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STAR Seminar Presentations & Recordings

This repository of past STAR science seminar presentations and recordings includes the NOCCG seminars starting in 2019, and the CoastWatch seminar series starting in 2022.

2025 Presentations

None yet.

2024 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/11/2024 Dylan Lee, CIROH Water Prediction Node (CoastWatch), (PDF, 3.77 MB)
1/11/2024 David Vallee, NWS WPC Water Prediction Node (CoastWatch), (PDF, 7.78 MB)
3/28/2024 Megan Coffer, GST Sentinel-3 temporal aggregation analyses (CoastWatch), (PDF, 1.81 MB)
4/11/2024 Sarah Hall, GST Using a Generalized Additive Model to Compute Bias-corrected Near-surface Bulk Salinities from Satellite-derived Skin Salinities in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.27 MB)
4/24/2024 Jinghui Wu, Columbia University Mapping of phytoplankton functional types from hyperspectral images in Long Island Sound (NOCCG), (PDF, 95.74 MB)
5/23/2024 Meghan Cronin, OAR A UN Ocean Decade Program, co-led by NOAA, Linking Air-Sea Interaction In Situ Observations, Satellites and Earth System Models for A Predicted, Safe, Healthy, Clean, and Productive Ocean (CoastWatch), (PDF, 9.34 MB)
6/13/2024 Adam Martiny, UC Irvine Genomic-to-space measurements reveal global ocean nutrient stress (CoastWatch), (PDF, 12.51 MB)
6/26/2024 Mortimer Werther, EAWAG Navigating the unknown: enhancing aquatic remote sensing products through uncertainty (NOCCG), (PDF, 1.76 MB)
9/25/2024 Dan Carlson, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon Distinguishing macrophytes from other sources of reflectance in an optically complex glacially-impacted fjord system in Greenland using Sentinel 2 (NOCCG), (PDF, 18.94 MB)
10/10/2024 Charlotte Rhoads, City College of New York Remote sensing of extreme weather events on CDOM in Long Island Sound (CoastWatch), (PDF, 18.44 MB)
11/14/2024 Nikolay Nezlin, GST Regime shifts in satellite-derived chlorophyll within the Laurentian Great Lakes (CoastWatch), (PDF, 3.04 MB)
11/21/2024 Dariusz Stramski, UCSD AquaFloat: A novel hyperspectral radiometer system for ocean color measurements in the UV-VIS-NIR spectral region (NOCCG), (PDF, 7.28 MB)
12/4/2024 Lin Qi, GST/NOAA Marine debris induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: A multi-sensor remote sensing assessment (NOCCG), (PDF, 15.43 MB)

2023 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/12/2023 Emily Smail, GEO Blue Planet/UMD ESSIC Introducing COSTA: Collaboration for Oil Spill Tracking in the Americas (CoastWatch), (PDF, 745 KB)
1/12/2023 Emily Smail, GEO Blue Planet/UMD ESSIC Introducing COSTA: Collaboration for Oil Spill Tracking in the Americas (CoastWatch), (PDF, 342 KB)
2/8/2023 Jens Nielsen, University of Washington, CICOES Estimating phytoplankton size fractions using satellite models in the Chukchi and Bering seas (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.58 MB)
2/9/2023 Presenter 1 - Ryan Vandermeulen, NMFS Sound and Color - An Immersive Dive into Music Generated from Satellite Data (CoastWatch)
2/9/2023 Presenter 2 - Megan Coffer, GST Providing a Framework for Seagrass Mapping in Coastal Systems Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.99 MB)
2/22/2023 Jinghui Wu, Columbia University Estimates of diurnal and daily Net Primary Productivity using the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data (NOCCG), (PDF, 36.47 MB)
3/9/2023 Jessie Torres, GST Observing Lake Wind Patterns with Sentinel-1 SAR Products (CoastWatch), (PDF, 4.1 MB)
3/22/2023 Jianwei Wei, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and GST Satellite-based optical water classifications in global oceans (NOCCG), (PDF, 6.59 MB)
4/26/2023 Ryan Vandermeulen, NOAA Overcoming dimensionality barriers in ocean color data (NOCCG), (PDF, 8.87 MB)
5/10/2023 Karlis Mikelsons, NOAA and GST Statistical Evaluation of Sentinel-3 OLCI Ocean Color Data Retrievals (NOCCG), (PDF, 6.51 MB)
5/11/2023 Presenter 1: Betty Staugler, UFL Identifying HAB Assessment and Forecasting Needs in the Chesapeake Bay to protect fisheries, aquaculture and human health (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.15 MB)
5/11/2023 Presenter 2: Jonathan Sherman, GST Using Remote Sensing to Assess Water Quality Changes in New York City due to COVID-19 (CoastWatch), (PDF, 12.13 MB)
6/8/2023 Megan Coffer, GST Leveraging satellite observations for freshwater monitoring on Cape Cod (CoastWatch), (PDF, 1.47 MB)
7/13/2023 Gustavo Goni, Joaquin Trinanes, AOML CoastWatch data and products in support of hurricane research (CoastWatch), (PDF, 108.66 MB)
8/10/2023 Presenter 1: Joy Chakrabartty, GEO Blue Planet Measuring the Value of Water Quality Improvements for Recreational Use on an Urban River in the USA: A Travel Cost Contingent Behavior Approach (CoastWatch), (PDF, 4.35 MB)
8/10/2023 Presenter 2: Heather Roman-Stork, GST Mesoscale Eddies Inform Mesophotic Reef Health (CoastWatch), (PDF, 6.24 MB)
8/23/2023 Lin Qi, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Climate and anthropogenic controls of seaweed expansions in the East China Sea and Yellow Sea (NOCCG), (PDF, 15.62 MB)
9/14/2023 Presenter 1: Merrie Beth Neely, GST GEO AquaWatch (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.95 MB)
9/14/2023 Presenter 2: Jamon Jordan, Oregon State University Using Seascapes to model swordfish distribution (CoastWatch), (PDF, 13.58 MB)
10/11/2023 Jack Pan, NASA JPL Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Glacial Meltwater on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf (NOCCG), (PDF, 2.75 MB)
10/23/2023 Nicole Wayant, USACE Adapting Agile Philosophies and Tools for a Research Environment (CoastWatch), (PDF, 579 KB)
11/13/2023 Seung-Tae Yoon, Kyungpook National University Responses of the Antarctic Ocean to the climate change focusing on the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea, (PDF, 11.25 MB)
1/11/2024 Dylan Lee, CIROH Water Prediction Node (CoastWatch)
1/11/2024 David Vallee, NWS WPC Water Prediction Node (CoastWatch)

