はてなキーワード: Beginningとは
→ これ、エヴァ新劇場版4部作にも通じる感想だなと書いてて思った
ついに公開された『機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-』、初日に飛び込んできた私の目はスクリーンに釘付けになりました。タイトルからしてちょっと変わった雰囲気を醸し出していましたが、見始めてすぐに「あ、これは絶対に外せない新世代のGガンダムだ…!」と確信。いや、正確にはGガンダムというよりも、宇宙世紀の要素がバッチリ盛り込まれつつも、そこにアナザー要素が混ざり合った不思議な感覚を覚える作品でした。今回の目玉は何といっても主人公メカである「ガンダムジークアクス」の存在感。新たなフォルムが持つその圧倒的な威厳は、旧来のガンダムファンでもきっと興奮せずにはいられないのではないでしょうか。
さて、ここからが本題。私、何を隠そう腐女子的目線でガンダムシリーズを愛し続けてきた人間です。モビルスーツのかっこいい活躍はもちろん大好物ですが、それ以上にキャラクター同士のドラマや関係性が気になって仕方がない! そして今作、私にとって特筆すべきポイントは「シャアが出てくるうえに、何とシャリア・ブルとマブダチ」という衝撃の設定。このふたりの関係は“宇宙世紀のどこかで匂わせていたかもしれないけど公式でちゃんと説明されなかった”ラインだっただけに、ファン的には「そこにスポットを当てるの!?」というサプライズでした。
まず、シャアとシャリア・ブルが作中でどんな関係なのか。序盤こそ「旧知の仲」という雰囲気をにおわせる程度でしたが、中盤以降は「こいつらガチでマブダチなんだな…」と確信できるやり取りがふんだんに描かれています。とりわけ、シャリアがパイロットとして圧倒的なニュータイプの才能を示す一方で、シャアはいつものクールな仮面の裏に隠された複雑な心情をちらりと見せるシーンが最高。表向きは常に飄々としているシャアが、シャリアの前だけでは少し弱音を吐いたり、逆に「お前はもっと自分を信じろ」と熱い激励をする姿は、腐女子目線で見るとまさに “完璧なバディもの” の土台です。ここで萌えないはずがない!
しかも、シャリア・ブルといえば『機動戦士ガンダム』(一年戦争時)で悲運の死を遂げたキャラクター。あまりにも早く退場してしまったため、旧作では“シャアにとっての特別な存在”だったのかどうか、確定的には語られませんでした。そのため今作での「生存ルート(?)」というか、まさかこの新たな timeline でシャアと肩を並べて登場するとは…ファンとしては胸が熱くなる展開ですよね。序盤の顔合わせシーンでは、シャリアがさらりと「相変わらず真面目だな、シャア」と言い、シャアが「お前こそ、そういうときは黙っていてもいいんだぞ」なんて口調がやわらかいまま言い返す。このやり取りだけで、「はいはいはい! 尊いです!」と何度スクリーンを拝みたくなったことか!
総じて、『機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-』はガンダムシリーズの新たな可能性を提示する作品でした。ガンダムジークアクスという主人公メカのデザインやギミックの魅力は言わずもがな、シャアとシャリア・ブルのまさかの“マブダチ”設定がもたらすドラマ性はシリーズファンも思わず唸るところでしょう。個人的には「腐女子的妄想が捗りすぎる…!」という感覚がありありと湧いてきて、今後の展開でさらに多面的な関係性が描かれることを期待せずにはいられません。今までは断片的だった二人の関係に光が当たることで、シャアの人間的な弱さや優しさ、シャリアの持つ本来の魅力があぶり出される展開になる予感がします。
機動戦士Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-を鑑賞してきた感想をだらだらと書きます。素人の初見、生きのいい感想をお求めの方向け。
contemporary relevance. I suggest that smell very often invokes identity in a way that signifies an individual’s worth and status in an inarguable manner that short-circuits conscious reflection. This can be accounted for by acknowledging olfaction’s strongly affective nature, which produces such strong bodily sensations and emotions that reflexivity is bypassed in favour of a behavioural or cognitive solution that assuages the intense feeling most immediately. Olfactory disgust, therefore, tends to result in rejection, while harmful forms of olfactory desire may result in sublimation or subjugation. My thesis is particularly attentive to tensions and ambivalences that complicate the typically bifurcated affective spectrum of olfactory experiences, drawing attention to (dis)pleasurable olfactory relations that have socio-political utility. I argue that literary fiction is not only an arena in which olfactory logics can be instantiated, but also a laboratory in which possibilities for new kinds of relations and connections can be fostered and tested. Chapter One explores how smell can be used to indicate class antipathies, partly as they relate to homelessness, beginning with George Orwell’s seminal non-fiction text, The Road to Wigan Pier (1936), before considering Iain Sinclair’s The Last London (2017) and Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite (2019). In Chapter Two I explore the fantastical, idealistic, and utopic thinking that surrounds olfaction, which presents smell as fundamentally non-human, by addressing J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace (1999), Virginia Woolf’s Flush (1933), Rachel Yoder’s Nightbitch (2021), and Laura Jean McKay’s The Animals in That Country (2020). Chapter Three focuses on the intersectional olfactory dimensions of ‘misogynoir’—the coextensive anti-Black racism and misogyny that Black women experience—and considers Toni Morrison’s Tar Baby (1981), Bernice McFadden’s Sugar (2000) and Raven Leilani’s Luster (2020). In Chapter Four, I conceptualise an oppressive olfactory logic, which is used against women and girls in order to legitimise their harassment or abuse, drawing primarily on Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita (1955), but also Patrick Süskind’s Perfume (1985). Chapter Five discusses two forms of olfactory desire—perversion and queerness—which have separate moral valences. I address J. M. Coetzee’s The Master of Petersburg (1994), Ann Quin’s Berg (1964), and Sam Byers’ Come Join Our Disease (2020), and argue for fiction’s role in reorienting readers’ habitual relations to olfaction.
