Apply your gift card to the remaining amount.
You'll enjoy significant savings on your first Temu order by combining the two. It's a smart way to stretch your gift card further. Remember, offers can change. Always read Temu's current terms. Some exclusions might apply to certain products.
Using both your gift card and the whopping 40% off code lets you get more for less. It's a great way to try out Temu's wide range of products.
Use the Temu coupon 40% discount "ACP856709" as an existing user.
Temu 40% Off Coupons For Different Countries
The Temu coupon code 40% off isn't just for one country. Temu offers significant savings to shoppers around the world. These codes help you save big no matter where you live. The 40% off deal is especially great for trying out Temu's wide range of products. Let's look at some exclusive offers for different countries.
Here are five international Temu codes that you can use this September 2024:
ACP856709: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.
ACT200019: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.
ACU934948: For USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, & South America.
ACU395411: For Middle East (UAE, Abu Dhabi, Qatar), UK, Europe, Africa.
ACL921207: For UK, Europe, Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arab, Oman), Africa.
Temu adjusts offers based on local markets. You might find slight differences in discounts between countries. But the goal is always to give you the best deal possible.
These codes are a fantastic coupon for loyal Temu shoppers, too. Even if you're not a first-time buyer, keep an eye out for returning customer deals in your country. Use these codes to save on your next Temu order, wherever you are!
Temu Coupon Code 40% Off Europe: Best Deals For the UK
Here is great news for UK shoppers! The Temu 40% off coupon code has landed in Europe as well, and we've got the best deals for you. Temu's bringing its amazing online shopping experience to the UK with some fantastic offers.
Use our verified Temu coupon code "ACP856709" or "ACT200019" to get an extra 40% off in the UK and Europe.
Here are five great codes for UK Temu shoppers:
ACP856709: Get 40% off your first order as a new UK customer.
ACT200019: Save 40% on home decor items, perfect for sprucing up your space.
ACU395411: Enjoy 25% off clothing and accessories.
ACL921207: Free shipping on all UK orders, no minimum spend.
ACU934948: Extra 5% off when you shop through the Temu app.
These codes help you save on Temu's wide range of products. The 40% off deal is an even better deal for trying out Temu's offerings. Remember, Temu often updates its deals. These codes give you a taste of what's available. You'll find everything from trendy fashion to cool gadgets and home goods.
To use these codes, just enter them at checkout. It's that easy to save big on your Temu order. Use these codes to get more for less on Temu UK.
>>>Claim 40% Extra Off On The UK & Europe<<<
Benefits Of Temu Coupon Code 40% Off For The First Order
Temu's 40% off coupon for your first order is a game-changer! It offers incredible savings and a chance to explore Temu's wide range of products without breaking the bank. Here are five key benefits of using this coupon:
Huge savings: The 40% discount lets you slash prices significantly. You can buy more items or save money on big-ticket purchases.
Try new products: With such a big discount, you can experiment with products you might not usually buy. It's a risk-free way to discover new favorites.
Quality for less: Temu offers quality items at already competitive prices. The 40% off makes these deals even sweeter.
Gift-giving made easy: Use the discount to buy gifts for others. You can get more impressive presents while staying within your budget.
Explore Temu's variety: The coupon works on most items, letting you sample different categories. From fashion to home goods, you can try a bit of everything Temu offers.
Remember, Temu often sends promos through promotional emails, so sign up to stay informed. This 40% off deal is just the start of your savings journey with Temu.
Don't miss out on this chance to shop smart and save big. Use the code on your first order and see why so many people love shopping on Temu!
Use Temu discount code 40% off "ACT200019" and "ACP856709" in September 2024.
Temu is a legitimate online marketplace that's taking the e-commerce world by storm. Launched in 2022, it's a part of PDD Holdings, the company behind the popular Pinduoduo platform in China.
Temu offers a huge range of products at competitive prices. You'll find everything from fashion to home goods, electronics to beauty products. By using our Temu coupon, you can save even more on these great deals.
What sets Temu apart is its direct-from-manufacturer model. This approach helps keep prices low while offering quality items. Temu often has a special promotional offer for new users, like the Temu 40% off first-order deal.
Temu is an online marketplace whose mission is to get the best products to consumers at unbeatable prices. With its user-friendly app and website, Temu makes online shopping easy and fun for everyone.
Final Note: Download The Temu App And Get 40% Off
With these amazing Temu coupon code 40% off deals, you're all set to save big on your next shopping spree. Temu offers special discounts for both new and returning customers, making it easy for everyone to enjoy great prices on quality products.
Don't forget to use the "ACP856709" and "ACT200019" Temu coupon codes at checkout to maximize your savings.
Remember, our newest Temu code offers substantial savings, but they won't last forever. Keep checking back for the latest deals and promotions. Whether you're shopping for yourself or looking for the perfect gift, Temu has you covered. Shop with confidence, knowing you're getting the best prices on a wide range of products. Happy shopping!