2022 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/5/2022 Eric Leuliette, NOAA Jason Program and Project Scientist & Chief, STAR Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry The Commissioning of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich the next-generation radar altimeter, (PDF, 5.82 MB)
1/5/2022 Eric Leuliette, NOAA Jason Program and Project Scientist & Chief, STAR Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry Recording for "The Commissioning of Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich the next-generation radar altimeter", (MP4, 81.44 MB)
1/13/2022 Peter Hollemans, Terrenus Earth Sciences & RIVA Solutions for NOAA/NESDIS CoastWatch Central Operations The CoastWatch Vertigo Project, Version 0.7 beta (CoastWatch), (PDF, 11.09 MB)
1/23 - 27/2022 STAR and CIMSS Presenters at AMS AMS Presentation Summaries, (PPTX, 79.03 MB)
1/23 - 27/2022 STAR and CIMSS Presenters at AMS AMS Presentation Summaries, (PDF, 19.18 MB)
1/26/2022 Karlis Mikelsons/Global Science and Technology, Inc, NOAA Affiliate New data, imageries, and tools in support of global ocean color research and monitoring (NOCCG), (PDF, 7.48 MB)
2/10/2022 Prasanjit Dash, STAR/SOCD and CIRA CEOS COAST, A web-based coastal application prototype in development (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.28 MB)
2/23/2022 Steven D. Miller/Colorado State University Light on the Horizon: In Search of Bioluminescent Milky Seas from Space (NOCCG), (PPSX, 233.43 MB)
2/23/2022 Steven D. Miller/Colorado State University Light on the Horizon: In Search of Bioluminescent Milky Seas from Space (NOCCG), (PDF, 45.82 MB)
3/10/2022 Heather Roman-Stork, STAR / Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry Progress on Multiparameter Eddy Tracking: Biogeochemical and Biophysical Applications (CoastWatch), (PDF, 140.88 MB)
3/23/2022 Li-Qing Jiang / CISESS (UMD) & NOAA/NCEI Best practice data standards for discrete bottle based chemical oceanographic observations (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.76 MB)
4/14/2022 Joaquin A. Trinanes, CoastWatch Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regional node Recent advances in the satellite monitoring of Sargassum (CoastWatch), (PDF, 37.45 MB)
4/14/2022 Nikelene Mclean, Knauss Fellow, supporting GEO Blue Planet Characterizing the Spatiotemporal Population Dynamics of the Atlantic Bay Nettle (Chrysaora chesapeakei) in the Patuxent River, MD (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2.37 MB)
4/20/2022 Ivan Csiszar, STAR/SMCD The NOAA VIIRS Active Fire Product, (PDF, 18.11 MB)
5/4/2022 Erick Geiger, NOAA Coral Reef Watch Optimizing Single-Sensor Satellite Ocean Color Data for Nearshore Reefs and Tropical Coastal Waters: Two Case Studies (NOCCG), (PDF, 3.01 MB)
6/9/2022 Nik Nezlin, GST/NOAA Coastal erosion in the Chesapeake Bay from Landsat imagery (CoastWatch), (PDF, 2 MB)
6/22/2022 Vanessa Escobar, NOAA NESDIS NESDIS User Engagement (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.41 MB)
7/14/2022 Favyen Bastian and Karen Farley, AI2 Detecting Dark Vessels using Computer Vision (CoastWatch), (PDF, 12.95 MB)
7/27/2022 Henry Houskeeper, UCLA Scaling satellite observations of giant kelp forests for global-level analyses (NOCCG), (PDF, 13.51 MB)
8/11/2022 Songzhi Liu, NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Node Operations Manager GLSEA with ACSPO L3S SST (CoastWatch), (PDF, 8.74 MB)
8/24/2022 Wei Shi, NOAA Assessing the Dynamics of Equatorial Indian Ocean Driven by Indian Ocean Dipole with Satellite Ocean Color Observations (NOCCG), (PDF, 5.21 MB)
9/8/2022 Presenter 1 - Jebidiah Jeffery, RIVA New NOAA CoastWatch website features demo (CoastWatch), (PDF, 72 KB)
9/8/2022 Presenter 2 - Cara Wilson, NOAA CoastWatch West Coast Node and PolarWatch ShipWatch (CoastWatch), (PDF, 1.42 MB)
9/28/2022 Ali Chase, University of Washington Beyond total biomass: Progress towards detecting phytoplankton communities from space (NOCCG), (PDF, 17.28 MB)
10/13/2022 Presenter 1 - Daisy Shi, NOAA CoastWatch Central Pacific OceanWatch Ops Mgr Climate change impacts on the ocean (CoastWatch), (PDF, 6.84 MB)
10/26/2022 Xiao Liu, NOAA NWS Implementation of ocean biogeochemical modeling and ocean color data assimilation in the Unified Forecast System in support of NCEP's weather, subseasonal-to-seasonal, and ecological predictions (NOCCG), (PDF, 11.81 MB)
11/10/2022 Presenter 1 - Timothy Wynne, NCCOS HAB Forecasting Branch Evaluating the efficacy of five chlorophyll algorithms in the Chesapeake Bay (USA) for operational monitoring and assessment (CoastWatch), (PDF, 6.05 MB)
11/10/2022 Presenter 2 - V Wegman, GST/CoastWatch Central CoastWatch Communciations Best Practices (CoastWatch), (PDF, 483 KB)
12/8/2022 Presenter 1 - Rachel Wegener, UMD Marine Heatwaves in the Chesapeake Bay (CoastWatch), (PDF, 6.54 MB)