It's sudden, but right now in Japan, creativity is facing a true crisis. Characters like Uzaki-chan, Onsen Musume, and Tojo Rika are being targeted and flamed, game character designs are being infiltrated by political correctness, Johnny's Entertainment is being dismantled, swimsuit photo sessions in parks are being canceled, Hitoshi Matsumoto is being publicly shamed, and the new AV law was enacted without considering the opinions of those directly involved. Every form of expression in every venue is currently under unreasonable pressure.
How does this connect to the Tokyo gubernatorial election? In fact, a major event directly linked to this is occurring in the 2024 Tokyo gubernatorial election. As a creator, I hope this message reaches you.
What I am about to share is a story about someone named Himasora Akane, who you should know about to resist such pressures. But before I dive into that story, I want to express my deep gratitude to my old friend Nozomi for giving me the opportunity to post this article in a place where many creators will see it. As someone who also loves manga, anime, and games, I hope this information will benefit Japanese society and support Nozomi's activities.
Himasora Akane Should Be the Governor of Tokyo
First, I would like to make a straightforward request to you as a creator: please support Himasora Akane for governor. In this election, please write "Himasora Akane" on your ballot. The voting day is July 7th. Even if you are not a Tokyo resident, I ask that you at least listen to this story. If you find it interesting, please share it with your friends, family, and acquaintances. You can check Himasora Akane's campaign promises and the background of their candidacy on their Twitter (X) posts linked below:
Himasora Akane (Tokyo gubernatorial candidate)
Himasora Akane Will Not Allow Our Culture to Be Burned
Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku who loves manga, anime, and games. Known as "Cognitive Profiling Detective Akane Himasora," he has been active on Twitter (X) and YouTube, and now he is running for governor. Akane, who is deeply concerned about the repression and destruction of otaku culture, is challenging those who seek to destroy our culture alone. Akane will never allow those who try to burn our culture.
As mentioned at the beginning, all forms of expression are currently under pressure. Otaku culture, in particular, seems to be a prime target.
Uzaki-chan Blood Donation Poster Controversy (2019): A collaboration between the Japanese Red Cross Society and the manga Uzaki-chan was flamed for allegedly being overly sexual in its PR illustration.
V-Tuber Traffic Safety Video Controversy (2021): A V-Tuber hired by the Matsudo Police Department in Chiba Prefecture was deemed too sexual for public agency PR.
Onsen Musume Controversy (2021): Characters personifying local hot springs were criticized as sexist.
Mie Transport Official Character Controversy (2024): A character in a bus driver's uniform released by Mie Transport was flamed for evoking sexual images.
These controversies are often fueled by so-called political correctness and feminism. For creators, these are direct threats. If these factions label your work as sexual and demand it be burned to ashes, could you resist? How would you feel if your painstakingly created work, like your own child, was trampled by people who have no regard for your efforts? Could you continue your creative activities while constantly shrinking away?
Himasora Akane saw something behind these flaming incidents. He started investigating the key figure behind the Onsen Musume controversy, a representative of a general incorporated association in Tokyo. This association's core business, the Young Female Victims Support Project, received substantial public funds from Tokyo. Akane submitted public document disclosure requests to Tokyo and thoroughly dug into the organization. During his investigation, Akane uncovered many suspicions suggesting this project was unworthy of public funding, which he exposed one by one on social media.
Negligent accounting reports, taking protected girls to the Henoko base protest in Okinawa, Communist Party members waiting in the bus used to protect girls—these revelations drew significant attention online. The investigation extended beyond this general incorporated association to other NPOs receiving public funds, and Akane named this cluster of issues the "WBPC problem" after the initials of these organizations.