Is The Temu Coupon Code 40% Off Legit?
Yes, the Temu coupon code 40% off, such as ACP856709 or ACT200019, is absolutely legit. New users can use ACT200019, and existing users can use the ACP856709 coupon code to claim a flat 40% discount sitewide.
Which Are The Verified Temu 40% Off Coupon Codes For New Customers?
Our exclusive codes "ACT200019" and "ACU934948" are the verified Temu 40% off coupons. New customers can download the Temu app and use our coupon code to enjoy 40% off on their first order.
Which Are The Verified Temu 40% Off Discount Codes For Existing Customers?
Our latest codes "ACP856709" and "ACU395411" are the verified Temu discount codes to clam a flat 40% off as an existing users. You can use these codes to purchase any item from the Temu app.
Does The Temu 40% Off Deal Available Worldwide?
Yes, the Temu 40% off deal is currently available in 67 countries worldwide. You can use our exclusive Temu coupon codes in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and many other countries.
Temu Coupon Code for Canada "acu639380", When you sign up you will get 90% OFF + a special $100 Coupon bundle to save up to $400 on your everyday shopping.
Temu is an online shopping app that is becoming increasingly popular in Canada. It allows consumers to save money on online shopping. You can shop from the latest fashion stores, home appliances, cosmetics, electronics, clothing, and more.
You can buy thousands of new products every day securely and easily, with free shipping and return within 90 days.
Temu Coupon Code has gained attraction among savvy shoppers. In this article, we will discuss what is Temu Coupon Code, how to save money on Temu, and how it can benefit you as a shopper.
Temu is an online marketplace for shoppers that offers quality merchandise from the world’s top suppliers and brands at affordable prices. It is a Chinese-based company owned by PDD, which is spreading its products all over the USA. Temu allows you to track your shipping status and expected delivery date directly in the Temu app or on Temu.com.
Temu has many different products like Clothes, Cosmetics, Electronics, and Household products at reasonable prices with free shipping and fast delivery and up to 90% off on many items.
Wondering is Temu $100 Off? Check out our latest article on Temu Coupon Code Flat $100 Off Plus 30% Discount
Temu’s most exciting feature is that many of its site’s products are incredibly low in price. You can buy neckless for $1, sunglasses for $2, and LED strip Lights for $3.48. However, its products are less than $30.
Temu Coupon Code (acu639380) For Canada July 2024: $100 Bonus + Up To 90% OFF
Temu Coupon Codes for Canada are easy to find. You can discover them through various channels, the official Temu website, promotional emails, social media platforms, or affiliate websites.
This Temu Coupon Code Canada will give you $100 coupon bundle discount on your shopping. You can add the Temu coupon code “acu639380” while checking out and click on apply to get a $100 discount. Once you apply the coupon, you’ll see a discount on your final price.
New or existing users can use the Temu Coupon Code to get amazing deals to get maximum discounts or other promotional offers while shopping on the Temu platform. It works as a digital voucher that shoppers can apply during the checkout process to reduce the total cost of their order (50% OFF) instantly.
How to Obtain the $100 Coupon Code
Getting your hands on the Temu $100 coupon code is straightforward. Here are the primary methods:
Sign-up Process: New users can often receive the coupon code upon registering on the Temu website. This welcome bonus is a great incentive to join the Temu community.
Newsletter Subscriptions: By subscribing to Temu’s newsletter, customers can stay updated on the latest promotions and receive exclusive discounts, including the $100 coupon code.
Partner Promotions: Temu sometimes collaborates with other brands or influencers to offer special coupon codes. Keeping an eye on these partnerships can be beneficial.
Below you will find the latest Temu Coupon Code Canada, where you will save money on your online shopping.
$100 OFF Temu Coupon Code – {acu639380}
Temu Coupon Code 2023 – {acu639380}
$50 Temu Promo Code – {acu639380}
Temu coupon code 40 off – {acu639380}
Temu 50% coupon code – {acu639380}
Temu Promo Code for existing users – {acu639380}
Temu coupon code $100 off First order: {acu639380}
Temu coupon code $100 off free shipping first order: {acu639380}
Temu coupon $100 off first order: {acu639380}
Temu coupon code for free stuff: {acu639380}
Temu coupon code 40 off: {acu639380}
Temu Coupon $100 Off for Existing Customers 2024: {acu639380}
Temu $100 coupon bundle new users - {acu639380}
Temu coupon code $100 off - {acu639380}
Temu coupon $100 off - {acu639380}
Temu Coupon Code $100 Off - {acu639380}
Temu $100 Free Gift Code - {acu639380}
Temu Canada $100 Off coupon code new users - {acu639380}
Temu coupon code Canada $100 off - {acu639380}
Temu Canada coupon $100 off - {acu639380}
Temu Free Gift Code $100 Off - {acu639380}
Temu coupon 30 Off - {acu639380}
Temu coupon 20% off - {acu639380}
Temu coupon code 90% off - {acu639380}
Temu coupon $100 Off - {acu639380}
Temu $50 Off Coupon code - {acu639380}
Temu $100 off coupon bundle - {acu639380}
Temu $100 off coupon for existing customers - {acu639380}
Temu $100 off coupon code for new users - {acu639380}
Temu Coupon Legit code - {acu639380}
$100 Available Temu Coupon Code - {acu639380}
What Is The $100 Off Temu Canada Coupon Code - {acu639380}
What Is The $100 Off Temu Canada Promo Code - {acu639380}
Temu Canada Coupon Code 2024 - {acu639380}
Note: All these Temu Coupon codes work only once and depend on the items you buy.