2021 Presentations

Date Presenter / Affiliation Title / Topic
1/6/2021 Kyle Turner, University of Rhode Island Remote sensing of phytoplankton size classes on the northeast U.S. continental shelf (NOCCG), (PDF, 86.05 MB)
1/10/2021 STAR & Cooperative Institute Presenters 2021 STAR AMS Presentations & Posters, (PDF, 46.73 MB)
1/10/2021 STAR & Cooperative Institute Presenters 2021 STAR AMS Presentations & Posters, (PPTX, 167.47 MB)
1/22/2021 David Trossman (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) and Robert Tyler (NASA GSFC Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory and UMBC JCEST) Recording for: "Potential for Remote Monitoring of Ocean Heat Content", (MP4, 57.12 MB)
1/22/2021 David Trossman (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) and Robert Tyler (NASA GSFC Geodesy and Geophysics Laboratory and UMBC JCEST) Potential for Remote Monitoring of Ocean Heat Content, (PDF, 61.75 MB)
2/10/2021 Damian Brady and Emmanuel Boss, University of Maine High resolution remotely-sensed water-quality products in service of the aquaculture industry in Maine (NOCCG), (MP4, 446.47 MB)
3/24/2021 Vijay Natraj and Derek Posselt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology GEO IR Sounder Case Study: Multi-Band Retrieval Simulation and Forecast OSSE Results, (PPTX, 4.55 MB)
3/24/2021 Vijay Natraj and Derek Posselt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology GEO IR Sounder Case Study: Multi-Band Retrieval Simulation and Forecast OSSE Results, (PDF, 3.91 MB)
3/24/2021 Vijay Natraj and Derek Posselt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Recording for: "GEO IR Sounder Case Study: Multi-Band Retrieval Simulation and Forecast OSSE Results", (MP4, 57.82 MB)
3/25/2021 Cecile Rousseaux, NASA Modeling global ocean biogeochemistry in support of field and satellite missions (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.85 MB)
4/28/2021 Eurico D'Sa, Louisiana State University; Ishan Joshi, Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Bingqing Liu, LSU and The Water Institute of the Gulf Adaptive ocean color algorithms for the estuarine-ocean continuum and assessment of optical-biogeochemical response to extreme events in nGoM (NOCCG), (PDF, 3.03 MB)
5/5/2021 Joaquin Trinanes, Operations Manager, NOAA/AOML Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico CoastWatch, Atlantic Ocean CoastWatch - Satellite Tracking of Sargassum in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico (NOCCG), (PDF, 7.81 MB)
5/6/2021 Hal Bloom, STC Rapid Revisit Optical Cloud Imager (RROCI) Status, (PDF, 4.24 MB)
6/2/2021 Xiao Liu, IMSG@ NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Integrating Ocean Color in NOAA/NCEP's Next-generation Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (NG-GODAS) (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.1 MB)
7/14/2021 Raisha Lovindeer, IOCCG Spectral characteristics & cyanobacteria abundance in the Indian River Lagoon (NOCCG), (PDF, 6.59 MB)
8/2/2021 Prasanjit Dash, SOCD/STAR & CIRA Zoomable Oceans: The OceanView, (PDF, 8.48 MB)
8/2/2021 Prasanjit Dash, SOCD/STAR & CIRA Recording for: "Zoomable Oceans: The OceanView", (MP4, 164.22 MB)
8/25/2021 Xiaoming Liu, STAR/CIRA Deriving VIIRS High-spatial Resolution Ocean Color Data Over Coastal and Inland Waters Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network (NOCCG), (PDF, 5.18 MB)
9/8/2021 ZhongPing Lee, University of Massachusetts - Boston Sensing global primary production: Why Chl estimated empirically from ocean color is not a good input parameter (NOCCG), (PDF, 2.55 MB)
11/3/2021 David M. Kehoe, Dept. of Biology, Indiana University Blue-Green Biological Sensing in the Marine Environment: Mechanisms, Regulation, and Evolution (NOCCG), (PDF, 22.16 MB)
12/1/2021 Phoebe Woodworth-Jefcoats, NOAA Fisheries - Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Using satellite data to predict fishery performance (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.14 MB)