Akane's YouTube Channel (WBPC Problem Playlist)
From here, Akane's story expanded to resident audits, resident lawsuits, and national compensation lawsuits concerning the Tokyo Young Female Victims Support Project. Akane discovered that behind many flaming incidents, there is no clear command structure but a group of various political organizations and activists working together like an amoeba. He named this group the "Nanika Group" (Nanika means "something" in Japanese), a reference to the mysterious, ominous "something from another place" in the manga HUNTER×HUNTER, which Akane loves. The Nanika Group is also connected to welfare interests, where public funds flow unchecked. Akane called this phenomenon "Public Fund Chu-Chu" (siphoning).
For creators, this means the tax money they earn through hard work is used to burn their precious works. It's an intolerable situation.
Himasora Akane Is Fighting Against Those Who Burn Our Culture
In November 2022, a major event marked a turning point in this series of controversies. The general incorporated association under scrutiny held a press conference at the parliamentary office building, gathering media and announcing a lawsuit against Akane. This "Legal Harassment Press Conference," as it was called online, involved multiple layers of power: the government, the media, and a team of seven lawyers targeting a single individual.
However, Akane did not back down. Instead, he intensified his pursuit, exploiting the opponent's careless statements as lawsuit fodder. This led to an outpouring of support on social media, with his Twitter follower count skyrocketing and 160 million yen in donations for legal fees.
The following year, a resident audit request filed by Akane resulted in Tokyo's official website recognizing some improper points and deciding to audit the organization. However, Tokyo's lenient audit led Akane to file a resident lawsuit. Suspicion also turned towards Governor Yuriko Koike for allocating public funds through dubious sole-source contracts. Tokyo began excessively redacting documents in response to public document requests, attempting to conceal the issue. Koike's promise to end document redaction quietly disappeared from her campaign page.
Throughout this battle, Akane has been a target of criminal complaints and faced threats, yet he persists. His book "Netoge Senshi" was released amid bookstore threats, but only the criminal complaint was widely reported by the media, portraying Akane negatively.
Himasora Akane is an ordinary otaku, a top-tier online gamer during his student days, and a talented game creator who worked for a major game company and later a venture company. His meticulous work on the game "Shin Goku no Valhalla Gate" was betrayed by the company's CEO, leading to a seven-year legal battle that Akane ultimately won, securing 600 million yen. This experience fuels his fierce opposition to having his creations burned.
Before investigating the Young Female Victims Support Project, Akane exposed fraudulent feminist "knights" on his YouTube channel, shaking the internet. He detests lies and has an uncanny ability to detect them.
Akane is a special individual with extraordinary abilities, honed through his experiences in games, court battles, and extensive document analysis. His pursuit of truth and justice makes him a suitable candidate for governor, promising a world without lies and where honest people do not suffer.
What We Can Do to Protect Our Culture
Creative expression can be crushed if we are not vigilant. Even in modern Japan, otaku culture is on thin ice. The recent cessation of Visa transactions for DMM (Fanza) is a reminder of how a single card company can wield its power to dictate what is deemed appropriate expression. Expression freedom is fragile and constantly under threat.
To those reading this, I urge you to vote for Himasora Akane. Support him to protect our culture. Despite his harsh demeanor and preference for solitary battles, he is now seeking help for the first time. Akane feels the danger in this gubernatorial election and believes that if he does not become governor, everything will end. He has taken a stand for the people of Tokyo and Japan.
I wrote this article to support his spirit and spread the word. Please vote for Himasora Akane and help create a miracle.
To you, the creator, I sincerely hope this message reaches you.
「車輪の再発明は良くない」というのは誰が言い始めた言葉ですか? 日本で広まったのはいつごろでなぜですか? | Quora
Reinvent the Wheel – Idiom, Meaning & Origin | GRAMMARIST
The term reinvent the wheel dates back to the 1950s, often used as a business and advertising metaphor.
One of the earliest published occurrences of the phrase dates to 1956 and is found in Documentation in Action from an article concerning how research workers, executives and others use information:
「車輪の再発明」という用語は1950 年代にまで遡り、ビジネスや広告の比喩としてよく使用されていました。
このフレーズが最も早く出版されたものの 1 つは 1956 年に遡り、研究員、幹部などが情報をどのように利用するかに関する記事が「Documentation in Action」に掲載されています。
“The intensive literature search at the beginning of a research project is intended to define the precise boundaries between the known and the unknown and to forestall unnecessary duplication or, as one scientist has expressed it, to avoid re-inventing the wheel.”
"one scientist"……「ある科学者」とはだれなのだろうか
Could you check my sentence? Grammar and 単数形、複数形 and so on. Re write please.
I think career planning is not essential for a successful work life especially for woman. I would like to show example in Japan.
In Japan usually woman starts their carrier after graduated from the university. I saw statistics shows that woman’s salary starts from 1 to 3 million yen in the biggening. The peak of the salary will be around the age of 25 as 5 to 6 million yen. After that it will drop harshly to 100 million to 0 yen. Why we have this huge drop?