Wondering is Temu affordable or not? Check out our latest article on Temu $50% Off First Order?
How to Redeem and Apply Temu Coupon Code Canada?
Visit the Temu official website, download the app open a new account.
Enter the basic details to complete account verification.
Add your desired items to the shopping cart (minimum $100).
Click on the option “Coupon Code” and enter the Temu Coupon Code: acu639380.
Once a coupon is applied, you will see the final discounted price.
Now, Proceed to the checkout page.
Select the payment method and complete your shopping.
You can also subscribe to our notification and email list to get the latest Temu coupon code offers.
Temu coupon code Canada Reddit write a short note
If you're looking for a Temu coupon code for Canada, Reddit is a great place to check. Subreddits dedicated to deals and discounts, such as r/CanadianDeals or r/Deals, often have users sharing the latest promo codes and discounts. Simply search for "Temu coupon code Canada" within these subreddits, and you may find some useful and up-to-date codes.
Temu Coupon Canada Exclusive $100 Discounts
The Temu $100 coupon codes provide percentage-based or flat-rate discounts on selected items or entire product categories. You can add the Temu Coupon Code "acu639380" while checking out and click on apply to get a $100 discount. Once you apply the coupon, you’ll see a discount on your final price. These exclusive discounts can significantly enhance your savings and allow you to stretch your budget further.
Check out our latest article on Temu Referral Code to get a maximum sign-up bonus for your shopping.
Temu coupon code Canada existing customers: 40% Price Slash
Have you been shopping on Temu for a while? Our Temu coupon for existing customers in Canada is here to reward you for your continued support, offering incredible discounts on your favorite products.
To get the most out of your shopping experience, download the Temu app and apply our Temu coupon codes for existing users at checkout. Check out these five fantastic Temu coupons for existing users:
acu639380: Slash 40% off your order as a token of our appreciation!
acu639380: Enjoy a 30% discount on your next purchase.
acu639380: Get an extra 25% off on top of existing discounts.
acu639380: Loyal Temu shoppers from UAE can take 20% off their entire order.
acu639380: Frequent buyers get a 10% discount on every purchase.
acu639380: Temu UK Up to 90% Off + Extra 30%.
Our Temu coupon code for existing customers in 2024 will also provide you with unbeatable savings on top of already amazing discounts.
Benefits of Using Temu Coupon Code For Canada
Using Temu Coupon Codes for Canada comes with various benefits that appeal to shoppers. Some notable advantages include:
Savings on Regular and Sale Items: Whether you’re shopping during a sale or at regular prices, Temu Coupon Codes can help you save money. They can be applied to both discounted and non-discounted items, allowing you to enjoy additional savings even when products are already marked down.
Increased Purchasing Power: By utilizing coupon codes, you can increase your purchasing power. The money saved through discounts can be allocated to purchasing other desired items or upgrading to higher-quality products.
Discovering New Products: Temu Coupon Codes often encourage shoppers to explore new products or services. These codes may be specific to certain items, prompting consumers to try something different and discover new favorites.
Enhanced Shopping Experience: Knowing that you’ve obtained a great deal on your purchase can bring a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. It enhances your overall shopping experience, making it more enjoyable and rewarding.
Tips for Maximizing Your Savings With Temu Coupon Codes Canada
Stay Updated: Regularly check the official Temu Canada website, subscribe to their newsletters, and follow their social media accounts to stay informed about the latest coupon codes and promotions. Being proactive will ensure you never miss out on great deals.
Combine Offers: Explore the possibility of combining multiple coupon codes or promotions to stack your discounts. Some retailers allow the stacking of codes, enabling you to enjoy even greater savings.
Read the Terms and Conditions: Before using a Temu Coupon Code, carefully read its terms and conditions. Attention to expiration dates, minimum purchase requirements, and product or category restrictions.
Share with Friends and Family: Spread the savings by sharing Temu Coupon Codes with your friends and family to save money.