2020 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/13/2020 Ralph Ferraro, CoRP/ASPB AMS Talk Summaries from STAR & CIs, (PDF, 39.57 MB)
2/12/2020 Emily Smail, GEO Blue Planet Executive Director, University of Maryland CISESS and NOAA SOCD Using Ocean Color to Report on Sustainable Development Goal 14 (NOCCG), (PDF, 5.32 MB)
2/19/2020 Likun Wang, Riverside Technology Exploring Instrument Hosting Potentials from Emerging Internet Platforms, (PDF, 10.46 MB)
3/11/2020 Sara Rivero-Calle, University of North Carolina - Wilmington SeaHawk-1: The First Dedicated Ocean Color CubeSat Mission (NOCCG), (PDF, 135.58 MB)
3/25/2020 Philippe Tissot, Conrad Blucher Institute, Texas A&M History and Potential of Artificial Intelligence for the Environmental Sciences, (PDF, 4.11 MB)
3/25/2020 Philippe Tissot, Conrad Blucher Institute, Texas A&M Presentation recording for 'History and Potential ...' , (MP4, 64.89 MB)
4/1/2020 Vladimir Krasnopolsky, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Introduction to Machine Learning Applications for Numerical Weather Prediction Systems, (PDF, 2.76 MB)
4/1/2020 Vladimir Krasnopolsky, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Introduction to Machine Learning Applications for Numerical Weather Prediction Systems, (PPTX, 8.47 MB)
4/1/2020 Vladimir Krasnopolsky, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC Presentation recording for 'Introduction to Machine Learning ...', (MP4, 53.81 MB)
4/8/2020 David John Gagne, National Center for Atmospheric Research Understanding Key Components of the Atmospheric Science Machine Learning Pipeline, (PPTX, 70.31 MB)
4/8/2020 David John Gagne, National Center for Atmospheric Research Understanding Key Components of the Atmospheric Science Machine Learning Pipeline, (PDF, 4.24 MB)
4/8/2020 Alexandre Castagna Mourao e Lima, Ghent University, Department of Biology Spectral enhancement of multispectral sensors with contra-bands: theory and retrieval of Landsat 8 orange contra-band (NOCCG), (PPTX, 30.37 MB)
4/15/2020 Tom Beucler - UCI & Columbia Towards Physically-Consistent, Data-driven, and Interpretable Parametrizations of Convection, (PPTX, 198.57 MB)
4/15/2020 Tom Beucler - UCI & Columbia Towards Physically-Consistent, Data-driven, and Interpretable Parametrizations of Convection, (PDF, 182.09 MB)
4/15/2020 Tom Beucler - UCI & Columbia Presentation recording for "Towards Physically-Consistent...", (MP4, 98.88 MB)
5/18/2020 Ryan Lagerquist - University of Oklahoma Using Deep Learning to Improve Prediction and Understanding of High-impact Weather, (PPTX, 148.29 MB)
5/18/2020 Ryan Lagerquist - University of Oklahoma Using Deep Learning to Improve Prediction and Understanding of High-impact Weather, (PDF, 65 MB)
5/18/2020 Ryan Lagerquist - University of Oklahoma Presentation recording for "Using Deep Learning to Improve Prediction and Understanding of High-impact Weather", (MP4, 90.01 MB)
5/22/2020 Michael Soracco - RIVA for NOAA CoastWatch NOAA CoastWatchData & Services - CoastWatchData Portal, (PDF, 4.72 MB)
5/22/2020 Michael Soracco - RIVA for NOAA CoastWatch Presentation recording for 'NOAA CoastWatchData & Services - CoastWatchData Portal', (MP4, 133.99 MB)
5/27/2020 Tapio Schneider - Caltech and NASA/JPL Earth System Modeling 2.0: Toward Data-Informed Climate Models With Quantified Uncertainties, (PDF, 31.14 MB)
5/27/2020 Tapio Schneider - Caltech and NASA/JPL Presentation recording for "Earth System Modeling 2.0: Toward Data-Informed Climate Models With Quantified Uncertainties", (MP4, 52.97 MB)
5/29/2020 Ricardo M. Campos - Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon Improving NCEP's Global-Scale Wave Ensemble Averages using Neural Networks: Results and Next Steps, (PDF, 3.04 MB)
5/29/2020 Ricardo M. Campos - Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon Improving NCEP's Global-Scale Wave Ensemble Averages using Neural Networks: Results and Next Steps, (PPTX, 7.44 MB)
5/29/2020 Ricardo M. Campos - Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon Presentation recording for "Improving NCEP's Global-Scale Wave Ensemble Averages using Neural Networks: Results and Next Steps", (MP4, 93.85 MB)
6/3/2020 Xiaoming Liu, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR/SCOD Filling the Gaps of Missing Data in Global Ocean Color Product Using the DINEOF Method (NOCCG), (PPTX, 68.95 MB)
6/17/2020 Joe Turk - Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology Validation of the Polarimetric Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) Data and Potential Applications to Weather Modeling, (PPTX, 38.92 MB)
6/17/2020 Joe Turk - Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology Validation of the Polarimetric Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) Data and Potential Applications to Weather Modeling, (PDF, 5.75 MB)
6/17/2020 Joe Turk - Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology Presentation recording for "Validation of the Polarimetric Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation (ROHP) Data and Potential Applications to Weather Modeling", (MP4, 49.01 MB)
6/19/2020 Frank-M. Göttsche - EUMETSAT's Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany Presentation recording for "Recent advances in Land Surface Temperature (LST) retrieval and validation with in-situ measurements", (MP4, 65.54 MB)
6/19/2020 Frank-M. Göttsche - EUMETSAT's Land Surface Analysis Satellite Application Facility and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Germany Recent advances in Land Surface Temperature (LST) retrieval and validation with in-situ measurements, (PDF, 4.81 MB)
6/23/2020 Janni Yuval - MIT Stable machine learning parameterization of subgrid processes for climate modeling at a range of resolutions, (PPTX, 13.62 MB)
6/23/2020 Janni Yuval - MIT Stable machine learning parameterization of subgrid processes for climate modeling at a range of resolutions, (PDF, 4.63 MB)
6/23/2020 Janni Yuval - MIT Presentation recording for "Stable machine learning parameterization of subgrid processes for climate modeling at a range of resolutions", (MP4, 72.19 MB)
6/30/2020 Heather L. Roman-Stork - University of South Carolina Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling during Monsoon Onset and Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Indian Ocean, (PDF, 54.29 MB)
6/30/2020 Heather L. Roman-Stork - University of South Carolina Presentation recording for "Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling during Monsoon Onset and Intraseasonal Oscillations in the Indian Ocean", (MP4, 107.38 MB)
7/1/2020 Erin Urquhart and Joel Scott/NASA NASA PACE Mission Application Program-Leveraging Science to Advance Society (NOCCG), (PDF, 119.23 MB)
8/12/2020 Alex Chekalyuk, Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University Advanced Laser Fluorometry (ALF) for Characterization of Natural Aquatic Environments (NOCCG), (PDF, 8.45 MB)
9/9/2020 Sachi MIshra, NOAA/NCCOS Cyanobacteria Bloom Assessment in Lakes of the Contiguous United States using Satellite Observations (NOCCG), (PDF, 6.56 MB)
9/16/2020 Chris Collimore, NOAA/CREST Aerosols and Tropical Cyclone Formation, (PDF, 2.63 MB)
9/16/2020 Chris Collimore, NOAA/CREST Presentation recording for "Aerosols and Tropical Cyclone Formation", (MP4, 55.04 MB)
10/7/2020 Michael Ford, NMFS, Marine Ecosystem Division, Office of Science and Technology, Silver Springs Ocean Color Value Assessment (NOCCG)
11/4/2020 Jianwei Wei, Global Science & Technology, Inc. and NOAA/NESDIS/STAR/SOCD Mapping the water depths from polar-orbiting ocean color satellites: leveraging temporal variation in image data (NOCCG), (PDF, 10.07 MB)
11/6/2020 Jason Apke, CIRA Development and Applications of Dense Optical Flow for New Generation Satellite Imagery, (PDF, 9.87 MB)
11/6/2020 Jason Apke, CIRA Presentation recording for "Development and Applications of Dense Optical Flow for New Generation Satellite Imagery", (MP4, 283.98 MB)
12/2/2020 Keith VanGraafieland, esri Using Esri tools to help countries report on UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.1 indicators (NOCCG), (PDF, 2.66 MB)
12/2/2020 Keith VanGraafieland, esri Recording for: "Using Esri tools to help countries report on UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.1 indicators" (NOCCG), (MP4, 209.43 MB)