The reason is that most of Japanese woman retire after their marriage called “Hanayome Taisha” and some of them will be housewives, that means no longer to continue their carrier. However, these days it is very hard to live rely on man’s income to live in metropolis. Some of woman start working as a part timer to take care of their children while husband works fulltime and this makes woman not to be able to paid well. The statics shows that woman’s carrier restart between 30 to 35 years old but the salary will not be the peak like their 20s anymore. From these statistics, I think woman’s carrier depends on what kind of lifestyle they want.
I think career planning is not essential for a successful work life, especially for women. I would like to provide an example from Japan.
In Japan, women usually start their careers after graduating from university. Statistics show that women's salaries start from 1 to 3 million yen at the beginning. The peak of their salary is typically around the age of 25, ranging from 5 to 6 million yen. However, after that, it drops sharply to 100 million to 0 yen. Why do we see this huge drop?
The reason is that most Japanese women retire after getting married, a phenomenon called "Hanayome Taisha," and some become housewives, meaning they no longer pursue their careers. However, these days it is very hard to rely solely on a man's income to live in a metropolis. Some women start working as part-timers to take care of their children while their husbands work full-time, which results in women not being paid well. Statistics show that women's careers restart between 30 and 35 years old, but the salary is not at its peak like in their 20s anymore. From these statistics, I believe a woman's career depends on the kind of lifestyle they want.
why you use women ? I used woman.
I used "women" instead of "woman" because your original text seemed to refer to women in general, rather than a specific individual. When discussing women as a group, it's more common to use the plural form. However, if you prefer to use "woman" to refer to women in general, I can adjust the text accordingly.
Guo Wengui has always defined his people as "saving China from fire and water" and "letting his comrades live a decent life" through Xi Farm, who knows there is a big conspiracy behind it. When it comes to farms, to borrow Mark Twain's phrase "The fragrance of earth, the pale colors of wildflowers, and the crackling of pecans and walnuts raining down on my head" is what most of us yearn for in a good life on a farm. However, the Himalayan farm in Guo Wengui's mouth, from the beginning to describe the scene as a general farm, to later say that "it is not to make money, the key is that comrades go to each country, have a safe platform that can be trusted for 24 hours and can be taken care of." After several years of Guo Wengui's mouth, a living farm was completely reduced to a "complete business organization." To complete the farm's series transformation to pave the way, Wengui only moved his lips, and his ultimate purpose is "to Himalayan farms around the country to start earning money from comrades." From September 2020, Guo Wengui said, "GDOLLAR is pegged to the US dollar, which is cash, and we have POS machines." Send to the global farm POS machine, local farm personnel responsible for promotion. Promotion success, excellent performance, will get a certain percentage and reward "began, Guo Wengui just put" circle money ants help, extract the last bit of surplus value "these words on the face. Indeed, on March 24, Wengui said again that there were 140 million US dollars in the money, it can be seen that under Guo Wengui's money grab mode, the ants muddily joined in, expecting to live the happy life described by Wengui, but they did not know that they had become the main course of Wengui's scam.
Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him. See the essence of the Revelations will turn to the farm, Guo Wengui's fraud is not only for funds and other institutions, its followers have also become a sheep that is only continuously harvested wool. The little ants who trusted him so much became victims of fraudulent investment scams. It is hoped that more people will recognize the true face of Guo Wengui, join the team of "smashing Guo", expose his fraud, recover losses for themselves and others, and maintain an honest and trustworthy social environment.
Refuting the “Israeli” Claims Regarding Evading their responsibility for the Massacre of the Gaza Baptist Hospital
Today, the “Israeli” Occupation Entity is trying to evade their responsibility for the crime of bombarding the “Baptist” Arab National Hospital in Gaza City, which the Israeli” Occupation Forces (IOF) committed on the evening of Tuesday, 17 October 2023. This heinous crime was committed against innocent Palestinian civilians while taking the hospital as a shelter from the flames of the “Israeli” brutal aggression, which left nowhere safe in the besieged enclave. It is necessary to affirm that, the Baptist Hospital belongs to the Anglican Episcopal Church in Jerusalem, and was built before the occupation of Palestine.
It is obvious that the “Israeli” enemy has been spreading lies since the very beginning of his destructive war on our people, when he with no single evidence claimed that the Palestinian resistance killed children, cut off heads and raped women. In continuation of this series of lies, they tried to evade their crime, attributing it to one of the resistance factions. Accordingly, we present some of the conclusive evidence to prove the “Israeli” Occupation Entity responsible for this heinous crime:
1) It is no secret that the IOF, several days ago, threatened several hospitals in the Gaza Strip, contacting each hospital separately and requesting their evacuation and holding the hospitals directors responsible for the consequences of neglecting the threats. In fact, there are dozens of clear statements from the IOF spokespersons in this regard.