How We Discovers The Best Temu Coupons for Canada
We are here to help savvy shoppers to save money when they shop online. We help millions of shoppers save money every month by helping them discover the latest discount, promos, and coupon codes to their favourite stores.
Our team spends hours searching for and sorting Temu deals and discount codes. Every day, we publish thousands of new codes. We're constantly checking dozens of sources for the latest Temu coupon codes and actively looking for the best coupons, non-coupon deals, and ways to save money at Temu, even even if a coupon isn't working.
We discover and publish coupons for hundreds of new stores daily, meaning you'll always find Temu coupon codes for trending new brands and products.
Temu’s Return Policy
Understanding Temu’s return policy is crucial, especially when using coupon codes. If you need to return an item purchased with a coupon code, the discount amount may be adjusted from your refund. Always review the return terms on Temu’s website to ensure a smooth process.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Real-life experiences from fellow shoppers can provide valuable insights. Many customers have shared positive feedback about their savings and overall satisfaction with the Temu $100 coupon code. These testimonials often highlight the ease of obtaining and using the code, as well as the significant savings achieved.
Temu Coupon Codes For Canadian market is a great opportunity for Canada-savvy shoppers to unlock amazing discounts and save money on online purchases. By following the simple steps of finding, redeeming, and utilizing these codes, you can enjoy exclusive offers, increase your purchasing power, and enhance your overall shopping experience. Remember to stay informed, read the fine print, and share the savings with others. With Temu Coupon Codes, you can shop smarter and stretch your budget further.
Frequently Asked Questions For Temu Coupon Code Canada:
1. Is Temu Coupon Code available in the Canada?
Yes, Temu Coupon Code is available in Canada, USA, Canada, Australia, and many more countries.
2. Which is the best Temu Coupon Code for Canada?
This is the best Temu Coupon Code “acu639380” for Canada.
3. Where does Temu Canada ship from?
Temu offers heavily discounted goods which are mostly shipped to consumers directly from China.
4. Can I use multiple coupon codes in one purchase on Temu?
It depends on the terms of the coupon codes. Some may be stackable, while others are not.
5. What should I do if my coupon code doesn’t work?
Check the eligibility criteria and expiration date. Contact customer support if issues persist.
6. Are there any exclusions for using the $100 coupon code?
Certain products or categories might be excluded. Always read the terms and conditions.
7. How often does Temu offer the $100 coupon code?
The frequency varies, but signing up for newsletters can keep you informed about new offers.
8. Is there a minimum purchase requirement for the $100 coupon code?
Yes, most $100 coupon codes have a minimum purchase requirement. Check the details for specifics.
Temu Affiliate Program [acp8567098] | Join & Earn $100000 In a Month
Have you thought about joining the Temu affiliate program? You may have seen lots of buzz in TikTok and other social media platforms about the Temu affiliate program which pays a higher commission rate than any other e-commerce platform. So if you thought about joining the Temu Influencer or Temu Affiliate program then you will find all the details here.
I've seen my fair share of affiliate programs come and go. But when I stumbled upon the Temu affiliate program, I knew I had found something special. In this article, I'll share my personal journey with Temu's affiliate program and provide you with all the insider knowledge you need to succeed in this exciting opportunity.
Having worked with countless affiliate programs across various niches, I can confidently say that Temu's offering stands out from the crowd. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting your journey in the world of online income, this guide will help you navigate the ins and outs of the Temu affiliate program and maximize your earning potential.
Temu Affiliate Program
The Temu affiliate program is a game-changer in the world of e-commerce affiliate marketing. Launched by the rapidly growing online marketplace Temu, this program offers a unique opportunity for content creators, influencers, and marketers to earn substantial commissions by promoting Temu's vast array of products.
What sets Temu's affiliate program apart is its generous joining bonus, which ranges from $55 to $75 depending on your social media following. This initial boost can be a great motivator for new affiliates and a nice addition to the earnings of established marketers.
One of the most impressive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its global reach. Available in 66 countries, it opens up a world of possibilities for international marketers and those targeting diverse audiences. This wide availability ensures that you can tap into various markets and maximize your earning potential on a global scale.
After participating in the Temu affiliate program for several months, I can confidently say that it's one of the most rewarding programs I've encountered. The combination of high-quality products, competitive commission rates, and user-friendly tools makes it a top choice for affiliates of all levels.
One of the standout features of the program is its intuitive dashboard. As someone who's dealt with clunky, outdated interfaces in the past, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to navigate Temu's affiliate portal. Tracking your earnings, accessing promotional materials, and generating affiliate links are all straightforward processes that don't require a tech degree to figure out.
Another aspect I appreciate is the wide range of products available for promotion. From trendy fashion items to innovative gadgets and home decor, there's something for every niche and audience. This variety has allowed me to diversify my promotional efforts and tap into different markets, significantly boosting my overall earnings.