2019 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/10/2019 Ralph Ferraro AMS Summary, (PDF, 27.91 MB)
2/14/2019 Scott Rudlosky, STAR GLM Observations, (PDF, 4.63 MB)
2/14/2019 Konstantine P. Georgakakos, Hydro Research Center Operational Gauge-adjusted GHE-based Precipitation Estimation and its Application for Flash-flood Occurrence Prediction Worldwide
2/27/2019 Chuanmin Hu/University of South Florida College of Marine Science On the data quality and quantity of VIIRS/SNPP ocean color data products: from research to applications (NOCCG), (PDF, 6.31 MB)
2/28/2019 Jim Carr, CarrAstro Observations of Atmospheric Dynamics in 3D with LEO-GEO and GEO-GEO Stereo Imaging, (PDF, 6.45 MB)
3/6/2019 Chris Barnet Motivation for an experiment: can we utilize the CrIS short-wave channels in data assimilation?, (PDF, 3.85 MB)
3/13/2019 Shekeela Baker-Yeboah/University of Maryland ESSIC Physical and Biological Implications of Eddy Signatures (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.14 MB)
4/4/2019 Xiaolei Zou, ESSIC, UMD RO Data Assimilation, (PDF, 9.31 MB)
4/5/2019 Ken Holmlund, EUMETSAT The EUMETSAT contribution to the global space-based observing system and IJPS, (PDF, 51.24 MB)
4/24/2019 Michael Ondrusek Eric Stengel, and Charles Kovach/ NOAA Satellite Oceanography and Climatology Division Satellite Ocean Color Validation Activities at STAR (NOCCG), (PDF, 7.11 MB)
5/8/2019 Nima Pahlevan/NASA Various Aspects of NASA Goddard Research of Optical Remote Sensing of Inland & Nearshore Waters (NOCCG)
5/9/2019 Yen-Hung (James) Wu, NASA JPL uPanFTS, (PDF, 1.08 MB)
5/15/2019 Mark Brusberg, Eric Luebehusen and Harlan Shannon, USDA Operational Use of Vegetation Health Index by USDA - Luebehusen, (PDF, 8.6 MB)
5/15/2019 Mark Brusberg, Eric Luebehusen and Harlan Shannon, USDA Operational Use of Vegetation Health Index by USDA - Shannon, (PDF, 5.84 MB)
6/5/2019 Matt Oliver/University of Delaware Using real-time satellite ocean color and robotics to test ecological hypotheses that lead to conservation plans. (NOCCG), (PDF, 4.37 MB)
6/20/2019 John Fisher, Brandywine Photonics The Compact Hyperspectral Infrared Sounding Interferometer for the MetNet Small Weather Satellite Constellation, (PDF, 2.72 MB)
7/18/2019 Imme Ebert-Uphoff, CIRA and Christina Kumler, CIRES Machine Learning Specific to Climate and Weather Applications, (PDF, 5.17 MB)
7/25/2019 Sara Tucker, Ball Aerospace Doppler Wind Lidar, (PDF, 11.25 MB)
7/31/2019 Yusuke Kuwayama/Resources for the Future The Consortium for the Valuation of Applications Benefits Linked with Earth Science (VALUABLES) (NOCCG), (PDF, 1.9 MB)
8/8/2019 Imme Ebert-Uphoff, CIRA and Christina Kumler, CIRES Machine Learning Specific to Climate and Weather Applications - Take Two (Joint with NAIWG), (PDF, 5.17 MB)
8/14/2019 William Hernandez/Environmental Mapping Consultants Ocean Color Products for Water Quality and User Interactions for Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and West Maui (NOCCG), (PDF, 5.27 MB)
8/15/2019 Bob Kuligowski, STAR The STAR Central Data Repository, (PDF, 2.76 MB)
8/21/2019 Changyong Cao, STAR Introducing MetImage: EUMETSATs next generation polar imager on METOP-SG, (PDF, 8.02 MB)
8/22/2019 Cara Wilson ERDDAP, (PDF, 1.66 MB)
8/29/2019 Jennifer Sevadjian NOAA Polar Watch, (PDF, 3.31 MB)
9/5/2019 Lori Brown Stop Making Ugly Posters, (PDF, 9.25 MB)
9/11/2019 Sinead Farrell, STAR Advances in Satellite and Airborne Altimetry over Arctic Sea Ice -- Towards Improved Prediction, (PDF, 9.6 MB)
9/11/2019 Marie Smith/Natural Resources and Environment Unit, CSIR, CapeTown South Africa Southern African Initiatives Empowering Marine-related Decion-Making with Earth Observation (NOCCG), (PDF, 9.99 MB)
9/12/2019 Doug Miller, UNC Asheville Fellowship of the Rain (Gauge Network), (PDF, 27.72 MB)
9/18/2019 Isaac Moradi, NASA Assimilation of satellite microwave observations in the rainband of hurricanes, (PDF, 162.37 MB)
10/9/2019 Joaquim Goes/Lamonth-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University Decision and Information System for the Coastal waters of Oman (DISCO) An integrative tool for managing coastal resources under changing climate (NOCCG)
10/24/2019 Ryo Yoshida, JMA GLM Product Evaluation and Highlights of My Research at CICS, (PDF, 10.88 MB)
10/28/2019 Imme Ebert-Uphoff, CIRA, Elizabeth Barnes and Ben Toms, both of CSU Tools for interpreting how and what neural networks learn, and their applications for climate and weather, (PDF, 7.54 MB)
11/7/2019 Brian Hunt, University of Maryland Machine Learning for Forecasting and Data Assimilation, (PDF, 4.16 MB)
11/20/2019 Veronica Lance, NESDIS/STAR/SOCD NOAA CoastWatch/OceanWatch/PolarWatch: Aiding Value-ChainTransitions from Data to Applications, (PDF, 33.52 MB)
12/4/2019 Michael Jacox, NOAA Southwest FIsheries Science Center Assimilating Satellite Data into Regional Ocean Models to Support US West Coast Fishery Management (NOCCG), (PDF, 20.94 MB)
12/5/2019 Jim Yoe, NWS/NCEP NCEP 101: What I Wish I'd Known When I Worked at STAR, (PDF, 12.35 MB)
12/12/2019 Emily Greene, Scott Kern, and Shawn Miller of Raytheon Company JPSS Cloud Data Processing Future and Machine Learning for the Weather Value Chain , (PDF, 1.1 MB)

2018 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/15/2018 Multiple presenters STAR 2018 AMS Presentation Summaries, (PDF, 19.14 MB)
4/30/2018 Dr.-Ing. Diego Loyola German Aerospace Center - DLR Machine Learning in Operational Remote Sensing
6/21/2018 Alek Krautmann, NESDIS, Jennifer Vogtmiller, NWS, Christopher Gitro, NWS, Michael Jurewicz, NWS, Tim Schmit, STAR, Deb Molenar, STAR, Bill Line, NWS STAR / NWS Seminar on Use of Satellite Data in Operational Forecasting
7/18/2018 Huan Meng, NESDIS/STAR, and Kristopher White, NWS/Huntsville, AL Weather Forecast Office and NASA/MSFC/SPORT NESDIS snowfall rate product and assessment in NWS Forecast Offices, (PDF, 3.88 MB)
8/30/2018 Xiaofeng Li, NESDIS/STAR/SOCD/MECB Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in Tropical Cyclone Monitoring, (PDF, 9.97 MB)
10/4/2018 Harry Cikanek, NESDIS/STAR IAC 2018 Global Technical Symposium Earth Observation Session
10/10/2018 David Cotten, Research Scientist, The University of Georgia Small Satellite Research Laboratory, presenting remotely The SPOC (SPectral Ocean Color Imager) CubeSat Mission
10/18/2018 Fred Wu, STAR GOES-R Cal/Val, (PPTX, 14.6 MB)
11/8/2018 Tony Reale, STAR Enterprise EDR Assessment, (PDF, 5.77 MB)
11/29/2018 Thomas Larason, NIST air-LUSI, (PDF, 987 KB)
11/29/2018 Thomas Larason, NIST air-LUSI, (PDF, 2.07 MB)
12/17/2018 Eric Wendoloski, Connor Sprague, and Ingrid Guch of The Aerospace Corporation Interpretable AI, (PDF, 2.29 MB)
12/20/2018 Ben Johnson, JCSDA CRTM Model, (PDF, 6.92 MB)