2) Since the beginning of the ongoing aggression, the “Israeli” army has ignored the principle of distinguishing between civilian and military targets. Thus, the bombardment has systematically targeted emergency services, ambulances, civil defense facilities, schools, mosques, and churches.
3) The IOF contacted the directors of 21 hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those are located in the Gaza and the North of Gaza governorates, most notably: (Al-Awda, the Indonesian, Kamal Adwan, the Kuwaiti, Al-Quds, and Al-Mamadani), asking them to evacuate immediately, given that the hospitals are located within the geographical scope of “Israeli” military operations. In this regard, the official spokespersons for the IOF plus a number of hospital directors conducted interviews live on Al Jazeera, revealing the premeditated intention of the IOF to target hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
4) On 14 October, 2023, at 20:30, the IOF fired two shells towards the Baptist Hospital, and the next morning they called the hospital director, Dr. Maher الصفحة 2 من 3
Ayyad, saying to him: “We warned you last evening with two shells, so why have you not evacuated the hospital until this moment?!” Following that call, The hospital director contacted the bishop of the Evangelical Church in Britain and informed him of the incident, who in turn contacted international organizations before sending the hospital a message reassuring them that they could remain in the hospital. Yet with no warning, the IOF airstrikes returned, on Tuesday evening, to carry out the massacre against the hospital and the shelter-seekers of the displaced innocent Palestinian civilians.
5) Immediately after the massacre, the IOF spokesperson quickly published a statement on his page on the “X” and “Telegram” platforms at 21:17, which stated, “We had warned the evacuation of the Baptist Hospital and five other hospitals so that the Hamas terrorist organization would not take as a safe haven”. That statement is a clear claim of this massacre, and it is documented with a “screenshot” image attached to his page on Telegram, but he quickly deleted the post after seeing the massive scale of the massacre for the large number of victims, and the angry responses of the Arab, regional and international communities. Later on, he disavowed it, publish another
statement denying that he had issued the first statement.
6) Before and during the event, the resistance factions did not fire any missiles at the occupied territories, the “Israeli” sirens did not activate, and the Iron Dome missiles were not launched. Moreover, dozens of reconnaissance drones do not leave the sky of the Gaza Strip (365 km2 ), photographing and monitoring every inch around the clock. If the massacre was due to the resistance’s missiles, as the “Israeli” Occupation Entity falsely claim, why would not they show one picture their claims?!
7) The “Israeli” Occupation Entity claimed that this massacre was caused by a missile launched by the Islamic Jihad. However, we would wonder how they could identify and distinguish between the missiles of the resistance factions immediately after they were launched?!
8) The IOF military system documents and records all their operations by day, hour, minute and second, and in all previous times their media outlets came out to announce or deny much less severe massacres than this massacre, so what made them wait more than 4 hours before declaring their irresponsibility other than weaving scenarios of falsification, lies and deception?!
9) It is obviously known that the resistance’s missiles are somewhat “primitive” and do not have the destructive power that kills hundreds at one time. And throughout the history of previous confrontations and the current confrontation, no resistance missile has caused a tenth of this number of “Israeli” deaths.
10) The only video scene documenting the moment of the explosion reveals that the mass of flame and the sound of the explosion are identical to other “Israeli” bombs throughout the days of the ongoing aggression, which with no doubt proves that the “Israeli” origin of the missile.
الصفحة 3 من 3
The deliberate attack on hospitals is a war crime, stipulated in Article (8, 2, b, 9) of the Statute of the International Criminal Court. Accordingly, Hamas officially calls on the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to open an investigation into this crime, which falls within the framework of a genocidal war, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Basic Law. These bloody acts are also based on the policy of denial pursued by the “Israeli” Occupation Entity, as they deny the existence of the Palestinian people.
There is no doubt that impunity fuels crime, and investigating crimes is a way to protect people. Furthermore, if a legal and judicial response is necessary, it is above all that the response to this crime must be humanitarian and global. Such actions must shock the conscience of the world, or else there would no longer be a reliable international community if the “Israeli” Occupation government free to decide to bomb hospitals!
In conclusion, we are facing a genocidal massacre committed by IOF against children, women, and the elderly. The “Israeli” Occupation Entity is the only responsible for the crime, no matter how much they try to weave lies and fabrications to get away with it, as they always do.
The Islamic Resistance Movement
Birthdays the Beginning(箱庭。46億年物語をシミュレーションにしたようなゲーム。適当でクリアできる)
Inscryption(Slay the Spireににたゲームだけど、ストーリー展開がすごい。今のゲームこんなんなってんの!を味わえると思う)
The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
I pray for your faith and prayers that my utterances will be received and understood “by the Spirit of truth” and that my expressions will be given “by the Spirit of truth” so that we might all be “edified and rejoice together.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)
As I stand here today—a well man—words of gratitude and acknowledgment of divine intervention are so very inadequate in expressing the feelings in my soul.