The support team at Temu has also been exceptional. Whenever I've had questions or encountered issues, their responsive and knowledgeable staff have been quick to assist. This level of support is crucial, especially when you're trying to maximize your earnings and optimize your strategies.
What is Temu Affiliate Program?
The Temu affiliate program is a partnership opportunity offered by Temu, a popular e-commerce platform known for its wide range of affordable products. As an affiliate, you earn commissions by promoting Temu's products and driving sales through your unique affiliate links.
What makes Temu's program unique is its focus on social media and content creation. They understand the power of influencer marketing and have tailored their program to cater to this modern approach. Whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, Instagram influencer, or TikTok star, Temu provides the tools and support you need to monetize your audience effectively.
The program operates on a cost-per-action (CPA) model, meaning you earn a commission when a user clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase. This model ensures that you're rewarded for driving actual sales, not just traffic.
How to Join Temu Affiliate Program?
Joining the Temu affiliate program is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide based on my personal experience:
Visit the Temu affiliate program website.
Click on the "Join Now" or "Apply" button.
Fill out the application form with your personal and professional details.
Provide information about your promotional channels (website, social media accounts, etc.).
Read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Submit your application.
Wait for approval (usually takes 1-3 business days).
Once approved, log in to your affiliate dashboard and start promoting!
Remember, Temu values quality over quantity when it comes to affiliates. Make sure to highlight your unique selling points and explain how you plan to promote their products effectively in your application.
How to Sign Up for Temu Affiliate Program
The sign-up process for the Temu affiliate program is similar to joining, but here's a more detailed breakdown of what you can expect:
Navigate to the Temu affiliate program homepage.
Look for the "Sign Up" or "Create Account" button and click it.
Choose between individual and business account options.
Enter your email address and create a strong password.
Provide your full name, address, and phone number.
Select your primary promotion method (blog, social media, email marketing, etc.).
Enter your website URL or social media handles.
Specify your niche or the main categories of products you plan to promote.
Describe your promotional strategy and expected monthly sales.
Agree to the program's terms and conditions.
Verify your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox.
Complete any additional verification steps if required.
Once you've completed these steps, your application will be reviewed by the Temu team. If approved, you'll gain access to your affiliate dashboard and can start generating affiliate links.
Temu Affiliate Codes
Temu affiliate codes are unique identifiers assigned to each affiliate. These codes are incorporated into your affiliate links and help Temu track the sales you generate. Here's what you need to know about Temu affiliate codes:
Uniqueness: Each affiliate receives a unique code to ensure accurate tracking and commission attribution.
Integration: Your affiliate code is automatically included in the links generated through your dashboard.
Custom Links: You can create custom short links that include your affiliate code for easier sharing on social media.
Multiple Codes: Some affiliates may receive multiple codes for different campaigns or platforms.
Code Protection: Never share your affiliate code publicly to prevent unauthorized use.
Performance Tracking: Use your affiliate code to monitor the performance of different promotional channels.
Special Promotions: Temu occasionally provides special promo codes for affiliates to boost sales during specific periods.
Pro Tip: I've found that creating memorable, niche-specific custom links with my affiliate code embedded has significantly increased my click-through rates, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok where direct linking can be challenging.
How Much Is Temu Affiliate Program Commission Rate?
One of the most attractive aspects of the Temu affiliate program is its competitive commission rates. While the exact rates can vary depending on product categories and promotional periods, here's a general overview:
Standard Commission: 5-10% on most products
Electronics: 3-5%
Fashion and Accessories: 7-12%
Beauty and Personal Care: 8-15%
It's worth noting that Temu often runs special promotions where commission rates can be boosted by an additional 1-3%. Keep an eye on your affiliate dashboard for these opportunities.
In my experience, the key to maximizing your earnings is to focus on high-ticket items and product categories with higher commission rates. I've had great success promoting fashion accessories and home decor items, which tend to have higher margins and, consequently, better commission rates.
Temu Affiliate Program Payments Method
Temu understands the importance of timely and convenient payments for affiliates. They offer several payment methods to cater to affiliates from different countries:
Direct Bank Transfer: Available in most countries, this is the most common and often the fastest method.
PayPal: Perfect for international affiliates, PayPal offers quick and easy transfers.
Wire Transfer: Ideal for large payments, especially for high-earning affiliates.
Digital Wallets: Some regions have access to popular digital wallet options.
Check: Available in select countries, though less common due to longer processing times.
Payment Threshold: The minimum payout threshold is typically $50, which is quite reasonable compared to many other programs I've worked with.
Payment Schedule: Temu processes payments on a monthly basis, usually within the first week of the following month.
Currency: Payments are generally made in USD, but some local currency options may be available depending on your location.