2017 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
2/9/2017 Multiple presenters STAR 2017 AMS Presentation Summaries, (PDF, 18.27 MB)
2/9/2017 Claire M. Spillman, Australia Department of Meteorology Dynamical seasonal forecasting for decision support in marine management, (PDF, 6.73 MB)
5/10/2017 Dr. Elliot Hazen, Research Ecologist, SouthWest Fisheries Science Center Environmental Research Division Predicting bycatch risk using dynamic ocean management approaches in the California Current
5/15/2017 Dr. Nicholas R. Nalli, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR NOAA Aerosols and Ocean Science Expeditions (AEROSE): Ocean-Based Campaigns Supporting NOAA Satellite Remote Sensing
9/21/2017 Greg Fall, NWS Office of Water Prediction National Snow Analysis: 13 Years of Operations, (PDF, 13.86 MB)
11/20/2017 Dr. Tiago Quintino (M.Sc.Eng. Ph.D), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ECMWF's Next Generation Software Stack for the IFS Model and Product Generation: Future Workflow Adaptations

2016 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
2/1/2016 Multiple presenters 2016 AMS Talk Summaries from STAR & CIs, (PDF, 12.81 MB)
4/20/2016 David Kitzmiller, National Water Center, National Weather Service, NOAA Operational National-Scale High-Resolution Hydrologic Modeling: WRF-Hydro and its Meteorological Inputs
6/22/2016 Dr. Xiaofeng Li, GST at NESDIS/STAR/SOCD Coastline Detection and Coastal Zone Type Classification From Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery, (PDF, 6.79 MB)
6/22/2016 Donglian Sun & Sanmei Li, Department of Geography and Geoinformation Science, George Mason University, VA; Mitch Goldberg & William Sjoberg, JPSS Program Office Automatic Near-Real-Time Flood Detection using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS Data, (PDF, 5.9 MB)
7/28/2016 Tony Reale, SMCD/OPDB at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR GRUAN Video
9/19/2016 Brian Cosgrove, NWS - Office of Water Prediction, Analysis and Prediction Division Continental-Scale Operational Hydrologic Modeling: Version 1.0 of the National Water Model, (PDF, 10.86 MB)

2015 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/4/2015 Ralph Ferraro, STAR / CoRP / SCSB NOAA/NESDIS/STAR 2015 AMS Convention Summary Presentation, (PDF, 16.26 MB)
3/12/2015 Mike Pavolonis, NOAA / NESDIS / CoRP / ASPB From "Big Data" to Actionable Information: Mitigation of Volcanic and Severe Weather Hazards, (PPTX, 51.44 MB)
3/12/2015 Mike Pavolonis, NOAA / NESDIS / CoRP / ASPB From "Big Data" to Actionable Information: Mitigation of Volcanic and Severe Weather Hazards (video), (MP4, 4.51 MB)
3/12/2015 Huan Meng, NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research ATMS Derived Snowfall Rates to Support Weather Forecasting
6/8/2015 Likun Wang, ESSIC UMD @ NOAA NESDIS STAR How does Inter-calibration support for CrIS post-launch calibration?, (PDF, 8.76 MB)
7/16/2015 Dr. Rochelle Wigley and Dr. Shachak Pe'eri, University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping Overview of NOAA's Nautical Chart Adequacy Workshop
10/16/2015 Dr. Paolo Cipollini, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom Advances in Satellite Altimetry for Coastal OceanographyAdvances in Satellite Altimetry for Coastal Oceanography
12/7/2015 Dr. Thomas Smith, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR / CoRP Super-Ensemble Statistical Short-Range Precipitation Forecasting Over the US and Improvements from Ocean-Area Precipitation Predictors, (PDF, 1.23 MB)

2014 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/28/2014 Tim Schmit, NOAA / NESDIS / ASPB Using GOES-14 to Showcase GOES-R ABI Scan Scenarios (embedded animations), (PPTX, 198.75 MB)
1/28/2014 Tim Schmit, NOAA / NESDIS / ASPB Using GOES-14 to Showcase GOES-R ABI Scan Scenarios (w/o animations), (PDF, 7.23 MB)
2/12/2014 Cara Wilson, NOAA/NMFS Environmental Research Division Southern Right Whale mortality at Peninsula Valdés, Argentina - What can satellite data tell us?
3/5/2014 Fuzhong Weng, NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research Building High Quality Climate Data Records from Operational Satellites, (PDF, 10.69 MB)
6/9/2014 Dr. Isabel Trigo, EUMETSAT Land SAF Program Manager The EUMETSAT Satellite Applications Facility on Land Surface Analysis: Continuous Development and Operations of Remote Sensing Products, (PDF, 7.69 MB)
6/27/2014 H.K. 'Rama' Ramapriyan Assistant Project Manager, Earth Science Data and Information System Project NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Washington Chapter of IEEE/Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Technical Seminar: NASA's Earth Science Data Systems
7/28/2014 Oscar Garcia-Pineda, Florida State University Overview of NOAA's Nautical Chart Adequacy Workshop
8/26/2014 Robert Mason, University of Queensland (School of Biological Sciences) and the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology Informing coral bleaching prediction algorithm development through the use of physiological experiments
12/2/2014 Professor Chris Merchant, University of Reading, UK Not Yet Another Sea Surface Temperature Dataset