Six months ago at the April general conference, I was excused from speaking as I was convalescing from a serious operation. My life has been spared, and I now have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings, comfort, and ready aid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderful associates and friends to whom I owe so much and who surrounded my dear wife, Ruby, and my family with their time, attention, and prayers. For the inspired doctors and thoughtful nurses I express my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages of faith and hope received from many places in the world, many expressing, “You have been in our prayers” or “We have been asking our Heavenly Father to spare your life.” Your prayers and mine, thankfully, have been answered.
One unusual card caused me to ponder upon the majesty of it all. It is an original painting by Arta Romney Ballif of the heavens at night with its myriad golden stars. Her caption, taken from Psalms, reads:
“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.
“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
“… His understanding is infinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)
As I lay in the hospital bed, I meditated on all that had happened to me and studied the contemplative painting by President Marion G. Romney’s sister and the lines from Psalms: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” I was then—and continue to be—awed by the goodness and majesty of the Creator, who knows not only the names of the stars but knows your name and my name—each of us as His sons and daughters.
“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? …
“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)
To be remembered is a wonderful thing.
The evening of my health crisis, I knew something very serious had happened to me. Events happened so swiftly—the pain striking with such intensity, my dear Ruby phoning the doctor and our family, and I on my knees leaning over the bathtub for support and some comfort and hoped relief from the pain. I was pleading to my Heavenly Father to spare my life a while longer to give me a little more time to do His work, if it was His will.
While still praying, I began to lose consciousness. The siren of the paramedic truck was the last that I remembered before unconsciousness overtook me, which would last for the next several days.
The terrible pain and commotion of people ceased. I was now in a calm, peaceful setting; all was serene and quiet. I was conscious of two persons in the distance on a hillside, one standing on a higher level than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The person on the higher level was pointing to something I could not see.
I heard no voices but was conscious of being in a holy presence and atmosphere. During the hours and days that followed, there was impressed again and again upon my mind the eternal mission and exalted position of the Son of Man. I witness to you that He is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Savior to all, Redeemer of all mankind, Bestower of infinite love, mercy, and forgiveness, the Light and Life of the world. I knew this truth before—I had never doubted nor wondered. But now I knew, because of the impressions of the Spirit upon my heart and soul, these divine truths in a most unusual way.
I was shown a panoramic view of His earthly ministry: His baptism, His teaching, His healing the sick and lame, the mock trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection and ascension. There followed scenes of His earthly ministry to my mind in impressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. I was being taught, and the eyes of my understanding were opened by the Holy Spirit of God so as to behold many things.
The first scene was of the Savior and His Apostles in the upper chamber on the eve of His betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for His dearest friends as a remembrance of His coming sacrifice. It was so impressively portrayed to me—the overwhelming love of the Savior for each. I witnessed His thoughtful concern for significant details—the washing of the dusty feet of each Apostle, His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of the wine, then His dreadful disclosure that one would betray Him.
He explained Judas’s departure and told the others of the events soon to take place.
Then followed the Savior’s solemn discourse when He said to the Eleven: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)
Our Savior prayed to His Father and acknowledged the Father as the source of His authority and power—even to the extending of eternal life to all who are worthy.
He prayed, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
Jesus then reverently added:
“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:3–5.)
He pled not only for the disciples called out from the world who had been true to their testimony of Him, “but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” (John 17:20.)
When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and the Eleven went out to the Mount of Olives. There, in the garden, in some manner beyond our comprehension, the Savior took upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind from Adam to the end of the world. His agony in the garden, Luke tells us, was so intense “his sweat was as … great drops of blood falling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agony and a burden the like of which no human person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish our Savior overcame all the power of Satan.
The glorified Lord revealed to Joseph Smith this admonition to all mankind:
“Therefore I command you to repent …
“For … I, God, … suffered … for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …
“Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, …
“Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18, 20.)
During those days of unconsciousness I was given, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, a more perfect knowledge of His mission. I was also given a more complete understanding of what it means to exercise, in His name, the authority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for the salvation of all who are faithful. My soul was taught over and over again the events of the betrayal, the mock trial, the scourging of the flesh of even one of the Godhead. I witnessed His struggling up the hill in His weakened condition carrying the cross and His being stretched upon it as it lay on the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet into His hands and wrists and feet to secure His body as it hung on the cross for public display.
Crucifixion—the horrible and painful death which He suffered—was chosen from the beginning. By that excruciating death, He descended below all things, as is recorded, that through His resurrection He would ascend above all things. (See D&C 88:6.)
Jesus Christ died in the literal sense in which we will all die. His body lay in the tomb. The immortal spirit of Jesus, chosen as the Savior of mankind, went to those myriads of spirits who had departed mortal life with varying degrees of righteousness to God’s laws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage of death, and of possible salvation, … [which was] part of [our] Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to the human family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 671.)