Pro Tip: I always recommend setting up at least two payment methods. This ensures you have a backup in case there are issues with your primary method, preventing any delays in receiving your hard-earned commissions.
Your Temu affiliate program link is your golden ticket to earning commissions. Here's what you need to know about creating and using these links effectively:
Link Generation: You can create affiliate links directly from your dashboard for any product on Temu.
Deep Linking: Temu supports deep linking, allowing you to create affiliate links for specific product pages, categories, or even search results.
Link Cloaking: You can use link cloaking services to create shorter, more appealing links that still contain your affiliate code.
Link Tracking: Temu provides detailed analytics for each of your links, helping you understand which products and platforms are performing best.
Mobile Optimization: All Temu affiliate links are mobile-friendly, ensuring a seamless experience for users on smartphones and tablets.
Social Media Integration: Temu offers special tools to create social media-friendly links that work well on platforms with link limitations.
QR Codes: You can generate QR codes for your affiliate links, perfect for offline promotions or print media.
Best Practices:
Always disclose your affiliate relationship when sharing links.
Test your links regularly to ensure they're working correctly.
Use compelling call-to-actions (CTAs) with your links to encourage clicks and purchases.
What is Temu Affiliate Influencer Program?
The Temu affiliate program has a special focus on influencers, recognizing the power of social media in driving sales. As someone who's worked extensively in influencer marketing, I can attest to the effectiveness of Temu's approach. Here's what you need to know about their influencer program:
Tiered System: Temu uses a tiered system based on follower count and engagement rates. Higher tiers often receive better commission rates and exclusive perks.
Custom Campaigns: Influencers can work with Temu to create custom campaigns tailored to their audience.
Product Seeding: Top-performing influencers may receive free products to review and promote.
Exclusive Discounts: Influencers often get access to exclusive discount codes to share with their followers.
Performance Bonuses: Temu offers performance-based bonuses for influencers who exceed their sales targets.
Content Support: The program provides content ideas, best practices, and sometimes even professional content creation support.
Cross-Promotion: High-performing influencers may be featured on Temu's official social media channels.
To make the most of the influencer program, focus on creating authentic, engaging content that showcases Temu products in real-life scenarios. I've found that behind-the-scenes content and honest reviews tend to perform particularly well.
How To Become a Temu Affiliate?
Becoming a successful Temu affiliate involves more than just signing up and sharing links. Here's a strategy I've developed over my years in affiliate marketing, tailored specifically for Temu:
Choose Your Niche: Focus on product categories that align with your audience's interests and your expertise.
Build Your Platform: Whether it's a blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, create a strong foundation for your content.
Create Valuable Content: Develop high-quality, informative content that genuinely helps your audience.
Understand Your Audience: Use analytics tools to understand what products and content resonate with your followers.
Optimize for SEO: If you're running a blog, make sure your content is optimized for search engines to attract organic traffic.
Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages to build a loyal following.
Stay Updated: Keep up with Temu's latest products, promotions, and affiliate program updates.
Experiment with Different Formats: Try various content types like unboxing videos, product comparisons, and style guides.
Be Transparent: Always disclose your affiliate relationship to maintain trust with your audience.
Track and Analyze: Regularly review your performance metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Remember, success in affiliate marketing doesn't happen overnight. It requires consistency, creativity, and a genuine desire to provide value to your audience.
How to Make Money on Temu Affiliate Program?
Based on my experience, here are some effective strategies to maximize your earnings with the Temu affiliate program:
Leverage Seasonal Promotions: Temu often runs special deals during holidays and shopping events. Plan your content calendar around these to boost sales.
Create Product Bundles: Showcase how different Temu products work together to increase average order value.
Utilize Email Marketing: If you have an email list, send curated product recommendations to your subscribers.
Explore Different Social Platforms: Don't limit yourself to one platform. Test your promotions across various social media channels to find what works best.
Host Giveaways: Partner with Temu to host product giveaways, increasing engagement and attracting new potential customers.
Produce Comparison Content: Create videos or blog posts comparing Temu products with similar items from other retailers.