2013 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
4/10/2013 Dr. William Skirving, SOCD / MECB / CRW The Use of Coral Physiology to Combine Satellite SST and Insolation to Track Daily Coral Health, (PDF, 2.53 MB)
4/30/2013 Colleen Wilson, Student, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Department, University of Maryland, College Park, and Ken Pryor, Meteorologist, STAR/SMCD/OPDB A Downburst Study of the 29-30 June 2012 North American Derecho, (PDF, 4.31 MB)
11/5/2013 Dr. Adrian Turner, Staff Scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory MPAS-CICE: Progress in creating an unstructured sea-ice model
11/25/2013 Sid Boukabara, Deputy Director, Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation & NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Physical Inversion and Data Assimilation Pre-Processing Using the MiRS Variational System. Application to the Microwave Sensors Constellation
12/11/2013 Dr. Paul Elmore, Naval Research Laboratory Naval Research Laboratory Bathymetry R&D: 2007 - Now

2012 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/19/2012 Ralph Ferraro, moderator, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR / CoRP / ASPB Dress Rehearsal: STAR AMS Presenters Preview their Planned Talks, (PDF, 9.66 MB)
3/7/2012 Dr. Shyam N. Bajpai, NOAA / NESDIS / Office of Systems Development Status of the Development of Geo-microwave Sounder/GeoSTAR and PATH, (PDF, 1.63 MB)
4/19/2012 Dr. Keith D. Hutchison, Senior Research Fellow, University of Texas at Austin Applications of Manually-Generated Cloud Masks for Cloud Model Verification
6/13/2012 Stephen Po-Chedley, PhD student at the University of Washington Department of Atmospheric Sciences Artificially reduced trends in the UAH mid-tropospheric dataset: Identifying a bias in the NOAA-9 satellite, (PDF, 5.02 MB)

2011 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/20/2011 Ralph Ferraro, moderator, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR / CoRP / ASPB Dress Rehearsal: STAR AMS 2011 Presenters Preview their Planned Talks, (PDF, 1.96 MB)
2/25/2011 Dr. Andrea Baraldi, Research Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Maryland Satellite Image Automatic Mapper™, (PDF, 15.14 MB)
5/13/2011 Dr. Frank-M. Goettsche Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany The Land Surface Analysis -- Satellite Application Facility and permanent in-situ validation in Africa and Europe, (PPSX, 27.9 MB)
7/21/2011 Prof. Maurizio Migliaccio, University of Napoli Sea Oil Field Satellite Monitoring: An Operational View, (PDF, 7.95 MB)
8/10/2011 Dr. Alexander Kurapov, Oregon State University Assimilation of satellite and in-situ data in a coastal ocean forecast model off Oregon, (PDF, 8.69 MB)
10/13/2011 Dr. Qilong Min, Atmospheric Sciences Research Center (ASRC) CESTM State University of New York Using Satellite Multiple Sensor Products to Monitor Vegetation Properties: Vegetation-atmosphere Interaction, (PDF, 3.34 MB)
11/3/2011 Peter Gaube, College of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences/Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies, Oregon State University The Influence of Nonlinear Mesoscale Eddies on Oceanic Chlorophyll, (PDF, 83.59 MB)
12/2/2011 Isaac Moradi, University of Maryland - ESSIC / CICS Geolocation Correction for Microwave Instruments (AMSU-A, AMSU-B and MHS) Onboard NOAA POES Satellites, (PDF, 4.73 MB)
12/15/2011 Dr. Yeli Yuan, The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration of China On Wave-Induced Ocean Mixing, (PDF, 5.35 MB)

2010 Presentations

Date Presenter Topic
1/8/2010 Bruce H. Ramsay, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR / CoRP / SCSB Dress Rehearsal: STAR AMS Presenters Preview their Planned Talks, (PDF, 2.42 MB)
1/8/2010 Andrew Heidinger Expected Operational (Cirrus) Cloud Observation Improvements with VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS, (PDF, 1.35 MB)
1/8/2010 Anthony Reale (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR), Bomin Sun (IMSG), Michael Pettey and Frank Tilley (IMSG) NOAA Products Validation System (NPROVS) and Summary Archive System (NARCSS) for real-time and long-term monitoring of environmental satellite products, (PDF, 175 KB)
1/8/2010 Bomin Sun (IMSG), Anthony Reale and Cheng-Zhi Zou (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR), Dian Seidel (NOAA/ARL), Michael Pettey and Frank Tilley (IMSG) Impacts of Mismatch between Radiosonde Launch and Satellite Overpass on Satellite Sounding Evaluation, (PDF, 99 KB)
1/8/2010 D. Lindsey (STAR/RAMMB) and M. Fromm (NRL) The Effect of Smoke on Pyrocumulonimbus: A Satellite Perspective, (PDF, 108 KB)
1/8/2010 D. Lindsey (STAR/RAMMB), C. Siewert, L. Grasso, W. MacKenzie Development of a statistical hail prediction product for the GOES-R Proving Ground (and other GOES-R Products), (PDF, 438 KB)
1/8/2010 Feng Xu, Alexander Ignatov Evaluation and Quality Control of in situ SSTs for Use in the Cal/Val of Satellite Retrievals at NESDIS, (PDF, 240 KB)
1/8/2010 Ingrid Guch & Mark DeMaria (D. Lindsey presenting in their stead) GOES-R Risk Reduction, (PDF, 46 KB)
1/8/2010 L.E. Flynn, D. F. Rault, S. Janz, I. Petropavlovskikh, C. S. Long, S. K. Yang, and S. Farrow NPOESS Preparatory Project Validation Program for the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), (PDF, 1.5 MB)
1/8/2010 N. Shabanov, A. Ignatov, B. Petrenko, Y. Kihai and A. Heidinger Towards Integrated Cloud Mask and Quality Control for ABI SST Product: Prototyping with MSG SEVIRI, (PDF, 506 KB)
1/8/2010 Ron Vogel, Quanhua Liu, Ben Ruston, Yong Han, Fuzhong Weng (STAR & NRL team) A New Infrared Land Surface Emissivity Database for the Community Radiative Transfer Model, (PDF, 64 KB)
1/8/2010 Timothy J. Schmit, Kaba Bah, Jordan Gerth, Marcia Cronce, Jason Otkin, Justin Sieglaff, Gary Wade Poster - A Weather Event Simulator (WES) for the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), Ron Vogel, Quanhua Liu, Ben Ruston, Yong Han, Fuzhong Weng (STAR & NRL team), (PDF, 349 KB)
1/8/2010 Y. Yu, M. Goldberg, I. Csiszar GOES-R Satellite Mission: Land Product Development, Validation and Applications, (PDF, 1.47 MB)
1/29/2010 Bruce H. Ramsay, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR / CoRP / SCSB Small Business Innovation Research Program, (PDF, 254 KB)
1/29/2010 Dr. Qinyu Liu, Professor of Physical Oceanography Laboratory, and Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Laboratory, Ocean University of China Linking Asian Monsoon to Indian Ocean SST in Observations: Possible Roles of Indian Ocean Basin Mode and Dipole Mode, (PDF, 3.59 MB)
3/12/2010 Kathryn A. Shontz, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service Analysis of Rapid Intensification Mechanisms in Producing and Altering the Distribution of Intense Convection in Three Numerically Simulated Tropical Cyclones, (PDF, 3.38 MB)
3/26/2010 Christopher Hain, PhD Candidate, University of Alabama-Huntsville Monitoring Soil Moisture and Drought Using a Thermal Two-Source Energy Balance Model, (PDF, 2.68 MB)
4/7/2010 Felix Kogan, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Monitoring Malaria from Operational Satellites, (PDF, 3.82 MB)
5/5/2010 Carl Nim, NOAA Sea Grant Knauss Fellow, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Coral Reef Watch Remote Sensing Coastal Areas, (PDF, 22.36 MB)
7/20/2010 Kerry Grant, Chief Engineer for NPOESS Ground Segments Algorithm Development Library Overview, (PDF, 146 KB)
8/4/2010 Quanan Zheng, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland and Chang-Kuo Tai (NOAA / NESDIS / STAR) Satellite Altimeter Observations of Nonlinear Rossby Eddy-Kuroshio Interaction at the Luzon Strait, (PDF, 1.58 MB)
9/21/2010 Xiaofan Li, Physical Scientist, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Precipitation Equations and Quantitative Analysis, (PDF, 406 KB)
10/5/2010 Stephanie Flora, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Stray Light for the Marine Optical Buoy: The Status of the Full Characterization Effort
10/27/2010 Barbara G. Brown, Director of Joint Numerical Testbed, Research Applications Lab, NCAR Methods for evaluating spatial fields, (PDF, 3.39 MB)
10/27/2010 Steve Goodman & Jaime Daniels, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR GOES-R Validation: Field Campaigns, Gap Filling and Sustaining Measurements, (PDF, 932 KB)
11/9/2010 Dr. James C. Bremer, Principal Research Scientist, Research Support Instruments Vicarious calibration of the thermal IR spectral response of GOES instruments by observation of the planet Mercury, (PDF, 171 KB)
11/30/2010 Dr. Qinhuo Liu, Professor & Deputy Director of State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Chinese Academy of Science Radiation Transfer Modeling and Land Surface Parameter Product Generation from Multi-source Remote Sensing Data, (PDF, 10.91 MB)
12/9/2010 Dr. Robert F. Adler, ESSIC, University of Maryland Global Flood and Landslide Nowcasts and Forecasts Using Satellite Precipitation Observations, (PDF, 4.93 MB)
12/20/2010 Dr. Tom Kleespies, Research Scientist, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Radiative transfer, satellite retrieval systems and 32 years of Federal Service, (PDF, 6.47 MB)