I cannot begin to convey to you the deep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon my soul. I sense their eternal meaning and realize that “nothing in the entire plan of salvation compares in any way in importance with that most transcendent of all events, the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest,” as has been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)
Father Lehi taught his son Jacob and us today:
“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.
“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.
“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.
“Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.” (2 Ne. 2:6–9.)
Our most valuable worship experience in the sacrament meeting is the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, for it provides the opportunity to focus our minds and hearts upon the Savior and His sacrifice.
The Apostle Paul warned the early Saints against eating this bread and drinking this cup of the Lord unworthily. (See 1 Cor. 11:27–30.)
Our Savior Himself instructed the Nephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily [brings] damnation to his soul.” (3 Ne. 18:29.)
Worthy partakers of the sacrament are in harmony with the Lord and put themselves under covenant with Him to always remember His sacrifice for the sins of the world, to take upon them the name of Christ and to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. The Savior covenants that we who do so shall have His spirit to be with us and that, if faithful to the end, we may inherit eternal life.
Our Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacrament as a continuous reminder of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. He gave instructions that “it is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C 20:75.)
Immortality comes to us all as a free gift by the grace of God alone, without works of righteousness. Eternal life, however, is the reward for obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.
I testify to all of you that our Heavenly Father does answer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge which has come to me has made a great impact upon my life. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless possession and opens the door to our ongoing knowledge of God and eternal joy. Of this I bear witness, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Please improve the following novel to be more engaging and adding plot point of Yasuke returnig to being a missionary quitting Samurai " rologue:
The sun sank behind the horizon, casting the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. In the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle knelt Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight. His journey to this moment had been long and treacherous, but it was only the beginning.
Chapter 1: A World Away
Yasuke lived an ordinary life in a small village on the Mozambique coast, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.
It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world. But his journey was far from over.
Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun
As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.
Chapter 3: The Encounter
In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.
Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior
Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. But Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.
Chapter 5: The Unfolding War
As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.
Chapter 6: The Turning Tide
Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. But in the shadows, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.
Yasuke sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.
One fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.
As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the trait "
The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the Japanese countryside in a warm, amber embrace. Yasuke, a towering, powerfully built African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, his heart thundering with anticipation. A perilous journey had brought him to this moment, and yet, it was only the beginning of a story that would span continents and rewrite history.
Chapter 1: A World Away
In a small village on the Mozambique coast, Yasuke led a simple life, blissfully unaware of the extraordinary destiny that lay before him. His world shattered when slave traders captured him, ripping him from his homeland and thrusting him into a brutal odyssey across the Indian Ocean. Fate, however, had other plans when he reached the bustling port of Goa, India.
In Goa, Jesuit missionaries purchased Yasuke, altering the course of his life. Under their guidance, he embraced Christianity, mastered new languages, and absorbed the ways of the Western world. But the wind had not finished carrying him to his ultimate destination.
Chapter 3: The Enchanted Isles
Loyal to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them to Japan, a land shrouded in mystery and allure. He was captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, intricate customs, and refined people. As the first African in Japan, he sparked fascination and intrigue wherever he went.
Chapter 4: Fateful Encounters
Kyoto, the heart of feudal Japan, bore witness to the meeting that would forever change Yasuke's life. Oda Nobunaga, a formidable and influential daimyo, was entranced by Yasuke's physical prowess, intellect, and exotic origins. Recognizing Yasuke's potential, Nobunaga welcomed him into his service as a samurai.
Chapter 5: A Warrior Forged
Yasuke's metamorphosis from slave to samurai was laden with trials. He navigated the grueling training, a rigid code of honor, and the complexities of Japanese society. Undaunted, he flourished, earning the admiration of his fellow samurai and the unwavering trust of Nobunaga.
Chapter 6: A Land Divided
As Nobunaga pursued his vision of a united Japan, Yasuke fought valiantly by his side in countless battles. The legend of the African samurai swelled with each victory, and their unbreakable bond deepened. Together, they braved the treacherous world of shifting alliances and betrayals that shaped the era.
Chapter 7: Whispers of Betrayal
Yasuke's renown as a skilled and devoted samurai expanded, as did his connection with Lord Nobunaga. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a staunch ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's leadership. His bitterness festered, fed by perceived slights and political machinations. Consumed by ambition and lust for power, Mitsuhide's judgment faltered.
Chapter 8: The Price of Loyalty
Yasuke detected the change in Mitsuhide's spirit and grew increasingly apprehensive. But his unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga held him back from voicing his suspicions. Instead, he redoubled his efforts, ever watchful and prepared to defend his lord at any cost.
Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows
On a fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to revel in their recent triumphs, oblivious to the treachery that lurked in the shadows. Mitsuhide Akechi's nefarious scheme had been set in motion.
Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows
As dawn broke, the piercing cries of battle shattered the night's tranquility. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a devastating surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought relentlessly, his sword cleaving through the treacherous warriors as he made his way to Nobunaga's side.