Focus on High-Commission Products: While it's important to promote products your audience Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:15
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, name, attributes=None):
self.name = name
self.attributes = attributes or {}
self.children = []
def add_child(self, child_node):
def display(self, level=0):
indent = " " * level
print(f"{indent}{self.name} {self.attributes}")
for child in self.children:
child.display(level + 1)
def has_dependency(self):
# ルートノードや属性を持たないノードは依存関係を判定しない
if not self.children:
return False
for child in self.children:
# 子ノードがBusinessHourかScheduleかをチェック
if "start_at" in child.attributes and "end_at" in child.attributes:
child_start = child.attributes["start_at"]
child_end = child.attributes["end_at"]
# 現在のノードがBusinessHourで、子がScheduleの場合
if "start_at" in self.attributes and "end_at" in self.attributes:
self_start = self.attributes["start_at"]
self_end = self.attributes["end_at"]
if self_start <= child_start and self_end >= child_end:
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is dependent on {self.name} (start_at: {self_start}, end_at: {self_end})")
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is NOT dependent on {self.name} (start_at: {self_start}, end_at: {self_end})")
# 現在のノードがRoomで、子がScheduleの場合
elif self.name.startswith("Room"):
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is dependent on Room {self.name[-1]}")
# 子ノードが属性を持たない場合、再帰的に依存関係をチェック
# ノードの作成
root = TreeNode("Root")
office_node = TreeNode("Office")
# Roomノードの作成
room1_node = TreeNode("Room1")
room2_node = TreeNode("Room2")
# BusinessHourノードの作成
business_hour1_node = TreeNode("BusinessHour1", {"start_at": 9, "end_at": 12})
business_hour2_node = TreeNode("BusinessHour2", {"start_at": 13, "end_at": 17})
# Scheduleノードの作成
schedule1_node = TreeNode("Schedule1", {"start_at": 10, "end_at": 11, "room_id": 1})
schedule2_node = TreeNode("Schedule2", {"start_at": 14, "end_at": 15, "room_id": 1})
schedule3_node = TreeNode("Schedule3", {"start_at": 10, "end_at": 11, "room_id": 2})
schedule4_node = TreeNode("Schedule4", {"start_at": 14, "end_at": 15, "room_id": 2})
# 木構造の構築
# Room1にSchedule1, Schedule2を追加
# Room2にSchedule3, Schedule4を追加
# BusinessHour1にSchedule1, Schedule3を追加
# BusinessHour2にSchedule2, Schedule4を追加
# 木構造の表示
# 依存関係のチェック
Root {}
Office {}
Room1 {}
Schedule1 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule2 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 1}
Room2 {}
Schedule3 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 2}
Schedule4 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 2}
BusinessHour1 {'start_at': 9, 'end_at': 12}
Schedule1 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule3 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 2}
BusinessHour2 {'start_at': 13, 'end_at': 17}
Schedule2 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule4 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 2}
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, name, attributes=None):
self.name = name
self.attributes = attributes or {}
self.children = []
def add_child(self, child_node):
def display(self, level=0):
indent = " " * level
print(f"{indent}{self.name} {self.attributes}")
for child in self.children:
child.display(level + 1)
def has_dependency(self):
# ルートノードや属性を持たないノードは依存関係を判定しない
if not self.children or "start" not in self.attributes or "end" not in self.attributes:
return False
# Aノードのstartとendを取得
start = self.attributes["start"]
end = self.attributes["end"]
# すべての子ノード(Bノード)に対して依存関係をチェック
for child in self.children:
if "position" in child.attributes:
position = child.attributes["position"]
if start <= position <= end:
print(f"{child.name} (position: {position}) is dependent on {self.name} (start: {start}, end: {end})")
return True
print(f"{child.name} (position: {position}) is NOT dependent on {self.name} (start: {start}, end: {end})")
return False
# ノードの作成
root = TreeNode("Root")
a_node = TreeNode("A", {"start": 10, "end": 20})
b1_node = TreeNode("B1", {"position": 15})
b2_node = TreeNode("B2", {"position": 25})
# 木構造の構築
# 木構造の表示
# 依存関係のチェック
import os
# ファイルが存在するか確認し、存在しない場合は初期値を設定
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
# 現在の年数を読み込み
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
year_count = int(file.read())
# メッセージを表示
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
file.write(str(year_count + 1))