2009 Presentations

Date Speaker Topic
1/9/2009 STAR Scientists presenting at the annual AMS Meeting Review of AMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, (PDF, 4.34 MB)
2/4/2009 Dr. Yongxiang Hu, NASA Langley Research Center Ocean Surface Roughness Measurement from CALIPSO and its Application in Wind and Air-Sea Gas Exchange, (PDF, 978 KB)
3/13/2009 Mark Yarbrough, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories MOBY The Marine Optical Buoy, (PDF, 3 MB)
3/18/2009 William K. Skirving, NOAA-NESDIS-STAR-SOCD Coral Reef Watch Predicting Coral Bleaching from Satellite Retrievals Of Sea Surface Light and Temperature, (PDF, 283 KB)
3/18/2009 Dr. Molly Baringer, NOAA / OAR / Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) Monitoring the Meridional Overturning Circulation, (PDF, 5.92 MB)
4/15/2009 Dr. Sue Ellen Haupt, Pennsylvania State University PSU Applied Research Laboratory Assimilation Projects, (PDF, 7.71 MB)
5/29/2009 Dr. Menghua Wang, Oceanographer, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing for Ocean Coastal and Inland Waters, (PDF, 2.97 MB)
6/26/2009 Dr. Lynn K (Nick) Shay, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science - University of Miami Upper Ocean Heat Content Variability: Implications for Hurricane Intensity Change, (PDF, 3.8 MB)
7/2/2009 Dr. Omar Torres, Associate Professor, Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Hampton University Measurements of Aerosol Parameters from Space-based Measurements, (PDF, 1.61 MB)
7/9/2009 Mark Eakin, STAR, Gang Liu, STAR, Robin Webb, NOAA ESRL and Western Water Assessment (WWA) Global Forecasting of Coral Bleaching Events, (PDF, 5.91 MB)
7/24/2009 Irina Gladkova, Associate Professor of Computer Science, City College of New York / CUNY, and Dr. Michael Grossberg, City College of New York, NOAA / CREST Applications of Statistical Data Analysis at CCNY and the Graphyte Tookit, (PDF, 3.57 MB)
8/4/2009 Kevin Gallo, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR at USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Land-related data and products from USGS and the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), (PDF, 15 MB)
9/11/2009 Dr. Sinéad Louise Farrell (University of Maryland), Dr. Laurence Connor and Dr. David McAdoo - NOAA/NESDIS/STAR Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry Detecting Change in Arctic Sea Ice Using Satellite Altimetry, (PDF, 5.8 MB)
10/14/2009 Dan Pisut, Manager, NOAA Environmental Visualization Lab and Lori Brown, Webmaster, STAR Communicating the Value of STAR Science - Strategies and Techniques for Developing and Disseminating Science News Across Different Media Platforms and Organizations, (PDF, 4.08 MB)
11/3/2009 Dr. Miguel O. Román, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Use of In-Situ and Airborne Data to Assess Satellite Estimates of Directional Surface Reflectance and Albedo, (PDF, 9.93 MB)
11/4/2009 Dr. Cheng-Zhi Zou, Physical Scientist, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Development of Climate Data Records from MSU / AMSU / SSU Observations, (PDF, 997 KB)
11/9/2009 Ken Pryor, Meteorologist, NOAA / NESDIS / STAR Recent Developments in Forecasting Convective Downburst Potential Using GOES, (PDF, 1.84 MB)
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