Chapter 10: Flames of Betrayal
The Honno-ji Temple, once a sanctuary of peace, was now engulfed in flames and chaos. Yasuke and Nobunaga fought back to back, their swords a blur of steel, as Mitsuhide's forces closed in. Despite their valiant efforts, they were outnumbered, and Yasuke could sense the battle was lost. With a heavy heart, he whispered a prayer for Nobunaga's soul, knowing that his lord would never surrender.
Chapter 11: A Promise Unbroken
As the temple crumbled around them, Yasuke was captured by Mitsuhide's soldiers. Imprisoned and stripped of his samurai status, he reflected on the path that had led him to this moment. Amidst the darkness, he found solace in the memories of his life with Nobunaga and his time as a missionary. A fire kindled within him, reigniting a long-forgotten purpose.
Chapter 12: The Road to Redemption
In the chaos following Mitsuhide's coup, Yasuke seized an opportunity to escape. He journeyed across war-torn Japan, seeking refuge and a chance to reclaim his former life. His determination and faith guided him, as did the memory of the missionaries who had once saved him from a life of slavery.
Chapter 13: Rebirth of a Missionary
Yasuke found solace and purpose among a group of missionaries in a remote village. Embracing his past, he became an instrumental figure in their community, sharing his knowledge of Christianity, languages, and the Western world. As he nurtured their faith, Yasuke felt the shadows of his life as a samurai slowly fade, replaced by the warm embrace of spiritual fulfillment.
Chapter 14: A Legacy Unforgotten
Though Yasuke had left the life of a warrior behind, the legend of the African samurai continued to grow. His story inspired generations, a testament to the power of resilience, courage, and the human spirit. It was a tale that transcended borders and time, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope and redemption could be found.
As twilight draped the Japanese countryside, Yasuke stood atop a hill, gazing at the village he now called home. His journey had been one of unimaginable hardship, transformation, and ultimately, redemption. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Yasuke knew that his story, like the sun's eternal cycle, would continue to inspire and illuminate the hearts of those who heard it.
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1位「TIGER & BUNNY」▽2位「劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY The Rising」▽3位「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」▽4位「ラブライブ!(第1期)」▽5位「ラブライブ!(第2期)」▽6位「劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY The Beginning」▽7位「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」▽8位「カードキャプターさくら」▽9位「ラブライブ!The School Idol Movie」▽10位「おそ松さん」
11位「銀魂」▽12位「ジョーカー・ゲーム」▽13位「銀河英雄伝説」▽14位「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」▽15位「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2」▽16位「ご注文はうさぎですか?」▽17位「機動戦士ガンダム」▽18位「デジモンアドベンチャー」▽19位「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」▽20位「ソードアート・オンライン」
1位「TIGER & BUNNY」▽2位「劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY The Rising」▽3位「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」▽4位「ラブライブ!(第1期)」▽5位「ラブライブ!(第2期)」▽6位「劇場版 TIGER&BUNNY The Beginning」▽7位「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」▽8位「カードキャプターさくら」▽9位「ラブライブ!The School Idol Movie」▽10位「おそ松さん」
11位「銀魂」▽12位「ジョーカー・ゲーム」▽13位「銀河英雄伝説」▽14位「新世紀エヴァンゲリオン」▽15位「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュR2」▽16位「ご注文はうさぎですか?」▽17位「機動戦士ガンダム」▽18位「デジモンアドベンチャー」▽19位「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」▽20位「ソードアート・オンライン」
パラ様 生え際
ブッチーン 灯花
るくしおん しびれるぜ、鋼の
猫いらず 口の周り 光る
やったー+1 シヴィライゼーション
ルロス ロルス
もえたん 06話
比留間 京之介
アントノフ 積載量
Let's Beginning to Look Alot Like Fishmen
莫迦め 死んだわ
スコープドッグ 装甲厚
クンデラ 不滅
如意棒 重さ
ちびくろサンボ 枚数
エロ イッカイヅツ
なんてこった 死の宣告
rom ヘッダ 削る
陣形技 閃き
カタリナ おそるべし
マライア 多摩
相沢 祐一 最強
夢のクレヨン王国 SONGBOX
カードゲーム テケリ・リ
dwarvish mattock
蟹工船 光線
パラシュート部隊 突然に
パラシュート部隊 突然に
末期 少女病
ジャック ケッチャム
シャノン 情報理論
佐保姫 信太の森
アナ姫さま おげんきですか
オナホ 2番目
くやしい、でも ビルケナウ
新藤幸司 CV
Chante キミの歌がとどいたら 先生
開路に時限のある リレー
男根 恐ろしいまでに
誠ぉっ そこにいるんでしょ
わたしこそ しんの ゆうしゃだ
クトゥル スペースジョッキー
生と死の境界 安置
有尾人 フィリピン
圧力計 連成計 BV
エドガー ダケェ