import requests import json from urllib.parse import quote def fetch_bookmarks(url): try: # URLをエスケープ escaped_url = quote(url, safe="") api_url = f"https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/json/?url={escaped_url}" response = requests.get(api_url) response.raise_for_status() try: return response.json() except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"Error decoding JSON from {api_url}: {e}") print("Response content:", response.text) return [] except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error fetching bookmarks from {api_url}: {e}") return [] def find_common_bookmarks(bookmarks1, bookmarks2, url1, url2): common_users = set(bm["user"] for bm in bookmarks1 if bm["comment"]) & set(bm["user"] for bm in bookmarks2 if bm["comment"]) common_bookmarks = [] for user in common_users: comments = [] for bm in bookmarks1: if bm["user"] == user and bm["comment"]: comments.append({"url": url1, "comment": bm["comment"], "timestamp": bm["timestamp"]}) break for bm in bookmarks2: if bm["user"] == user and bm["comment"]: comments.append({"url": url2, "comment": bm["comment"], "timestamp": bm["timestamp"]}) break if len(comments) == 2: common_bookmarks.append({"user": user, "comments": comments}) return common_bookmarks if __name__ == "__main__": url1 = "https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f9966c4ccc374fc88babbb50175a9ea844c99638" url2 = "https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASN6K7F64N6KUJHB00L.html" data1 = fetch_bookmarks(url1) data2 = fetch_bookmarks(url2) common_bookmarks = find_common_bookmarks(data1["bookmarks"], data2["bookmarks"], url1, url2) print(json.dumps(common_bookmarks, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False))
url1, url2のところを対象としたいものに変えれば使えるよ
小3の先日のテストに出た問題の一つ。大学受験でも解けない学生がいっぱいいるだろうし、数学好きを除き多くの大人は解けないだろう。 - Togetter
let box = new Array(30).fill(0); for(let i = 1; i <= 30; i++) { for(let j = i; j <= 30; j += i) { box[j - 1]++; } } print("1. ", box.filter(v => v === 2).length); print("2. ", box.filter(v => !(v % 2)).length);
1. 10
2. 25
〇 エクセルシートはユーザーインターフェース(インプット)か出力結果(アウトプット)のためのものとすべき
〇 データ加工をする場合には、原則配列や辞書型配列(連想配列)に格納して加工を行い、最後の結果だけシートに出力するべき
〇 何事にも例外はある。
あまり知られていませんが、セルの最大文字数は32,767 文字です。
直接ファイルを読み出してLine InputやSplitで配列に格納しましょう。
(参考)Excel VBAでCSVオープンするときのパフォーマンス比較
(参考)VBA デバッグの仕方
import json import urllib.request # True にするとユーザー名を隠す hide_user = False # 以下を書き換える。sys.argv 使ってもいいんだけど url1 = "https://www.cygames.co.jp/news/id-23172/" url2 = "https://mtg60.com/archives/palworlddoujinsi.html" def get_bookmarks(url: str): req = urllib.request.Request(f"https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/json/{url}") with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as res: dict = json.loads(res.read()) user_comments = {} for bookmark in dict["bookmarks"]: if bookmark["comment"]: user_comments[bookmark["user"]] = bookmark["comment"] return user_comments b1 = get_bookmarks(url1) b2 = get_bookmarks(url2) common = set(b1.keys()).intersection(b2.keys()) print(f"[1] {url1}") print(f"[2] {url2}") print() for user in sorted(common): if hide_user: print(user[0] + "*" * (len(user) - 1)) else: print(user) print(f"[1] {b1[user]}") print(f"[2] {b2[user]}") print()
import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time import csv import os import re # ログインURL login_url = 'https://hatelabo.jp/login' # ログイン情報 login_data = { 'key': 'あなたのユーザ名またはメールアドレス', 'password': 'あなたのパスワード', 'mode': 'enter' } user_name = 'あなたのユーザ名' # User-Agent ヘッダー(例:Google Chrome) headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3' } # セッションを開始 session = requests.Session() # ログイン response = session.post(login_url, data=login_data, headers=headers) print('login',response.status_code) # 集計データ item = { 'url': '', # URL 'title': '', # タイトル 'datetime': '', # 投稿日時 'characters': '', # 文字数 'bookmark': '', # 被ブクマ数 'trackback': '', # 被トラバ数 } # CSVファイル名 output_file = 'masuda_output.csv' # CSVファイルが存在しない場合はヘッダーを書き込む if not os.path.exists(output_file): with open(output_file, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys()) writer.writeheader() # 集計 page_start = 1 page_end = 3 for i in range(page_start, page_end+1): # 待機 time.sleep(3) # 増田一覧取得 page = session.get(f'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/{user_name}/?page={i}') print(page.url) # 応答のHTMLをBeautifulSoupで解析 soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') entries = soup.find_all('div', class_='section') for entry in entries: header = entry.find('h3') timestamp = header.find('a').get('href')[1:] item['url'] = 'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/'+timestamp item['title'] = header.get_text()[:-1] item['datetime'] = f"{timestamp[0:4]}/{timestamp[4:6]}/{timestamp[6:8]} {timestamp[8:10]}:{timestamp[10:12]}" footersection_text = entry.find_all('p')[-2].get_text() item['characters'] = len(entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)) item['trackback'] = int(re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text).group(1) if re.search(r'92;((.*?)92;)', footersection_text) else '') if item['title'] == '■': item['title'] = entry.find('p').get_text().strip(footersection_text)[:35] # 待機 time.sleep(3) bookmark_page = session.get(f'https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/button/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fanond.hatelabo.jp%2F{timestamp}&amp;layout=basic-label-counter&amp;lang=ja') soup_b = BeautifulSoup(bookmark_page.content, 'html.parser') item['bookmark'] = int(soup_b.find('a', class_='count').get_text()) # CSVファイルに追記 with open(output_file, 'a', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=item.keys()) writer.writerow(item)
92; → \